Chapter 240 “Stay in the Dragon Wonderland”? ! Too deep! This is too deep, right?

“Heat source vision”, to put it bluntly, is “thermal imaging”!

The “thermal imaging” of others requires the use of specialized thermal imaging machines.

But Yin Zhi doesn’t need it!

He can see the thermal image only with the naked eye.

The hotter the place, the redder the color.

The colder the place, the bluer the color.

At this time, he used the “heat source vision” to see a “blue dragon” impressively!

In the “red world” that is high enough to brighten the eyes.

Suddenly there is a low-temperature “blue ** domain” resembling a “shenlong”.

The shock and shock that this brought to Yin Zhi was quite great!


Speaking of “thermal imaging”, there is actually no “Shenlong”!

It’s just that the temperature in that area is lower than other places, and it’s much lower.

Presented on the “thermal imaging”, it is a “blue dragon”!

And the area where he is located is within the “Blue Dragon”…

Yin Zhi found that the further down, the thicker the “Blue Dragon”!

And the farther up, the closer to the “Tiangong”, the thinner it gets.

It gives people the feeling that the head of this “blue dragon” is on the bottom, and the tail is on the top…


That’s not right!

Upside down again, upside down again.

Compared with the “hanging heavenly palace”, the magma sea is “up”, and the “heavenly palace” is “down”!

“It seems…”

“The real’Tiangong’, or some other treasure, is below!”

“Would you like to check it out?”

Needless to say the danger!

Slightly worse, falling into the magma is a fate…

Do not!

It’s worse than “Ashes fly out”, even ashes won’t be left!

This risk can be said to be big and endless.

Yin Zhike is looking for death and is not afraid of death. After all, he has the confidence.

But now…

It’s really hard to say whether you have confidence.

It’s hard to say, it just proved that he has no confidence!

After hesitating a little, Yin Zhi gritted his teeth.

“Get down!”

“That’s not right… Just go up!”

“Forget it! It’s a mess up and down!”

“It’s all here, can I be content if I don’t take a trip?”


Immediately, Yin Zhi “swimmed” out of the “Fish Leaping Dragon Gate Road”.



Save me ah ah ah-

I don’t want to die ah ah ah ah-

Yin Zhi’s desperate screams sounded in this space.

On the Blackstone platform.

When many people heard this voice, they couldn’t help turning their heads to look.

Then I saw Yin Zhi falling straight from the sky!

At this moment, everyone is mixed up again…

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Suddenly a sharp woman laughed loudly, quite harsh.

who is it?

It is Ji Min, the “petted brother crazy demon”!

She was just rescued back…

The foundation of “Ji Family” is quite sufficient.

There are not a few panacea for the living dead and bones!

Ji Min was comminuted fractured by Yin Zhi before.

The whole person is just a puddle of mud.

This is not even the damage to the internal organs!

But even so, so what?

After a “thousand-year-old ten thousand grass pill”, after only a long time, he basically recovered.

Judging from Ji Min’s laughter, she was already alive and well.

“Die, die, die!”

“go to hell!”

“It’s damned long ago!”

Ah Dong is free!

A move is liberated!

My humiliated revenge has also been reported!

Yinzhi, Yinzhi, have you seen it?

This is the end of the offending “Ji family”!

You have offended my “five thousand years of inheritance” family, do you still want to live?



Others are happy about Yin Zhi’s death.

For example Liang Chen.

Such as Xu Jiujiu.

For example, “Linglan Extreme Fire Group”.

For example, those from the “Zhaohan Island Country”.

There is still only one person because of Yin Zhi’s grief.

Who else besides Mu Pingting?

Some people are happy, and naturally some people are unhappy.

Such as Zhao Haolong!

It’s the same reason…

Upon Yin Zhi’s death, the “Emperor Qingyan” has since dissipated.

I don’t know when is the next time I was drawn out?

Does the “Zhao Family” have to wait another two thousand years?

Even longer? !

“Could it be… is this fate?”

“Could it be that the’Zhao family’ is still in my generation and still unable to restore the country?”

“Does the dream of restoring the country have to be passed on to the next generation?”

More than two thousand years!

Ninety-five generations! !

Why is it so difficult to restore the country?

I just want to be an emperor, why is it so difficult! ?

Thought of here…

Thinking of there…

Zhao Haolong only feels the sadness starts from his heart, and he is totally disappointed.

On one side, Murong Rong frowned.

“Brother Long, why are you… crying?”

Zhao Haolong looked at her blankly.

“Am I crying?”

Touch your face, there are really tears? !

“This is…smoked.”

“Okay, what am I crying for?”


The more you laugh, the more tears you shed.

Why can Zhao Haolong survive now?

Because he still has hope!

But now?

When Yin Zhi died, the “Emperor Qingyan” dissipated…

Where is there any hope!

At this moment, Zhao Haolong’s mind was on the verge of collapse again.

Zhao Haolong is like this, how can he daddy Zhao Junlin be better?

I’m already swearing at my mother there…

Just when a large group of people were happy and furious about Yin Zhi’s death…

Yin Zhi puts on his “jet backpack”.

Flew slowly into the “Fish Leap Longmen Road”.

Why did he yell before?

Naturally it is to confuse and scare others!

Otherwise, such a large group of people, if there are one or two clever.

From the clues he found in his behavior, how could he still explore the secrets alone?

Now only oneself has discovered the mystery of “Fish Leaping Dragon Gate” and “Upside Down”.

Of course you have to hide it in private.

at this time!

Yin Zhi’s position is already quite low.

You can even see the Gugu magma bubbles emerging from the magma sea below.

As soon as he entered the “Yuyue Longmen Road (blue low temperature zone)”, he immediately felt much cooler.

At this time, the “Fish Leap Longmen Road” is already quite wide.

The more you go in, the cooler it is!

“The low temperature zone below here is getting wider and wider.”

“Obviously to resist getting hotter and hotter.”

After all, the closer to the surface of the magma sea, the higher the temperature!

Finally, with a five-point calm, three-point panic and two-point panic.

Yin Zhi came to the bottom of “Yuyue Longmen Road”…

“This liquid looks like magma though.”

“But the color seems much lighter.”

“More importantly… it’s not hot! It’s not hot at all!”

Yin Zhi stroked his finger on the surface of the “magma-like” liquid.


Not only is it not hot, it is also a bit cold.

This is really amazing.

You know, not far away is hot and terrifying magma!

What kind of liquid can exist in magma?

Not only is it not hot, but also cold?

“Do you want to dive down?”

“It also……”

“Damn! It’s all here! If you dive in, dive in!”

“Who is afraid of whom?!”

Thinking of this, Yin Zhi took a deep breath and dived like a fish into the sea…

In order to prevent accidentally entering the magma, Yin Zhi opened the “heat source vision” again.

Sure enough, the “blue low temperature zone” below is not straight at all, a bit crooked.

It is easy to swim into the magma if you are not careful.

I dived for a full five minutes without bottoming out.

“It’s so deep!”

“It’s so deep!”

Just after complaining, Yin Zhi fell down…


He fell directly on a boulder.

Yin Zhi jumped in shock and immediately stood up, and he saw four characters: Leaving the Dragon in Wonderland!

“Leave the Dragon in Wonderland? Damn! Leave the Dragon in Wonderland originally here! Isn’t this hidden too deep?”

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