Chapter 223 If you want to do it, just do it face to face with me! Men’s partying, women’s partying too!


Lightning appeared from Yin Tianxiong’s mechanical legs.

In the next second, he appeared in front of Yin Zhi.

A volley cheating, hit Yin Zhi’s forehead and hacked it down.



At that moment, that leg turned out to be like a giant electric axe…

“Electric Light Breaks the Ground”!

Yin Zhi secretly said “so fierce” and retreated decisively.

Rumbling rumbling–

The mechanical leg hits the ground, and there is a loud explosion!

A large crack was broken directly on the ground.

Many clods bounced directly into the air.

In the next instant, Yin Tianxiong appeared in front of Yin Zhi again.

At this time, Yin Zhi’s feet had just landed, and he hadn’t even had time to stand firm.

Instant time!

The roar of tigers and dragons sounded.

Surprisingly, it was the sonic boom from Yin Tianxiong’s punching Void!

It shows that his punch is not only powerful, but also very fast!

One after another, the afterimages of the mechanical arms blasted Yin Zhi like a meteor shower.

There is a strong tendency to kill Yin Zhihong into scum.

The name of this skill is “Meteor Fist”!

The skills Yin Tianxiong uses are all set by this “mechanical body”!


“Don’t you think you have a hard fist?”

“It’s harder than whose fist is!”

Yin Zhi doesn’t want to face him head-on…

Hearing Yin Tianxiong’s words, his heart moved.

“What he said…”

“It seems a bit smelly.”

“How does he know that I’m ‘thinking my fist is hard’?”

“Why do you suddenly want to beat me with a harder fist?”

Harder than…

Isn’t this the “bridge” between me and the “Taihe Man” yesterday?


A thought sounded in Yin Zhi’s mind.

“Depend on!”

“I’m being watched?!”

Yin Tianxiong was completely unaware of the extremely important information leaked by his “Kou He” at this moment.

“Try my punch again!”


A punch blasted out, and the flames burned!

Yin Zhi’s face turned red in an instant.

“Long Yan Jet Punch!”

Fortunately, Yin Zhi reacted in time and jumped, avoiding the ejected fist.

The jet-like flames leaped into the jungle like a fire dragon.

Suddenly, the raging flame ignited the jungle and burned billowing smoke.

Yin Tianxiong rushed to Yin Zhi again in an instant.

At this time, Yin Zhi was still hanging in the air, his feet on the ground.

Yin Tianxiong is the next skill…

“Thunderbolt dazzling legs”!

The long mechanical legs swept like a tornado in mid-air a few times.

Finally, with a strong centrifugal force, he slammed on Yin Zhi’s body severely.

Yin Zhi was taken flying and shot into the sky.

With a loud sound, it shot through the dense tree cover!

At this time, Yin Zhi’s body was obviously kicked and deformed.

“Taste my punch again!!”

Yin Tianxiong has its own jet flying capability, and the speed is still very fast.

He shot into the sky above Yin Zhi, then turned upside down.

The fist of steel machinery blasted towards Yin Zhi from top to bottom…

“Heaven’s Fallen Fist”!

The punch hit Yin Zhi’s chest.


Something seems to be broken.

Yin Zhi in midair turned into a meteorite that fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

Rumbling rumbling–

The place where Yin Zhi landed was within a radius of more than ten meters.

The ground is sunken!

The surface is broken.

The crack spreads all around…

Yin Tianxiong fell to Yin Zhi’s side.

White heat spurted from all parts of the mechanical body, snorting.

“Ha ha!”

“Yin Zhi!”

“Do you only have this ability?”


Yin Tianxiong was about to make a proud and cheerful declaration.


Yin Zhi lying on the ground suddenly turned his head and stared at Yin Tianxiong.

With this look, the frightened Yin Tianxiong directly distanced himself from Yin Zhi.

In an instant his expression was extremely embarrassed…

“Do you only have this ability?”

This is what Yin Zhi said.

