Chapter 229 Who else wants to stop me now? Who else? Who else? Who else? !

Wow! !

Yin Zhi emerged from the ruins.

Had it not been for the “Emperor Virus,” he might have been crushed underneath, immortal and disabled.

With a sigh, Yin Zhi looked at the “Holy Court” personnel standing outside the ruins.

“That guy is underneath.”

“I’m still angry now.”

“It’s too late to save, don’t rely on me.”

“in addition!”

“I will enter the’Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor’ now.”

“Who will stop me?!”

This shout.

Hong Liang!



The sound rang into the ears of all “Holy Court” personnel.

All of them look very ugly…

“Yin Zhi!”

“Are you crazy!?”

“How dare you openly be an enemy of the’Holy Court’!”

“There is no place around you in this world!”

There was a hysterical roar.

It is Liang Chen!


“Are you awake?”

“Does it still hurt below?”

Yin Zhi rushed to Liang Chen’s face and slapped Liang Chen’s face with a slap.

Liang Chen was not Eris, he was knocked down directly.

“scare me?”

“Oh, I’m so scared!”

“I’m going to f*ck!”

Kicked Liang Chen’s face and crushed the bridge of his nose.

“Are you all dumb or deaf?”

“Have you heard anything?”

“Who else is going to stop me!”

The group of archaeologists sighed when you looked at me and I looked at you.

What can I do if I meet such a guy with a strong temper and a strong temper?

An old man waved his hand.

“No one stopped.”

“No one stopped you.”

“If you want to go in, go in.”

“It’s just a young man, it must be dangerous inside.”

“If you are not careful, you may endanger your life.”

Yin Zhi hummed.

“Don’t you end up like this?”

“Where is there so much mess!”

“wasting my time!”

Suddenly, another female “Holy Moon Knight” pulled out her sword.

“Can’t let him in!”

“For the glory and duty of the’Holy Moon Knight’!”

“In the name of the’Holy See’!”

“Get rid of heresy!”

Seeing her righteous appearance, people who didn’t know thought that Yin Zhi was a great evil demon.


For her, Yin Zhi is indeed guilty!

His sin and evil lies in defying the will of the “Holy Court”!

In an instant, the remaining nineteen “Holy Moon Knights” started to drink.

“Qiang Qiang” with the sound of swords drawn in unison.

Yin Zhi “haha” laughed loudly.

Clench your fists!

Put your posture!

“Come on then!”

“I think you are used to bullying others.”

“Today I will beat you all down!”

“Also let you taste the taste of being beaten!”

Suddenly, Yin Zhi noticed that Yi Tianxing seemed to be slipping away.

“Yi Tianxing, just go if you want to go!”

“When I look back I find you, I hang you upside down and beat you!”

Yi Tianxing trembled all over.

He wanted to slap himself.

What are you talking about?

Just buggered earlier, now there is nothing left?

It’s too late to regret now.

Then, after hearing the female “Holy Moon Knight” shout “kill”, she took the lead in attacking!

At this moment, Yin Zhi received twenty “didi”!

On average, each has a million “killing hearts”.

Yin Zhi don’t mention how happy it is!

This wave alone made more than 20 million “killing hearts”.

Can you be unhappy?

As for offending the “Holy Court”…

I don’t want this anymore!

If you offend, offend it!

We have been counseling for half a lifetime in the last life.

The messy bird air has long been fed up.

In this life, we are not angry with anyone!

“Holy Court”?

No way!

Ever since…

The fierce one-to-twen battle begins!




This battle fought from sunset to night.


The twenty “Holy Moon Knights” were all put to the ground by Yin Zhi.

How flat one is lying down.


“Stand up!”

“Keep on fighting! Keep on killing me!”

“Aren’t you very capable just now?”

At this time, a dark shadow crawled out of the ruins of the palace.

It is Eris Wade!

At this time, the blood on his body had solidified.

Night has fallen.

With his eyesight, he could see clearly through the faint light of stars and moons.

Looking at the “Holy Moon Knight” lying down…

Look at Yin Zhi standing and shouting again…

Eris was furious.

“You damn heresy!”

“Saibar, what are you doing?”

“Quickly eradicate that heresy!”

Saibar’s answer made him even more angry.

“You have no right to order me.”

“The eradication of heresy is not within my scope of responsibility.”

“So there is no need for me to shoot.”

This Damn it woman! !


“His head was chopped off by me before.”

“But he is not dead!”

“He must have touched’Forbidden Realm’!”

These words made Sebal frowned.

If this is the case, then she has to take action…

Yin Zhi “hum” sneered.

Saibar came to Yin Zhi.

“What do you have to say about his accusation?”

If it is resurrected from the dead in other places.

It can also be interpreted as the “skills of Yuling”!

But on this “Penglai Fairy Island”.

Yu Ling could not be summoned, but he could come back from the dead.

That’s the big problem!

In response to Saibar’s question, Yin Zhi “hummed” sneered.

“Couldn’t it be him who provided the evidence.”

“Prove his accusation against me?”

“As for what I have to say, two words: ridiculous!”

In order to match the word “ridiculous”, he wore an unsmiling smile on his face.

“Think about it, I really want to have an ulterior secret.”

“Why didn’t you kill him?”

“Am I afraid to offend the “Holy Court” and dare not kill?”

“Saibar, you will collect all the rubbish in the’Holy Court’.”

After a fight, Yin Zhi was already very tired.

He didn’t want to fight Sebar again.


Eris roared and rushed towards Yin Zhi with his badly wounded body.

Saibar frowned, turned and walked away.

Facing the rushing Eris, Yin Zhi gritted his teeth.

Still have to fight, right?

Then continue to fight!

There is another fierce battle between the two sides…

But soon, Yin Zhi put Eris to the ground again.

Fists hit his face one after another.

My nose collapsed!

The tooth is missing!

His face is swollen too!

Yin Zhi didn’t stop until he was completely dying.

Of course, his hand hurts to death!

Too much energy was consumed, and the “Emperor Virus” was also weak.

“Who else wants to stop me now?”

“You fucked up!”

“A bunch of shameless pens looking for a fight.”

“I just want to enter the’Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor’, so what are you doing for me!”

Although he knocked everyone down, Yin Zhi still lost his temper.

“‘Holy Court’? What happened to’Holy Court’?”

“Aren’t you used to you?”

“Get up!”

“Everyone gets up and continues to fight with me!”

“What kind of rubbish.”

Yin Zhi walked in front of him twice.

Now Liang Chen is really afraid of the lunatic Yin Zhi…

“You…you want to do…”

Yin Zhi slapped him over.

“I do f*ck do it!”




“Cow breaking!”


“It’s amazing!”


“You lie down for me! Dare to stand up and I’ll slap you again!”

Liang Chen lay still on the ground.

Inwardly shouted “you wait for me” and “you wait for me”.

Immediately, Yin Zhi kicked Yi Tianxing directly into the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”…

A group of “Holy Court” archaeologists looked at the mess in the place and shook their heads and sighed.

What’s all this?

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