Chapter 228 You Kill Me! I kill you! See if you die or die!


The bricks and magnifying glass in the hands of an archeologist fell to the ground.

His face was dumbfounded, as if he had seen a ghost.

The brick hit his own foot, and he didn’t seem to notice it.

There are many people who have the same expression as him…

Except for the dazed Sebar Asa!

And the weird thing is…

Even the two parties were dumbfounded.

The reason why Eris Wade was stunned was simple.

He didn’t even dream of it.

The person who should have been beheaded by his own sword.

Not only did he escape own beheading a sword.

He even went around behind own and slapped himself?

He was stunned at Yin Zhi’s behavior.

He was also stunned at Yin Zhi’s strength.

What about Yunzhi?

Why is he also dumbfounded?

Because his palm was directly smashed by Eris’ face!

The effect of force is mutual.

The face is beaten with hands, and the face is beaten.

If the hands are hard enough, the face will be beaten.

Conversely, if the face is harder, then the hand will undoubtedly be beaten.

Yin Zhi slapped him over.

The slap was directly shattered by the flesh of Eris’s face.

There is only a handful of bones left? !


“What is his face made of?”

“Too hard!?”

Yin Zhi was taken aback.

Is this the physical strength of the “Emperor-level Spirit Guardian”?

Whether it is Yin Zhi or Eris.

Frozen is just a moment!

The next second, the two reacted at the same time.

Eris swept across with a sword.

Baojian Hanguang directly pulled out a training.

Yin Zhi also backed away.

The point of the sword crossed his throat, and a blood line appeared!


“Damn it!”

“Accept Sacred’s sanctions!”

Has Eris ever suffered such humiliation? !

Yin Zhi’s immortality is not enough to quell his hatred!

As a result, the endless Sword Ray shot straight towards.

Yin Zhi provoke him unscrupulously.

“Didi! You got a million killers from Eris Wade, please check!”


Is that a million?

Cut it in half directly!


“You useless rubbish!”

“If you let you kill you can’t kill you! What use are you saying?”

“There is such a trash as you in the’Holy Court’. I am really eye-opening today.”

“I think’Holy Court’ should sort your garbage.”

“Just dump it in the’non-recyclable garbage’ and destroy it directly, so as not to waste food alive.”

Eris Wade stared at Yin Zhi tightly.

“I will kill you!”

“not today……”

“Not tomorrow…”

Yin Zhi directly “Bah, baah,” and interrupted his cruel words very much.

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

“Just today!”

“If you have the ability, you will kill me today!”

He pointed at Eris arrogantly.

“Let me listen to the little master.”

“If you don’t reason with me, even if you’re’Holy Court’, I won’t be persuaded!”

“Either you kill me! Or…”

Yin Zhi at this moment is really shocking and dying.

“Daddy demolished your “Holy Court”!”

“Give you a face!”

“You really daddy yourself as the King of the Sun!”

Eris Wade suddenly roared: “Kill—”

How dare you blaspheme the “Holy Court”?

Damn it!

Damn it!

A violent twisting air exploded from his body.

In an instant, his skin was flushed red like a steamed crab!

Huh? !

Is this going to use all the power?

Come, come, who’s afraid…

Suddenly, Yin Zhi’s pupils shrank.

Eris Wade had already appeared in front of him.

So fast!

In the next second, Yin Zhi felt a chill in his neck.

Then the world that I saw in front of me turned around.

At the same time, he also saw own headless corpse…

Yin Zhi reacted instantly.


I was beheaded?

How can this be?

How did that guy do it? !

No matter what, I won’t be slaughtered without any resistance, am I?

I saw Eris Wade slowly retracting the sword into its sheath.

“Those who blaspheme the’Holy Court’!”

“Punish it with ‘Holy Power’!”

“Your soul will fall into the’Extreme Abyss Hell’!”

“Forever suffering from thousands of tortures!”

Having said that, he turned around and walked away.

But Yin Zhi, who had not seen the corpse separated, blinked.

Under the action of the magical “Emperor Virus”, the separated mind and body are reconnected.

Yin Zhi stood up slowly…

“You come and taste my strongest power!”

“Look at your head blasting my fist.”

“It’s still my punch that blows your dog’s head!”

Immediately, the “Emperor Virus” comprehensively increased the strength and the hardness of the flesh and blood.

When the power is large enough, the speed of the branch sprint will also follow the Ascension.

It’s just that this speed can only be used for branch sprints.

Can’t turn a corner, even can’t stop the car…

Feeling the power full of his body, Yin Zhi put on a sprinting posture.




rush! !

Yin Zhi’s figure disappeared instantly.

At the moment of approaching Eris.


Eris turned his head subconsciously, and his pupils shrank instantly.


Yin Zhi slammed into Eris sturdily, and the shells usually smashed it directly into flight.

boom! !

The wall of a towering palace was directly broken.

The two rolled to the ground.

When Yin Zhi turned over, Eris fell to the ground with a grinning face.

“Now it’s my turn!”

“You kill me!”

“I will kill you!”

“Look at whether you die or die!”

As he spoke, his fist had hit Eris’ head like a torrential rain.

Fist to the flesh!

Fist fist soaring blood!

The floor tiles on the ground were shattered by waves of force.

The crack spreads around.

After all, it is a building that has passed more than two thousand years.

That can withstand this endless bombing?

After shaking for a while…

Boom! !

This towering palace that had existed for more than two thousand years collapsed suddenly.

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