Chapter 232 If you talk about the ability of not wanting face, I am inferior to me than you!

“You guys are really playing the piano!”

“These’Golden Inlaid Jade Twelve Divine Beasts’ were clearly dedicated to’Qing Shidi’ by the’King Guli’ at that time!”

“Yes, it is clearly recorded in “The Chronicles of the Qing History”! Why did it become yours?”

These remarks are obviously a rebuttal from the “True Dragon Kingdom” side.

Sonny and powerful!

Righteous words!

But those “Zhaohan people” obviously don’t think much.

“What contribution? Nothing at all! This is all made up by you!”

“Obviously Zhao Zheng shamelessly snatched them from the’Blue Tile Shrine’.”

“We are now taking back the national treasure stolen by the robbers!”

“Now you still have a face to grab? Do you really wanting face?!”

The “True Dragon Kingdom” side is obviously angry…

“Also we want a face? Do you want a face?”

“‘Juliguo’ and your’Zhaohanguo’ are not in the same line at all!”

“Your ancestors invaded the’Juli Dadao’ and established the’Zhaohan Kingdom’!”

“Just ask, what qualifications do you have to take back these’Golden Inlaid Jade Twelve Divine Beasts’?”

It’s all about orthodoxy, and it’s noisy now.

The louder, the stronger the smell of gunpowder!

When the smell of gunpowder is strong, a little spark will explode!

And this point of Mars soon appeared…

With the sound of “Assi, they are not reasonable, let’s not talk nonsense with them, give me a snatch!” rang.

The two sides fought immediately.

Fierce battle broke out!

Yin Zhi hid behind the wall and peered.

At a glance, he saw two familiar figures.

It is Mu Pingting and Xu Jiujiu!

The situation of this battle is very clear.

The “True Dragon Kingdom” is clearly at a disadvantage!

The number of them is smaller than that of the “Zhaohan Nation”, and their true combat power is only six!

This also includes Mu Pingting and Xu Jiujiu—but Xu Jiujiu is still there secretly paddling.

On the other hand, on the side of the “Zhaohan Kingdom”, the number of people participating in the war alone reached fifteen!

Not only is there a large number of people, but all of them are good players.


Yin Zhi also noticed that there was a strong bear-like person on the “Zhaohan Kingdom” side.

He hasn’t done it yet…

“So few people?”

“Is it lost?”

“It’s not so good to go on like this…”

He was muttering, and saw the burly man speak.


“Don’t let the friends of the’True Dragon Kingdom’ think that we bully the less by more.”

“let me do it!”

After all, he stretched out his extremely thick arm and strode forward.

The other “Zhaohan” people retreated immediately.

The “True Dragon Nation” party was fearless and rushed directly.


The fighter who rushed the fastest was hit and flew directly.

He hit the wall straight, and there was no movement after falling to the ground.

The power of a punch is so terrifying! ?

Mu Pingting and others were shocked!

The man Xiong Zhuang looked proud and proud.

He shook his arms, showing off his muscles!

“I have been merciful.”

“If I try my best…huh!”

“His head will be blown.”

Yin Zhi didn’t know what others did not understand, but he did understand.

Oh, that’s arrogant!

You are so arrogant, does your family know?


People do have arrogant capital!

At this time, I only heard the voice of Mu Pingting.

“Professor Yuan, you leave with your things.”

“I stop him!”


After that, Mu Pingting rushed towards the man Xiong Zhuang.

The bearded man snorted proudly.

He actually stood still, letting Mu Pingting beat him.

However, the huge gap lies there.

Mu Pingting’s fists fell on him and couldn’t hurt him at all!

The people on the “Zhaohan Country” side had already screamed triumphantly.

“Look, does that woman stand in front of Du Junxi, like a monkey jumping around?”

“What a stupid woman! Du Junxi’s arms are thicker than her body. She thinks she can win?”

“Don’t watch the theater! Go, block the door, don’t let them take our national treasure!”

At this time.

The Professor Yuan shook his head and sighed.

“Miss Mu, forget it, forget it.”

“Things are dead. People are alive.”

“There is no need for the living to suffer for the dead.”

“Since they want to grab it, let them grab it.”

A person from “Zhaohan Kingdom” who understands “True Dragon Dialect” angered Professor Yuan.

“Old man, be careful when you speak!”

“These’Golden Inlaid Jade Twelve Divine Beasts’ originally belonged to us.”

“It’s not grabbing! It’s returning to the original owner!”

Although his “True Dragon Talk” was lame, he was completely understandable.

Professor Yuan ignored him.

As a result, the “Zhaohan Man” yelled loudly.


“You must admit that these’twelve golden beasts inlaid with jade’ were snatched away by your ancestors!”

“Then give it back to us with obedient hands!”


“Hmph, I will let you taste the iron fist of’Dazhaohan Man’!”

Then he repeated it again with his own companion in “Zhaohan language”.

Those “Zhaohan people” echoed one after another.

“Must! That’s how it should be!”

“You descendants of despicable thieves!”

“Repent for the despicable behavior of your ancestors!”



A slap suddenly slapped from behind.

It covered the face of the “Zhaohan Man” who was laughing.

The laughter stopped abruptly!

This slap was so hard that he immediately slapped him in a circle of 1080 degrees, and then fell to the ground.

Then, “Papa” sounded continuously.

The other “Zhaohan people” were treated the same as him and ended in the same way.

It seemed like the blink of an eye.

The group of “Zhaohan people” lay on the ground in circles.

Needless to say, the owner of that slap is Yin Zhi!

When Xu Jiujiu saw Yin Zhi, his eyes lit up.

“My squad leader!”

“So you are here.”

“People can find you!”

“By the way, the squad leader…”

Yin Zhi blocked her mouth.

“Other things will be discussed later.”

“Take care of the messy things right now.”

Those “Zhaohan people” who were knocked down got up one after another.

What Yin Zhi just used was deadly.

It just hurt them, but didn’t knock them out.

At this moment, he stood up, glaring at Yin Zhi with anger and hatred.

“Despicable’True Dragon Man’! What kind of hero is the sneak attack?”

Someone immediately recognized Yin Zhi…

“It’s him! He is the one that the ‘mysterious person’ asked us to catch!”

Zhao Junlin naturally prepared a lot of photos of Yin Zhi.

Otherwise, just say a name without telling the truth, how can you arrest someone?

After recognizing Yin Zhi, they immediately cheered up.

“Grab him!”

“Grab him and we can leave with the treasure here!”

“Du Junxi, leave that woman alone! Hurry up…”

Bang bang bang bang!

Yin Zhi slapped again.

Before they were slapped on their left cheeks, now their right cheeks are also slapped, symmetrical!

Yin Zhi stepped on the head of a “Zhaohan person”.

“Want to catch me?”

“Just rely on you cats and dogs?”

“How about it, does your face hurt?”

“It shouldn’t hurt, anyway you don’t even want your face anymore.”

“If you talk about the ability of not wanting face, I am inferior to you than me!”

The person who was stepped on by Yin Zhi immediately yelled.

“Didi! You get 600,000 points of murder from an unknown object!”

Oh, six hundred thousand…


At this moment…

Mu Pingting let out a “careful” over there.

Yin Zhi looked up.

I saw that a huge fist magnified infinitely before my eyes…

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