Chapter 239 Carp Leaping Over the Dragon Gate! Up or down? Which side is up and which side is down?

In the air.

Yin Zhi “hangs the palace upside down” on top of his head, stepping on nothingness.

There seemed to be invisible “water” around.

This “water” supported him and kept him from falling.

Looking at Eris, who was getting closer and closer to him, Yin Zhi snorted coldly.

He stopped.

Then I bought a barbecue of some kind of fierce beast directly.

“Ah woo” bit it down and gobbled it up!

How much “killing heart” was spent?

five million!


“Just a fierce battle, even if you regain some strength, how much can you recover?”

“Master, I am full now, let’s see how I clean up you!”

At this moment, there was a cold light in his eyes…

Just when Eris was less than ten meters away from him.

Yin Zhi gnawed away the barbecue leg in his hand.

Not only did the stomach fill up, but there was also an extra leg bone in his hand!

He tried to knock and nodded in satisfaction.

Hard enough!

Can be used as a baseball bat.

“Bah! The rubbish of’Holy Court’!”

“Come on!”

“Let me bloom some flowers on your head!”

Eris roared and flicked his arms.

I saw that his skin turned red again.

Yin Zhi secretly “hum”.

Did you use the “sacred power” of that Roshzi again?

He is actually quite curious.

What the hell is that “sacred power”…

It can make a person’s speed and strength instantly increase.

But it is not without flaws.

The duration is too short and too short!

Basically, it can only issue a blow, and the “Holy Power” will disappear.

Eris yelled: “Accept the ‘Holy Judgment’! Sinner!”

Yin Zhi replied with a loud shout: “I will lay off your mother! Sin your grandma!”

The bone stick in his hand hit Eris’s head and smashed down.

Eris stretched out his hand and caught the bone stick that Yin Zhi hit with his bare hands.


The palm of Eris’s left hand was bloody.

The bone stick in Yin Zhi’s hand also broke.

Immediately afterwards, Eris’ fist blasted towards Yin Zhi.

Wherever the fist passed, there was a wave of violent twisting.

Yin Zhike didn’t have him head-on.

At this time, the foot is in the void, and there is nowhere to let go.

If he confronts hard, he has to give a back shock and go out.

Fortunately, Eris is also stepping on the void at the moment, and the speed of his fist is much slower.

After Yin Zhi escaped, he punched him back!

He wants to play Eris out of the “fishing way.”

Once he leaves the “Flying Dragon Gate Road”, unless Eris can fly, he will undoubtedly die!

Although Eris was angry and blasted his head at the moment, he did not lose his reason.

He didn’t take Yin Zhi’s punch.

Instead, he slammed his legs and hugged Yin Zhi directly.

Eris directly used his head as a hammer and smashed Yin Zhi’s forehead fiercely.

Yin Zhi yelled “I’m afraid of you,” and then turned his head back.

The blood splashed directly!

“Come again!”

“See whose head is harder!”

“Gan your mother’s “Holy Court”!”

“Annoying daddy, daddy teared you apart!”

After all, Yin Zhi smashed his head again.


The two of them fought in midair.

On the Blackstone platform.

People murmured.

“There is a fight. It’s endless and…”

“Let them fight! Just like street gangsters fighting each other, what’s so good about it.”

“They are stuck there, and we can’t go up!”

“Damn it!”

At this time everyone seemed to have forgotten an important thing.

To leave the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”, they have to capture Yin Zhi alive…

Well, in fact, even if they capture Yin Zhi alive, they don’t even want to leave the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”!

But they don’t know anything about it.

Knowing that Yin Zhicai had the hope of leaving the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”.

They still regard the “hanging heavenly palace” as their main object of attention!

It can only be said that the “Tiangong” is really amazing and tempting.

Driven by curiosity and desire to hunt for treasures, almost everyone wants to get a closer look.

As for the others?

They don’t care anymore!

At this moment…

There were intensive and rapid footsteps.

I saw a group of people rushing out of the tunnel from the past.

They stood in line, wearing armor and holding weapons.

All mighty, all murderous!

Leading a strong man strode forward and shouted loudly.


“All surrender to me!”

“It doesn’t matter if the rebels are killed!”

They held weapons made of special materials in their hands.

These weapons will not be affected by powerful magnets.

They were rushed out from the warehouse.

At the beginning, the “Zhao Family” was in order to deal with the mechanical warriors in the “Tiangong”.

Specially made a non-metallic equipment that is not affected by magnets.

Everyone on the Blackstone platform was taken aback.

Immediately reacted…

These people are the eagle-dogs who are “behind the scenes”!

Thinking of the hardship these days, they immediately became angry.

“Gan! Pack them up!”

“Don’t kill, force them to speak out!”

“Special! Daddy wanted to clean up you a long time ago!”

“Okay! Very good! You guys delivered it yourself!”

If there are enemies, they can’t go to the “Heavenly Palace”…

Then clean up these enemies first!

Ever since, a group frame broke out on the black stone platform.

In the chaos, Zhao Haolong took Murong Rong’s hand and stepped aside.

At the same time, the “Ji Family” gang quickly retreated.

In midair.

Yin Zhi is still banging his head with Eris!

One after another, the blood is red from the bottom to the bottom!


“Why don’t you die!”

“Go to die! Go to die! Accept the ‘Holy Judgment’!”

Eris, it’s not working anymore…

But the crazy killing intent had filled his brain, almost exploding him.

If possible, Eris would rather blew himself up, and would die with Yin Zhi!

He can’t understand…

Why are there people in the world who ignore the “Holy Court”?

Why would there be people in the world who blaspheme the “Holy Court” who can still live! ?

Do not!

Such people are absolutely not allowed to exist!

Such people must die!

“The’Holy See’ is up!”

“I would like to sacrifice my soul! My body! Everything about me!”

“Please give me strength!”

Yin Zhi shouted angrily, “Give your mother, do you want to”.

Throwing his head back, he slammed into Eris severely.


Click! !

The skulls of the two of them were sunken in a large piece, and they were all deformed…

After all, Eris was made of flesh and blood, completely dizzy.

The hand holding Yin Zhi tightly released.

Yin Zhi, who was carrying the “Emperor Virus”, was fine.

He shouted, “Fuck you”, and kicked Eris out.

However, he himself also made a circle on the “Fish Leaping Dragon Gate Road”.

At this moment, Yin Zhi turned around directly, unable to distinguish between up and down, left and right.

Turning around, Yin Zhi suddenly saw the “Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate” picture on the Blackstone platform.

At this time, the Blackstone platform had been killed into a mass.

Due to the infiltration of blood, the whole picture looked exceptionally clear.

Looking at it, Yin Zhi’s heart moved!

“The carp jumps over the dragon gate?”

“Only the carp can leap the dragon and transform the dragon upstream.”

“But the’Tiangong’ is upside down…”

“If the’Tiangong’ is upside down, the top and bottom of the’Tiangong’ will also be upside down.”

“I thought the’Tiangong’ was on the top, but in fact it was on the bottom!”

“The heaven of the’Tiangong’ is actually…”

Thinking of this, Yin Zhi was suddenly startled.

Looking at the magma sea below…

With a heart move, his gaze flashed and changed to “heat source vision.”


Yin Zhi was shocked by what he saw in the “Horizon”…

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