Chapter 222 As long as it can become stronger! As long as you can get revenge! I’m not a human! (Third more)


“This smell actually…”

“Not bad!”

I thought that the meat of the Velociraptor would be unpalatable.

I didn’t expect it to be quite tender.

After a careful taste, you can still taste the slight chicken flavor.

What are you waiting for?

Open up and eat!

He has a hunch that there will be many fights in the future…

The ready-made meat is right in front of you. It makes no sense to waste it, isn’t it?

Yin Zhi bought a smart barbecue machine directly in the “System Mall”.

Throw in the meat that has been torn off with your bare hands, and it will be cooked quickly.

He sprinkled some salt on it and immediately gobbled it up.

Hanging on the tree, Yi Tianxing smelled the scent of barbecue, and came sober.

He fell to the ground with a sound.

When he saw Yin Zhi sitting there eating delicious barbecue, he swallowed immediately.

It was lunch at noon.

He ate a few raw sweet potatoes in the morning, and he didn’t care if he was full.

Yin Zhi glanced at Yi Tianxing, who was greedy, just amused.


“Catch it!”

He threw a large piece of meat just out of the oven.

“Don’t say I abused you.”

“When I’m full, I’ll work hard.”

“I found the’Nanhua Mountain Ancient Tomb’, I have a reward!”

Yi Tianxing caught the barbecue and lowered his head.

First, he took two bites gently and chewed slowly.

At the third bite, he gobbled it up!



Can’t control it!

Yin Zhi’s appetite is quite terrifying.

The main reason is that the “Emperor Virus” is too domineering!

Yin Zhi felt that the name “Emperor Virus” was really correct.

“The emperor”, don’t you need a huge amount of support!


Before he knew it, he had eaten the flesh of twenty “Speedraptors”.

But Yi Tianxing on one side was stunned.

Is this guy a human? !

The stomach is so big!

How does it hold so much meat?

Isn’t it going to burst?

At this time…

A thing suddenly ejected from the jungle and fell to the place where Yin Zhi and Yi Tianxing were.

The two looked subconsciously.

Hearing a “bang” sound, there was a white light in front of my eyes.


Yi Tianxing screamed while covering his eyes.

“Depend on!”

“It’s a flash bomb!?”

Yin Zhi patronized and ate, and now he is also planted.

There is nothing in front of me!


This can’t be troubled by Yin Zhi who owns the “Emperor Virus”!

Toggle “thermal vision”!

In an instant, the scene you see in front of you changes

“I go!”

“What the hell is it?”

In the “thermal vision”, he saw a shaky heat source.

That should be a human head!

But the problem is…

In the “thermal vision”, the temperature displayed in the area below the head of those people is actually extremely low?

All appear to represent the cold blue.

Is this normal?

This is obviously not normal!

at the same time!

Yin Zhi also smelled an unusually pungent smell.

Not far away, Yi Tianxing’s violent coughing sound…

Toxic smoke?

Hey, the preparations are quite complete!

Unfortunately, it still doesn’t work for me.

“Emperor Virus” is not immune to toxins, but can directly swallow toxins!

In addition, the strengthened “respiratory system” also has a strong resistance to smoke.

At this time!

Yin Zhi saw a “thermal imaging head” rushing towards him.

The speed was so fast that he had no time to react!


Yin Zhi took a strong punch in the chest.

He flew out directly and hit a thick ancient tree.


The force of this collision is so fierce.

Even the old tree that was harder than steel had cracks!

at the same time……

One by one, the syringe bullets hit Yin Zhi’s body.

It contains a powerful anesthetic.

One milligram is enough for a normal adult to fall asleep for three days!

With so many syringes and bullets, the total amount can be less than 100 grams, right?

Even a giant beast of ten tons can be pill, let alone you alone!

Yin Zhi fell to the ground and struggled twice before lying motionless on his stomach.

“Ha ha!”

“Yin Zhi, Yin Zhi!”

“I thought you were so good?”

“Without the’Emperor Qingyan’, you are still a trash!”

“You didn’t expect it, did you?”

“Unexpectedly, one day will fall into my hands!”


“Don’t worry! Don’t worry! The real good show is yet to come!”


It’s so fun!

This is the joy that is about to get revenge!

As soon as he waved his hand, the two men grabbed Yin Zhi’s arms and framed him.

Yin Tianxiong took out a special collar.

Obviously he intends to put it around Yin Zhi’s neck.

But when he was one meter away from Yin Zhi…

Yin Zhi, who was supposed to be in a coma, kicked out abruptly, hitting Yin Tianxiong’s chest!


There was a sound like a strike of iron.

“Depend on!”

“Is his body beaten with iron?”

“It’s so hard!”

Although Yin Tianxiong flew with a kick, the soles of Yin Zhi’s feet were also paralyzed.

Then his arms shook and he broke free.

Punch left!

Punch right!

Put the left and right people down.

Following him, he quickly pulled out a pair of large-caliber pistols hanging on his thighs.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Gunshots, people move!

Every shot hit the enemy’s head.


Yin Zhi soon realized that the gun was useless.

The bullet hit the enemy’s head, making the sound of metal crashing.

It’s almost as if their brains were beaten with iron.

Sure enough, the fist is harder and more reliable!

Yin Tianxiong’s roar sounded.

“Change live ammunition!”

“Use armor-piercing bullets!”

“Don’t start and heart!”

At this time, the smoke gradually dispersed.

Yin Zhi also dismissed the “heat source vision”, and only then did he see those people clearly.

Is there any mistake, it turned out to be a robot? !

Do not!

They are just the body as a machine, but the head is still a human head!

Yu Ling?

But isn’t it possible to summon Yuling here?

Is it possible…

These are not Yu Ling, but artificial technology creations?



Those robots faithfully implemented Yin Tianxiong’s orders.

In an instant, a piece of armor-piercing bullet shot at Yin Zhi!

Yin Zhi flashed away and hid behind a tree.

What is he doing?

Mobilizing the “emperor virus” to strengthen the body is just like the emperor dispatching civil servants and generals.

The upper body, the strength is strengthened, the bigger the better!

The lower body, the speed is strengthened, the faster the better!

Strengthen eyesight and hearing!

“It just happens to be full of what I just ate.”

With a “hey” smile, Yin Zhi’s figure flashed, and he rushed to a robot.

The fist blasted past, and the robot’s flesh and blood head burst open in an instant…


Two punches!

Three punches!

After thirty punches, Yin Zhi stopped.

A headless robot fell to the ground stumblingly.

Yin Zhi looked at Yin Tianxiong with a playful smile on his face.

“So you are here…”

“My dear, Uncle!”

“Long time no see, I miss you very much.”

“How did you become such a ghost?”

“I’m not even a human being, I’m a robot.”

Yin Tianxiong stared at Yin Zhi fiercely, with endless hatred and resentment in his eyes.

“Why am I not a person?”

“Why did I become such a ghost?”

He stretched out a pair of robotic arms.

The sunlight hit him, reflecting cold light.

“It’s not because of you!”

“It’s not because of you, a beast!”

“You make me not like a person, and a ghost is not like a ghost!”

“As long as you can become stronger! As long as you can get revenge!”

“I’m not a person!”

“Today, I will let you taste the power that I gave up and switched over!!”

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