Chapter 234 Shocked! ! Yin Zhi, who boarded the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”, actually saw…

A powerful cat can chase mice.

A powerful mouse can also play with a cat!


This “rat” Yin Zhi.

It is undoubtedly more powerful than the “cat” so “billion points”.

Yin Zhi used his own advantages to fully display the “guerrilla warfare” of ancient sages.

What “guerrilla warfare”?

The enemy advances and we retreat, the enemy garrisons us, the enemy is exhausted and we fight, and the enemy retreats and we chase.


He made some adjustments based on the actual situation.

Chase the enemy, I run!

The enemy stopped, I scolded!

The enemy is tired, I will scold again!

The enemy is chasing, I keep running!

Day by day passed.

A group of people chased Yin Zhi and jumped up and down in the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”.

Can be choked by Yin Zhi!

Naturally, they also contributed a lot of “killing intent” to Yin Zhi.

At least, the “killing heart” of buying a steel ship is enough!

Zhao Junlin, the “man behind the scenes,” knows these situations naturally.

Someone has already suggested that he open up the organs in the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”.

For such a suggestion, Zhao Junlin’s answer is only two words.

“No need!”

Why “not necessary”?

Obviously it is more beneficial to turn on the mechanism at this time!

It can only be said that character determines fate…

Talking for a month, just a month!

One day, half a day, or one hour short will not work!

Don’t open the agency for less than a month!

Open the mechanism ahead of time…

Doesn’t it mean that I gave in to that bastard Yin Zhi?

Therefore, Zhao Junlin definitely does not plan to open the organs in advance!

Absolutely not!

What he didn’t know was that Yin Zhi was a little worried that he would open the mechanism first.

Actually is not that he is afraid of organs.

He is not afraid of organs.

But the large group of people behind are scared!

Everyone is his “money printing machine”.

How distressed is death?

Although the money for buying the “Steel Ship” is enough right now.

But only enough to buy “basic money”.

If you want to buy the “Deluxe Edition”, you have to add money!

Besides, who would think that there is less money?

However, it’s time to come…

The one-month period expires.

The organs in the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor” were opened.

Yin Zhi’s “banknote printing machines” are declining day by day.

Although he feels deeply sorry, but this is also something that can’t be helped.

Another problem that ensues is food and water.

The “behind the scenes” no longer provide food and water.

Suddenly, eating and drinking became a terrible problem.

Some people are more savvy and save some supplies.

Then, the inevitable battle for supplies broke out.

In this way, the casualties of personnel have further increased.

Facing this circumstances.

After weighing and weighing, Yin Zhi immediately announced–

Come chase me!

After catching up with me, I will give you food and drink!

Everyone didn’t believe it at first.

But when he saw Yin Zhi conjure up a bunch of food and drink out of thin air, he immediately believed it.

The result is naturally another fierce chase!

Ever since…

The magical plot has appeared!

Yin Zhi raises a group of chasing soldiers with food and drinking water.

At the same time, they used various methods to irritate them, making them want to deprive him alive.

This kind of operation makes everyone confused.

He is a lunatic!

This has become the consensus of almost everyone.

If you can, who wants to mess with a madman?

But in order to leave the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”, no one had a choice!

this day.

Entering the 60th day of “Qingshi Emperor Mausoleum”.

Yin Zhi boarded the ninth floor of the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”!

As soon as he exited the tunnel, he was shocked by the sight in front of him.

It was an extremely empty and huge space on one side.

A new, majestic and magnificent palace complex appeared in his eyes.

However, if only this is the case.

Obviously, it is not enough to shock Yin Zhi, who is already quite rough.

What really shocked Yin Zhi was…

The palace in front of you was hovering in the air!

It’s not just hovering in the air.

It even hovered upside down in the air!

Take a closer look…

In the empty field of the “upside down palace”, there are still thousands of troops standing! ?





Ancient siege equipment!

One by one looks lifelike, like real people.

Even though they are far away, they can still feel the mighty and majestic aura of the Hundred Fighters.

Yin Zhi never thought of it.

After climbing up a staircase with nine bends and eighteen bends.

What I saw turned out to be such a sight!

Yi Tianxing muttered dumbfounded.



“The legendary’Tiangong’ actually exists!”

In an instant, he blushed and laughed “haha”.

“I found it!”

“Did you see the ancestor?”

“Have you seen!”

“I found the’Tiangong’!”

“Ha ha!”

The ancestors of the Yi family have dreamed for generations.

Is looking for the legendary “Tiangong”!


The dreams of generations are dreams after all.

Until today!

Until this moment!

This dream has finally been achieved in the generation of Yi Tianxing!

For a time, Yitian’s market could hardly be restrained.

Tears flowed out.


Yin Zhi slapped him on the back of his head.

“What is noisy?”

“Be quiet!”

“As for?”

Objectively speaking…

Yi Tianxing has made great contributions to being able to get here!

He used his professional knowledge to solve many difficulties for Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi’s “violent clearance” method at the beginning became less useful as he went on.

Once even triggered a quite deadly mechanism.

Thanks to him flashing fast!

This made Yin Zhi feel that the previous agencies were able to “pass through violently” and that they were an agency in themselves!

It makes people mistakenly think that “the barrier can be broken through violence”, and in the end suffers a lot of suffering for those who have this illusion.

Or, it was Zhao Haolong’s insidious group.

Or, it is the design and construction of the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”.

However, due to the merits, Yin Zhi is not used to him.

I was so excited that I was slapped, and my mood was broken.

Yi Tianxing naturally wished to stab Yin Zhi to death.

But he endured it!

“I will endure!”

“Elixir of life……”

“Just get the elixir of life!”

“Someday I will get revenge.”

“It’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!”

“One hundred years! Two hundred years or even three hundred years!”

“As long as you can get revenge, it’s not too late!”

Why did the ancestors of the Yi family look for “Tiangong”?

Because in the legend, there is an “Elixir of Life” hidden in the “Tiangong”!

The temptation to live forever.

Even if it is just a legend, it is enough to be fascinating and fascinating.

After reading the above, Yin Zhi looked down at his feet.

At the foot is a pitch-black platform, pitch black as ink.

A huge portrait was returned on the platform in seconds.

Yin Zhidong looked west and then came to the edge of the platform.

As soon as I leaned out, I sucked in a breath of air-conditioning…

Underneath it turned out to be a huge lava lake!

Visually, it should be two kilometers high.

But even looking down from such a high place.

The magma lake is still huge.

This shows that the magma lake underneath is much larger than what can be seen with the naked eye!

“Tsk tut!”

“If this falls, it won’t be completely melted?”

“Even if I have the’Emperor Virus’…”

“If even the cells are completely melted, there is no way to resurrect them, right?”

The throbbing Yin Zhi was retreated for several steps.

“System, what is my current exploration level?”

“Didi! The current exploration rate of the’Qingshi Emperor’s Tomb’ is 78%!”

It turned out to be only 78%?

This should be the last area of ​​the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”.

It turned out to be only 78%?

So, the remaining 22% exploration degree,

I’m afraid it’s on the “Heavenly Palace” hanging upside down…

“Yi Nanshen, hurry up and take a look.”

“We should go up!”

“If you go up, I will go up to you three – no, five big sesame seed cakes!”

There seemed to be a lot of five big sesame cakes, Yin Zhi stretched out his slap and spread his fingers, with an expression of “I’m very generous”…

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