Chapter 224 There are no taboos, those who do whatever they want, only me! Hahaha!


A dead silence!

Keep silent!

The whole space was quiet, and there was no breathing sound.

People with sensitive hearing can even hear other people’s heartbeats.

Everyone understands why it is so quiet.

It was because of what Yin Zhi said.

Those words…

For all “descendants of the Zhao family”, it is a theory of punishing the heart!

Those words…

The long-cherished wish and pride that have passed down the “Descendants of the Zhao family” for two thousand years are worthless!



Hate it?


But at this moment, no one will speak out before the “His Majesty the Emperor”.


It seems a century has passed!

“Your Majesty the Emperor” Zhao Junlin spoke.

“Release all the’mechanical birds and beasts’ for me!”

“Find everyone who landed on the island–except Yin Zhi!”

“I have something to announce!”

“Guo Shi” Fan Bowen, an old man with a true spirit and an immortal wind, stepped cupped hands.

But before he could speak, Zhao Junlin waved his hand.

“Guo Shi, I have my own plans.”

“You don’t need to say more.”

“You only need to do your job well.”

Fan Bowen could only say “Yes, Your Majesty”, and then backed away.

Time, a little bit passed.

One hour later.

The will of Zhao Junlin, the “His Majesty the Emperor,” has been fully realized.

A gilded microphone was presented to Zhao Junlin by the chief eunuch Liu Gonggong.

He took the microphone, settled down, and spoke.


“Welcome to’Penglai Fairy Island’!”

“It’s rude not to be greeted!”

“Wanwang Haihan!”

His words, spoken from the mouths of various animals, are heard by all kinds of people like ears.

At this moment, almost everyone who heard Zhao Junlin’s voice was stunned.

By a certain river.

Mu Pingting looked at the carp who was talking in front of him with a look of surprise.

The carp said to himself…

“Before I entertain you all.”

“I have an important thing to say!”


Mu Pingting frowned.

Isn’t this what the emperor claims to be?

the other side.

Li Feiyun stood in a bamboo forest.

A snow-white rabbit was right in front of her, raising his head to speak to her.

“I’m sorry to tell you!”

“If you don’t get my help, you will be trapped on the’Penglai Fairy Island’ forever!”

“And this island has a huge active volcano.”

“According to detection, it will erupt in about half a year!”

“Once it erupts, the entire island will sink into the’Endless Sea’!”

“No one will survive by then!”

Li Feiyun frowned tightly.

What the rabbit said is really bad.

the other side.

Under a tree.

Xu Jiujiu held his belly and yelled.

She ate poisonous mushrooms…

Although his life is unhindered, he is suffering from sin.

The one speaking in front of her was a poisonous snake.

“Don’t you think about shipbuilding and leave!”

“You have all experienced the severe weather around this island.”

“In fact, it is more difficult to deal with than you think.”

“You must be very curious, why should I say this?”

Xu Jiujiu scolded “Ouchiyo”.

“Say something!”

“Fart, let it go!”

“I don’t have time to listen to your nonsense now!”

“Oh, it hurts my old lady.”

That poisonous snake doesn’t care about Xu Jiujiu…

the other side.

Zhao Haolong and Murong Rong were listening to a squirrel talking.


Zhao Haolong has successfully connected with Murong Rong through the old but useful “hero to save the beauty” routine.

The two are getting along very happily at the moment…

An abacus under the guise of the other party to protect oneself and sell one’s life to oneself.

One is planning to take the other side and seek the other side’s wealth.

Neither of them is a good bird!

At this time, the voice continued to be heard from the squirrel’s mouth.

“The reason why I want to tell you this.”

“the reason is simple!”

“I know a safe way to leave’Penglai Island’.”

“At the same time, I also have a strong enough ship. I can send you away!”

“But these, of course, are not free!”

“You need to do me a little favor…”

the other side.

The five members of the “Ling Lan Ji Huo Group” squatted down on the ground, looking at a mouse in front of them.

Jiujinren gritted his teeth.

“Damn it! Why don’t you say “Taihe Language”?”

“Do you look down on us!”

Meichuan yelled at him, “idiot”!

“Stop talking! Be quiet!”

“You have affected my concentration!”

He was fortunate that he had studied “True Dragon Talk” for three months in pursuit of “True Dragon Girl”.

What the mouse said, he could barely understand a little bit.

Hikawa Gangban was muttering.

“This talking mouse is a little cute.”

“Can I raise it?”

Meichuan gave him a cool look: “Say quiet!”

Hichikawa just smiled and closed his mouth “Hey”.

“Capture a man named’Yin Zhi’ alive!”

“He is your ticket for boarding!”

“It’s your only chance to leave here!”

“I will provide you with his location!”

“You will see it soon!”


“Everyone, I look forward to good news!”

The Chrysanthemum Palace said: “Aku, what did it say?”

Mei Chuanku frowned and scratched his forehead.

“It seems like we are going to catch someone called…’Izhi’.”

“Damn it! Who knows which bastard’Izhi’ is!”

He pointed at the mouse angrily, as if interrogating the prisoner.

“Why don’t you say “Taihe Language”?”

“So you look down on us?!”

“You idiot!”

After all, he squashed the mouse with one foot.

Rikawa Gangban cried distressedly, “Ah, cute mouse”!

It turned out that it was a bunch of electronic components.

He suddenly looked disgusted.

“Qi! It turned out to be fake!”

“Wasting my mood.”

Then he stepped on a foot…

Mu Pingting’s side.

She suddenly yelled “Oops.”

Li Feiyun over there.

She shook her head lightly and moved on.

Xu Jiujiu over there.

She yelled “Who cares about him”.

He kicked the snake away.

Quickly “unseal”, crackling…

Zhao Haolong is over there.

He “haha” smiled: “That bastard is suffering!”

He really felt that the father’s trick was really wonderful.

Murong Rong’s face was innocent.

“Brother Long, are you at odds with that Yin Zhi?”

Zhao Haolong said fiercely: “It’s more than a contradiction! I can’t wait to chop him off!”

Murong Rong said, “Actually, I hate him.”

So, the men and women have another topic to talk about…

In a certain room.

Zhao Junlin threw away the gold-plated microphone.


There was a cold light in his eyes.

“Yin Zhi!”

“Since you want to play, then I will play with you enough!”

“It’s up to you whether you play!”

As for what he said, he would arrange the ship to send people away…

Naturally it is fake!

After boarding this “Penglai Fairy Island”, then all go to “Yuhuadengxian”!

I didn’t ask you to come, it was you who wanted to come!


One word Nine Cauldrons?

Jun has no joking?

Do not!

What I say is what!

There are no taboos, those who do whatever they want, only me!


And Yin Zhi knows nothing about it…

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