Chapter 231 This “Twelve Divine Beasts with Golden Beasts and Jade Beasts” belong to our “Zhaohan Country”!

On a big screen…

The picture of Yin Zhi and Yi Tianxing passing through Shimen is presented.

Zhao Junlin and others in front of the big screen looked ugly.

Zhao Junlin, the “true dragon emperor”, has the most ugly face.


Because Yin Zhi didn’t even go to the four tombs full of institutions!

You know, those four burial chambers are killing every step.

Each institution is more powerful than the other!

According to the records in the “Tomb-Exploring Xiangji” left by the ancestors of the “Zhao Family”…

At the time, the ancestors spent forty years and lost countless “children of the Zhao family.”

Only then was it possible to crack the organs of the four tombs and complete the “Nine Dragons’ Competition for Pearls”.

But now?

How long did it take Yin Zhi that bastard to open that door?

Are there four minutes?

“Zhao’s” spent forty years!

Yin Zhi only took four minutes!

What a huge gap is this?

Zhao Junlin couldn’t help gritting his teeth.


Why did that guy violently remove the “treasure”, but didn’t trigger the mechanism?

Is there no agency at all?

Is it possible to violently remove the “treasures” at all? !

and also……

Why did Yin Zhi know this method of opening the door?

Could it be that “Emperor Qingyan” told him?

Is the memory of “Emperor Qingyan” restored?

For a time, a bunch of questions sounded in Zhao Junlin’s mind.

at the same time.

But another thought came out unstoppable in his mind.

“Are those people from the ancestors not bright in their heads?”

“Why didn’t you think that the’Dragon Pearl parts’ could be violently removed?”

“It took forty years to open that door!”

“If you change me, why waste so much time!”

Zhao Junlin thinks naturally.

What Yin Zhi can do, he can do the same-even better than what he has already done!

About the same time…

The team of archaeological experts and the “Holy Moon Knights” from the “Sacred Artifact Province” also entered the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”.

After all this time.

The “Holy Moon Knights” who had been beaten by Yin Zhi also recovered.

When they passed the four trash cans that Yin Zhi placed, all of them were angry.

Eris was about to destroy the trash can, but was stopped by the archaeologists.

They said that it is good to have trash cans here, which can protect the cleanliness and hygiene of the “Tomb of Qingshidi”.

Eris gritted his teeth angrily, but could only endure it!

At this time, no one noticed how the trash cans came from.

Probably they are all used to the existence of the trash can?

When they left, Sebaldo glanced at those trash cans…

After the “Sacred Vessel Province”, someone successively found the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”.

Most of them followed the signal beam that marked Yin Zhi’s location!

Among them, there are Mu Pingting and Xu Jiujiu.

There are also Zhao Haolong and Murong Rong.

The five members of the “Linglan Jihuo Group” were also among them.

“The Mausoleum of Qingshidi” was so found?

They were surprised and happy!

Then one after another entered the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor” overnight.

Naturally, they also saw the four trash cans.

Especially the “hazardous trash can” is the most eye-catching.


Because almost all of them have no good intentions towards Yin Zhi…

In the end, I didn’t know who it was, and even hammered the “hazardous trash can” to pieces!

But soon they found out.

There are so many trash cans along the way! ?

Then, someone finally asked a question.

“Fuck! Where did he get so many trash cans?”

Following this group of people.

More and more people who successfully landed on the island found the “Tomb of Qingshidi”.

And entered them one after another, and began to explore the “Tomb of Qingshidi”.

For Zhao Junlin, this was the expected result! .

This made him very proud of the monitor in front of the big screen.

“Finally, all the actors are in place on the stage.”


“Just ask you to work hard!”

Zhao Junlin pressed a button fiercely!

Then, those who had just entered the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor” felt a violent shock.

Turning his head to see, a huge stone gate has actually landed down! ?

Someone suddenly felt bad, so he ran out and ran out directly.

Some people hesitated and missed the opportunity to leave.


Those who left and ran out of the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor” just breathed a sigh of relief.

He was torn into pieces by the “Speedraptor” that came up!

Since Zhao Junlin decided to implement this strategy.

He does not intend to let a person leave alive!

There are too many “Zhao family” secrets on this “Penglai Island”!

Such as “Mechanic Warrior”…

Such as “Clone Dragon”…

These are all trump cards that will win the world in the future!

What is the trump card?

Use it at the most critical time, and the one that will determine the universe in one fell swoop is the trump card!

Naturally, you can’t expose it too early!

Immediately, Zhao Junlin picked up his gold-plated microphone again.

Silently sneered, he spoke!

At this time, Yin Zhi was exploring in the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”.

However, he is in trouble…

In the words of Yi Tianxing, it means “I met a ghost and hit the wall”!

The so-called “ghosts hit the wall”, in layman’s terms, is to keep circling in a circle without going out.

This is the situation for Yin Zhi now.


A voice sounded where Yin Zhi was.


“Are you satisfied with the stage I prepared for you?”

“I won’t sell it to you anymore.”

“I want to see a good show now!”

“The name of this play is called’Cat and Mouse’.”

“You are cats!”

“And Yin Zhi is a mouse!”

Hearing this, Yin Zhi mumbled.

“Is it wrong?”

“You are the mouse!”

“Your whole family are all rats.”


“I didn’t succeed in driving away the wolves and the tigers. Now another cat catches the mice.”

“Please, can you guys have something new?”

Muttering does not prevent him from continuing to “listen.”

“It’s true, regardless of black cats and white cats.”

“The good cat is the one who finds the mouse!”

“The exit has already lowered the’Geshishi’!”

“Whoever catches this mouse’s cat, he and his teammates can leave the’Qingshi Emperor Mausoleum’ alive.”

“I will give you one month.”

“Within a month, I will provide you with sufficient food and water.”

“At the same time, the organs in the’Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor’ will also be temporarily closed.”

“After a month, if you still can’t catch that mouse…”

“Then you will fend for yourself!”

“If you can give’Qing Shidi’, it will be a great honor!”

“I am waiting for your good news!”

At this point, the sound disappeared.

Yin Zhi smiled “Ouch,” and flicked his hair coolly.

“I feel honored inexplicably!”

“In order to catch me, the’Zhao Family’ actually used the’Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor’ as a trap.”

“I just ask, who has such treatment?”

What else can Yi Tianxing say?

He also knew that he was not strong enough.

Otherwise he will arrest Yin Zhi now!

After that, they continued to spin around in “Ghost Strike the Wall”…

Finally, Yin Zhi wandered around.

Ghost hit the wall?

Go to f*ck ghost hit the wall!

Daddy “people hit the wall”!

Then, he gathered his whole body strength and just broke the wall…

I broke the walls in several places, but I found a way out.

Nothing to say, keep exploring!

Gradually, Yin Zhi discovered that the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor” was bigger than he thought.

And a lot of big ones!

This is not an underground palace.

This is simply an underground world!

No way, he can only be patient and explore step by step.

From time to time ask about the “finding system” own exploration progress…

Unconsciously, half a month passed.

On this day, Yin Zhi was wandering in the “Tomb of Qingshidi” when suddenly a voice came.

“This’twelve divine beasts with gold inlaid jade beasts’ belong to our’Zhaohan Country’!”

“Why do you snatch the’True Dragon Kingdom’?”

“Just ask you not wanting face!?”

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