Chapter 227 What about “Holy Court”? Six words: Don’t persuade, just do it!

Yin Zhi rested for a while before coming to Yi Tianxing’s side.

He was resting on a broken stone tablet.

“stand up!”

“It’s time to work.”

What is it to do?

Of course, it is to explore the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”.

When I heard this, Yi Tianxing was naturally 11 million unwilling.

joke! ?

“Tomb of Qingshi Emperor” Eh!

You don’t need to think about it and know that there must be a lot of organs and crises!

He doesn’t want to die.

Why not wait for others to come and explore together?

Yi Tianxing’s reaction made Yin Zhi amused.

Bang bang!


Yi Tianxing was willing immediately after going down in twos or twos…

“I think you just owe you to clean up!”

Immediately, the two strode towards the entrance of the “Tomb of Qingshidi”.

Liang Chen saw it, and immediately stepped forward to block it.

“You can’t go in now!”

Yin Zhi waved impatiently.

“Get out of the way!”

“A good dog doesn’t stand in the way.”

“It’s not a good dog to stand in the way.”

“I advise you to be a good dog!”

Liang Chen looked at Yin Zhi arrogantly and domineeringly.

“I repeat it again-you can’t go in now!”

Yin Zhi smiled.

“Then what if I have to go in?”

Liang Chen “hum” coldly.

“You can try!”

This is, a strong white man in the uniform of the “Holy Court” came up.

He claims to be the captain of the “Holy Moon Knight”, Eris Wade.

“It’s a pity! You can’t go in for the time being.”

“As usual…”

“This ancient tomb must be excavated and studied by the’Sacred Vessel Province’.”

“After that is the archaeological team of various countries.”

“It’s the turn of civil organizations or individuals in the end.”

These words made Yi Tianxing a sigh of relief.

Even the “Holy Court” came up to block it.

Don’t you need to be the first to enter the “Tomb of Qingshidi”, right?


“Ha ha!”

“Captain Eris, if I’m right, I was the first to come here, right?”

“According to the International Exploration Law, I have the priority right of exploration.”

Eris Wade frowned.

He was accustomed to other people’s obedience to his words, and Yin Zhi’s rebuttal made him very dissatisfied.

“Sir, you need to know.”

“The’Holy Court’ does not recognize the laws promulgated by the’League of Nations’ in principle.”

“So you don’t have the priority to explore this place.”


What is meant by “principle is non-recognition”?

The meaning is, you admit it if you want to admit it, and don’t admit it if you don’t want to admit it?

So majestic!

Liang Chen on the side looked at Yin Zhi triumphantly.


Now you realize the strength of the “Holy Court”, right?

I’m not afraid that you won’t bow your head!


I also look forward to your fight against the “Holy Court”!

Ha, that’s interesting.

Huh huh!

Yin Zhi scratched his head.

“Oh, that’s how it is.”

“But if I…”

“Do you have to go in?”

Eris Wade squinted his eyes.

“Are you going to disobey the “Holy Court”?”

Yin Zhi shook his head and sighed.

“Even children know that things without ownership are first come, first served.”

“This’Tomb of Qingshidi’ does not belong to any party!”

“Obviously I will come first, but now I can’t even go in.”

After all, he looked at Eris straightforwardly.

“Have you been on top for too long.”

“So you don’t even talk about the most basic principles?”

“Do you really think everyone in the world is going to let you?”

Eris Wade was angry.

Liang Chen can be regarded as seizing the opportunity.

“Yin Zhi!”

“You are so bold!”

“You are despising’Holy Court’!”


As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked his crotch…

The screams broke out!

Liang Chen rolled his eyes and fainted to the ground.

The person is dizzy, but the body is curled up, still trembling.

Yin Zhi looked at Eris Wade, and met his angry eyes.

“Please get out of the way.”

“I want to go in because I want to go in.”

“I don’t need anyone’s permission!”

“I don’t want anyone to stop it.”

“Since the truth doesn’t make sense.”

“Then only talk about violence.”

At this time, Yi Tianxing had quietly separated from Yin Zhi.


“This guy is such a lunatic!”

“Even’Holy Court’ dared to resist.”

“I don’t want to be implicated!”

Eris Wade stared at Yin Zhi and smiled coldly.

“It seems that your’Emperor Qingyan’ has given you too much confidence.”

He slowly pulled out the saber from his waist.

“I’ll ask you again…”

As a result, his sword was only half drawn, and there was an extra fist in front of him.


Eris was frightened and angry, and dodged quickly.

At the same time, I heard an angry shout: “Ask why f*ck forced you to give birth to this disgusting thing!”

Eris moved and reacted at an extraordinary speed, since he had escaped Yin Zhi’s three punches.

The moment the sword was drawn out, a murderous heart burst out!

“Didi! You got two million killers from Eris Wade, please check!”

Damn it! ?

Refresh the record again!

Two million! ?

This guy shouldn’t be the “Imperial Guardian”! ?

Most likely!

This “Holy Court” is too scary, right?

Any captain who pops out is the “Royal Level” Spirit Guardian!

No wonder it can dominate the world for thousands of years!

Speaking of level…

Yin Zhi has never tested the level of his own land.

One is lazy.

The second is low-key.

The third is unnecessary.

We are very people!

“Level” is a cloud for us!

No matter what level of enemy you are…

We have six “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yu Ling lined up waiting to beat you up!

Does “Holy Court”‘s Laoshi sub-levels still make sense to us?

But he talked with Dongfang Weixi.

Dongfang Weixi judged that his “physical strength” should be a “king five-star”!

Iron, copper, silver, gold, diamond, king, emperor, god, holy…

Nine levels of “Guardian”!

It only took Yin Zhi one year to go from “Iron One Star” to “Wang Five Star”!

Even Dongfang Weixi sighed, is this the heaven-defying place of the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling?

of course not!

This is the heaven-defying place of multiple “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling, plus the “Death-seeking System”!

With the physical strength of the “King Five Stars”, against the “Imperial Spirit Guardian”…

Can you win?

who cares!

Six words: Don’t persuade, just do it!

Anyway, we have the “Emperor Virus”, although we are looking for death, we can’t die anyway!

Today, even if the boss of your “Holy Court” is here, don’t try to stop me!

What are you waiting for?

Mobilize the “Emperor Virus” throughout the body, and accelerate me!


Eris Wade’s momentum skyrocketed.

In an instant, that terrifying aura was like a god and demon descending into the world.

The outline of the whole person’s figure is blurred!

He swept his sword swept across, so fast that his arms and sword disappeared.

But if it is under the lens of slowing down and then slowing down.

Then he could see the blade of the sword in his hand cut through the fine dust floating in the air.

Wherever I passed, the space rippled with tiny ripples, as if across the water…

But if it is in the eyes of other people.

I saw a cold light sweeping over Yin Zhi’s neck-it was a single blow to beheaded!

Yi Tianxing saw it, and immediately applauded.

But don’t wait for him to actually shout out the word “good”.

Yin Zhi’s figure disappeared? !

Immediately, a vague figure appeared behind Eris…

Snapped! ! !

A slap firmly slapped Eris’s head from behind!

Suddenly the audience was dead…

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