Chapter 238 Zhao Junlin: Ancestors of the Zhao Family…Why are you so stupid? !

The carp leap over the dragon gate!

Isn’t this the meaning of the painting on the Blackstone platform?

Yin Zhi at this time…

Isn’t it like a “carp”?

Isn’t he just going up to the sky! ?

What’s in the sky?

Hanging Tiangong!

What’s in the Hanging Heavenly Palace?

Elixir of life!

That’s it… That’s it…

This is how to get to the “Tiangong”.


It’s really wonderful!

Yi Tianxing’s words attracted everyone’s attention.

People looked at him one after another, and slapped the meaning of “carp leaping over the dragon gate”.

“Scheming girl” Murong Rong blinked.

“Tian Xing, what you said’Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate’…”

“What means?”

That look!

That tone!

That expression!

It’s quite different from the previous casual perfunctory appearance.

At this time, Yi Tianxing also realized that he was in a gaffe.

He wished to slap himself twice.

Make you talk more!

Make you talk more!

Yi Tianxing opened his mouth…

He wanted to lie and hide it.

But suddenly seeing Yin Zhi swimming towards the “Tiangong” little by little, he gritted his teeth.


Never let him get the “elixirs” smoothly!



“Look at the paintings on the ground!”

“This is the’Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate’, which is the way to the’Tiangong’!”

The crowd listened, and suddenly looked up to the ground.

“Disperse! Disperse!”

“Don’t block!”

“let me see……”

After a burst of excitement and noise, everyone dispersed.

The pattern of “carp leaping over the dragon gate” on the ground also caught everyone’s eyes.

“Understood! I understand!”

“So it is!”

“It’s incredible…”

Now everyone seemed to understand it all at once.

at the same time!

Zhao Junlin in front of the big screen also understands…

“It turns out that this is the way to board the’Tiangong’!”

Zhao Junlin gritted his teeth involuntarily.

The ancestors of the Zhao family…

Why are you so stupid?

You haven’t discovered such a simple answer? !

A hatred!

Jumped from Zhao Junlin’s heart.


So far, “the descendants of the Zhao family” have not found the correct method of “the carp leaping over the dragon gate”.

So, how did they get to the “Temple of Heaven”?

Take a long, long staircase…

In a hot air balloon…

Climbing the rock wall…

All methods have been tried-just haven’t tried the right way!

Naturally, they paid a huge price.

From the discovery of “Tiangong”.

To truly set foot in the “Tiangong”.

“Descendants of the Zhao family” really took one hundred and eighty-nine years!

Rounding up is two hundred years!

As for casualties…

Will it be less?

“Tiangong” is not a weak 16-year-old girl without clothes, whoever wants to go can go.

The tens of thousands of horses on the “Temple of Heaven” are not decorations!

Those are very advanced mechanical warriors…

When there is someone approaching, shoot them with random arrows!

“Descendants of the Zhao family” only captured some mechanical warriors after paying countless prices.

And by cracking the technology of the mechanical warrior, a “robot” was created!

Why has the “descendants of the Zhao family” not been restored after more than two thousand years?

A large part of the reason is…

Over the past two thousand years.

They are basically competing with the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”!

From looking for the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”.

To explore the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”.

Then to study the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”.

May I ask, how can they have the time and energy to restore the country?

Let alone the time consumed.

Countless “children of the Zhao family” swayed their flesh and blood in the “Tomb of Qingshidi”.

“Qingshidi” Zhao Zhengruo thought of the “Qingshidi Mausoleum” he built.

In the end it became the “Zhao’s Meat Grinder”…

I don’t know how she feels.

But the words came back again.

Even if the “Descendants of the Zhao Family” devote all their time and energy to the restoration of the country…

Success or failure is also unknown!

But at this time, Zhao Junlin didn’t think so!

He hates it!

Hate those stupid, useless, and useless ancestors!

It took nearly two hundred years from discovering the “Tiangong” to boarding the “Tiangong”? !

Two hundred years!

What’s wrong with you in two hundred years?

Whenever you have a little bit of ingenuity, you have discovered the “carp leaping over the dragon gate” method…

Why waste those two hundred years?

After two centuries of rebuilding the country, maybe they have already been sitting on the world!

Why do I, Zhao Junlin, have to worry about restoring the country now? !

The more I think about it…

Zhao Junlin’s hatred for those stupid ancestors grew stronger!

Obviously, he automatically ignored that he didn’t seem to be much smarter…

In fact, if you say that this is an IQ problem, it’s not necessarily true!

Tracing back to the source, I am afraid that “character determines destiny.”

Zhao Junlin waved his big hand, showing “the emperor’s domineering”.

“Presenting my will!”

“Let the’Yulin Army’ attack immediately!”

“Rebels, kill them!!”

Actually knew the correct way to the “Tiangong”.

Zhao Junlin naturally couldn’t let those people on the screen enter the “Heavenly Palace”.

The exploration of “Tiangong” and “Zhao Family” is also very limited-almost zero!

If there is any secret treasure in it, what should I do if someone else has it?

The secret treasures in the “Tiangong” are all from the “Zhao Family”, he belongs to Zhao Junlin!



No one can take my things!

On the big screen at this time.

Someone is already eager to try…

But there are many people thinking, but none of them really dare to jump down.


Even if you know that “Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate” is the correct way to go to the “Tiangong”?

Below is the magma lake!

In case of failure, jumping down is a death.

Who dare to jump?

Standing on the edge of the Blackstone platform, one by one was eager to try, but one by one hesitated.

“do you dare?”

“Of course I dare! What’s to be afraid of.”

“If you dare to jump, what are you waiting for?”

“What do you care about me waiting! Why don’t you jump?”

At this moment…

“Go away!”

A roar sounded.

It was sent by Eris.

Others dare not, he dare!

He must kill Yin Zhi himself!

Yin Zhi, he must die!

At this time, Yin Zhi gained another wave of “killing hearts”…

Yin Zhi, who was heading upstream, couldn’t help but watch.

I saw Eris disregarding the obstacles of other “Holy Moon Knights”.

Sprint first.

Followed by a jump!

The place he jumped to is exactly where Yin Zhi swam just now!

Such a long distance, four to five hundred meters, to say nothing…

Probably only he dared to jump and could jump over again!

Don’t tell me!

In a burst of exclamation.

Eris accurately jumped into the “Fish Leap Longmen Road”, and then quickly swam towards Yin Zhi!

The trajectory he traveled was exactly what Yin Zhi fumbled out.

Yin Zhi suddenly “leaned”.


“I’m slow to find the way, you come here to pick up the ready-made ones.”

“Want not wanting face?”

Eris can be fast, but Yin Zhi can’t.

As a result, the distance between the two quickly shortened.

at the same time.

The other “Holy Moon Knights” followed Eris and jumped out of the Blackstone platform.


They don’t have the strength of Eris.

One by one went to the magma lake-no, the magma sea fell!

In fact, it also includes the female deputy captain.

As for the others…


“Which one of you has a rope?”

“Stupid! You can use rope to find the way!”

Some people jump straight down, but some people have their brains…

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