The deformed Yin Zhi got up from the ground.

Click, click, click continuously.

The deformed body returns to normal.

“What a coincidence!”

“I just wanted to ask you the same question.”

“Dear Uncle!”

“Is this the power you got for making yourself such a ghost?”

“Are you kidding me?”

Killing the enemy, how can it be good to be angry with the enemy?

If you are killed, there is no killing intent. If you are so angry, you can get a wave of killing intent!

“Didi! You got a million killers from Yin Tianxiong, please check!”


Not beaten in vain!

Yin Zhichao and Yin Tianxiong waved.

“Come on!”

“Use your strongest moves.”

“Don’t be daunting, like a girl.”

Suddenly he stroked his palms in amazement, his face suddenly realized.

“Oh oh oh!”

“You have become such a ghost, don’t tell me you still have the one below!”

“If there is nothing below…”

“Haha, aren’t you just a bitch?”

In an instant, the electric light was like a dragon and a snake, entangled in a wild dance around Yin Tianxiong.

“I killed you!!”

At this moment, he had completely forgotten the task of “catching Yin Zhi alive”.

I just want to kill Yin Zhi!

Therefore, he has maximized the power of this “body of steel”!

But in the next second, the dancing electric snake disappeared without a trace.

“what happened?”

“Why can’t I control it!?”

Flames spurted out of Yin Tianxiong’s feet, pushing his body straight into the sky.

Yin Zhi looked puzzled.

Is this gone?

Is there a mistake?

Yin Zhi raised his head and watched Yin Tianxiong disappear into the sky and clouds.

“Could the opponent’s base camp be in the sky?”

“This is troublesome.”

“I can’t fly…”

He wrinkled his brows, and then his gaze swept around.

“Emperor Virus”, strengthen vision!

In an instant, everything in front of him was taken into Yin Zhi’s eyes.

Even if it was a fight between two ants more than ten meters away, they couldn’t escape Yin Zhi’s eyes.


He locked a bird…


“Are you idiots, or am I an idiot?”

“The fight was so intense just now.”

“Where can there be any birds left?”

“I can tell at a glance that you are not a good bird!”

Yin Zhixu shook for a while, shot it past, and accurately shot off one of its wings…

In front of a big screen.

Zhao Junlin’s face suddenly became gloomy.

There was also a slight commotion in the people around him.

Immediately, Yin Zhi’s face took up the entire screen.


Yin Zhi’s voice sounded in this space, and his mouth was “fragrance”.

“A group of garbage!”

“A litter of rubbish!”

“You will hide behind and do shameful deeds!”

“Let me guess who you are…”

Zhizhu was holding his face.

“First, you are very powerful!”

“Secondly, you know me well enough to know what I am doing at any time!”

“Thirdly, if you don’t kill me, it proves that you want me! This can eliminate a bunch of people who want to die!”

“Fourth, the existence of Yin Tianxiong! It proves that you have been to the’Holy Skull City’.”

“Haha! In summary, I already know who you are!”

Yin Zhi was proud of his face.

Everyone at the scene saw Wu Wu and didn’t want to beat him up.

“There is only one truth-Zhao Family!”

“Right? Right?”

“You group of historical remnants who are still dreaming of the emperor’s dream, pooh!”

“Don’t mess up these messy moths with me, who do you look down on?”

“If you want to do it, do it face to face with me!”

“Men’s partying, women’s partying too!”

The face covered with the screen was full of contempt.

“You don’t even have the courage to do it face to face with me, still want to be the emperor?”

“Go ahead and do your spring and autumn dreams!”

“It’s so disgusting! A bunch of brain-handicapped people and mentally handicapped people!”

“I’m pooh! I’m pooh! I’m pooh, pooh, pooh!”

The last picture on the screen is Yin Zhi’s soleplate.

Obviously, the mechanical bird was crushed by him.

This space was silent for a moment.

Zhao Junlin’s face was twitching and beating irregularly…

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