Chapter 235 Trash, you are finally here! Come on, have a big fight with me!

“Go to your mother’s biscuits!”

Yi Tianxing wanted to scold Yin Zhi so much.

But he dare not.

At least not now.

Immediately, he obediently and silently began to look for a way to climb the “sky”.

Not for Yin Zhi.

But for oneself to be able to go up and look for “the elixir of life”!

Look left, look right, look up, look down…

But his brows gradually locked up.

In the end, only one conclusion was reached-unless he could fly, he would not be able to go to the “Tiangong” at all.


Yi Tianxing fixed his gaze on the picture on the dark ground under his feet.

At first glance…

The picture is very beautiful, it must have been made by someone!

Take a closer look…

The content of the picture seems to depict the scene of “a carp leaping over a dragon gate”.

A carp swims crookedly.

Go through the door in the center of the pattern.

Turned into a dragon, soaring through the clouds, flying in the sky.

Yi Tianxing frowned.

“This picture of’Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate’…”

“Will it be a hint?”

At this moment, there was a loud noise and footsteps.

Yin Zhi and Yi Tianxing turned to look.

I saw a group of people gushing out of the channel from time to time.

Headed by the “Holy Moon Knight” Eris and others.

“Ha ha!”

“Trash, you are finally here.”

“Come on! Fight me head-on, haha!”

In this tone, it was as if he was the master here.

As expected…

Everyone who saw this world yelled in shock.

Some knowledgeable archaeologists also called out the name “Tiangong”.

Some people even shouted, “I heard that there is an elixir in the’Heavenly Palace’!”

Yi Tianxing heard this, and suddenly scolded him as an “idiot” in his heart.

Needless to say all kinds of shocks.

But many people’s attention is still on Yin Zhi…

After all, in the past two months, they have been miserable.

Although they have been eating Yin Zhi’s and drinking Yin Zhi’s.

But to Yin Zhi, they really hate that penetrates the bone!

“Haha! I see where you are going today!”

“Brothers, let’s team up together and clean him up first!”

“Yes, when we take him down, we will slowly study the’Tiangong’ again!”

“Go! Go together! Go!”

“Hey, why did you touch me? Why didn’t you go first?”


Just when others are noisy.

Eris Wade!

Ji Min!

Meichuan is cool!

Du Junseok!

And the people who were with them, walked out of the crowd one after another.

Ji Min’s face flushed with excitement and excitement, as if a red tide surged.

“Yin Zhi, Yin Zhi!”

“I didn’t expect it?”

“You can’t live by committing sins!”

“Today is your death date!”


This day has finally come!

As long as you kill him, Little Brother’s is completely free!

Eris Wade and others looked cold.


“Your sinful life ends here!”

“In the name of the’Holy See’! I will give you the decree!”

Eris looked cold and ruthless.

The “Linglan Jihuo Group” headed by Mei Chuanku is also full of hatred.

“The shame of the past is bloodbathed today!”

“Let’s bear the anger of our ‘Ling Basket Extreme Fire Group’!”

“Shake! Fear! Despair! Then go to death!”

Du Junxi stepped out step by step.

Each step is like a giant elephant stepping on the ground, heavy and powerful.

He didn’t speak, just smiled coldly.

Other people see this posture.

All of them stayed there still, surprisingly there was a tacit understanding.

Obviously, they all had the abacus of watching the show first and then taking action.

Zhao Haolong was also among the crowd.

And Murong Rong stood beside him.

At this time, Zhao Haolong’s brows were slightly furrowed, and there was a trace of worry on his face.

“Wait if he really is going to die…”

“I still have to save him.”

“He died, and the’Emperor Qingyan’ dissipated.”



Saving you now is to let you taste all the pain of time in the future.

Yin Zhi, just wait!

In fact, some people arranged by the “Zhao family” were mixed in the crowd.

The purpose of their existence is to prevent Yin Zhi from being killed!

“Accept the ‘Holy Judgment’, all evil heretics—”

With a roar of resentment from Eris.

The long sword pulled up and rushed towards Yin Zhi.


He stepped into the black ground area.

There was an abrupt sound of “Dang”.

The sword in Eris’s hand was sucked down and stuck to the ground.

At the same time, he also fell to the ground.

This sudden change surprised everyone.

Yin Zhi laughed suddenly.

“Idiot! Idiot!”

“Idiot! Rubbish!”

“It’s really laughing at me!”

“Are all the “Holy Moon Knights” in the “Holy Court” not thinking about it?”

“This one under your feet is a magnet!”

at the same time.

Others who set foot on the black ground, any metal, were sucked to the ground.

However, there are also people who do not have any metal on their bodies and are not affected.

Du Junxi and Mei Chuanku have rushed towards Yin Zhi like wolves.

Bang bang bang!

In a moment of effort, the three of them were already handed over.

The sound of fists and feet is endless.



Mei Chuanku seems to have to roar to have output.

“Meichuan Cool Stream” will be a crazy force.

The more crazy you are, the faster you punch and the stronger the lethality!

Of course, “fist is hard enough” is the guarantee.

Du Junxi is just the opposite.

The frequency of his punches is much slower, but the power contained in each punch is so much cooler than Meichuan.

Faced with the attack of the two, Yin Zhi dare not care.

“Emperor Virus” strengthens speed and reflex nerves, mainly flashing.

Fighting, you can’t rely on brute force!

Have to talk about strategy.

Among these people, the real threat is Eris!

It is difficult to defeat Mei Chuanku and Du Junxi in one fell swoop, so procrastination and dodge are the best policy.

follow closely……

Ji Min and four other members of the “Mausoleum Basket Extreme Fire Group” rushed up.

Five men forcefully inserted into the battle group and launched a siege on Yin Zhi.

Ji Min made a sword in the palm of his hand and pierced Yin Zhi’s throat as soon as he came up.

“go to hell!”


At the same time, the fists of Du Junxi and Mei Chuanku also blasted towards Yin Zhi.

Three parties encircle!

There are still four people waiting side by side, ready to take action at any time!

Things look pretty bad…

But then!

Yin Zhi escaped the attack from three directions with an impossibility.

His body was twisted and bent like a snake.

Drilled out of the encirclement like a loach…

Snapped! !

There was a loud slap in the face.

Ji Min didn’t even scream, and fell to the ground neatly, his body convulsing.

“Haha! I wanted to slap you a long time ago! Cool!”

Laughing, Yin Zhi escaped the fists of Du Junxi and Mei Chuanku again.

The four people followed by Sake Temple Kenren also joined the battle group.

This time the “bang, bang, bang,” impact sound is even more intense.

“Thanks for him to be able to play…”

“Yes, such a beautiful beauty.”

“That guy is a pervert! Who is the normal person willing to beat beautiful women?”

Murong Rong smiled upon hearing such a discussion.

The eyes of the masses are really sharp.

That guy Yin Zhi is a pervert-only perverts can abuse beautiful women!

“Murong, are you okay?”

Yi Tianxing sneaked up to her.

Murong Rong smiled at him slightly.


“Fortunately, Haolong protects me along the way.”

Yi Tianxing couldn’t help but look at Zhao Haolong, his expression slightly stiff.

Zhao Haolong smiled back.

“Yi Tianxing, meet again.”


At this moment…

“Get all out of me!”

It’s Eris!

He has removed all metal objects from his body.

At this moment, he turned into an angry bull and ran into Yin Zhi…

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