Chapter 246 Continue to have your spring and autumn dreams! You disgusting trash!

The ninth floor.

Under the “Tiangong”.

Bang bang bang bang ——

Three punches…

Two more feet!

The five people flew out upside down.

One of them flew directly out of the Blackstone Platform.

what! ! !

A scream of despair came.

Unless he can fly, what awaits him is a “magma bath”!

“Who else?”

“Who else doesn’t accept me?!”

“stand out!”

Who else is there besides Zhao Junlin who profess to be “I”?

Suddenly, there was no sound on the Blackstone platform.

Only Zhao Junlin’s domineering shouts echoed in this empty space.


“The Imperial Forest Army” has been suppressed by that group of explorers.

Dead dead.

Hurt hurt.

This is not surprising.

Those who came to participate in the “Tomb Exploration” this time are all elites from all sides.

Among them, there are many strong people dispatched by the state!

For example, “Linglan Jihuo Group” and Du Junxi…

They are all “king-level pinnacles”!

How is the average strong person their opponent?

But what about the “king-level pinnacle”?

You can only kneel when you encounter the “Imperial Class”.

Precisely, Zhao Junlin is an “Imperial Spiritualist”!

In terms of physical strength alone, he is really much stronger than the “king rank”.

If Eris Wade was still there.

Maybe you can fight with Zhao Junlin.

Unfortunately, he has already taken a “magma bath” for his own faith and glory.


With the arrival of Zhao Junlin, he shouted, “All back, let me come!”

If the expedition team loses, it is already difficult to reverse the established future.

At this moment…

No one has the strength to fight Zhao Junlin anymore!

On the expedition side, almost everyone was frightened and worried.

Facing Zhao Junlin’s question of “who else”, the audience was silent.

Zhao Junlin enjoyed this scene very much.

Have you seen?

I am the strongest one!

I am the invincible emperor in the world!

For a time, Zhao Junlin only felt refreshed physically and mentally.

The depressed mood caused by the demise of the “Emperor Qingyan” was much better in an instant.

“Kneel down!”

“Serve me as the Lord!”

“Life Wu You!”



Having said that, Zhao Junlin held his hands on his back, held his head high, and was full of ambition.

But waited a while…

But seeing that there was no one kneeling down, he suddenly became “Long Yan furious.”

“Kneel down!”

“Want to die?”

“Then I will wait for you!”

Does anyone want to die?


If you can live, how many people will want to die?

There are a bunch of people present, who are bold, and naturally they are also timid.

Or it doesn’t matter if you are courageous, you just want to survive.

For example, Meichuan is cool…

With a “puff”, he fell to his knees.

“Offended His Majesty the Emperor!”

“Really, really, very sorry!”

“The most damn thing!”

“I beg your majesty for mercy!”

He was also kneeling Yin Zhi like this back then…

At the beginning, Yin Zhi received quite a right “killing heart” point.

So there is no doubt.

At this moment, Mei Chuan was so cool and cowardly and humble that he wanted to kill Zhao Junlin in his heart.

Mei Chuanku is kneeling, can the four of Sakeji Kenhito and Hikawa Goban still stand?

They knelt beside Mei Chuanku one after another.

Since there are people who have taken the lead to kneel to survive, isn’t it the most shameful to kneel down?

With this kind of thought, one after another someone knelt down.

After a while, there were few still standing.

The “True Dragon Kingdom” national archaeological team and others, plus Mu Pingting, did not kneel down.

The group of “Zhao Han Guo” following Du Junxi did not kneel down either.

It’s not that other people don’t want it, but Du Jun-seok won’t let it!

Zhao Junlin glanced around.

That lofty gaze fell on the group of Ji family first.

“You guys, why don’t you kneel?”

The “Ji family” headed by Ji Min suddenly became overwhelmed.

Especially Ji Min, his face turned ruddy by three points.

“Patriarch Zhao, what do you mean?”

“I’m not clear.”

Zhao Junlin watched Ji Min.

“Don’t you understand what I said?”

“I, order you to kneel down.”

“Respect me as the Lord, three shouts long live!”

Ji Min’s face turned redder.

“Patriarch Zhao, please respect yourself.”

“My Ji family has inherited it for five thousand years, and your Zhao family is only more than two thousand years old.”

“Let me respect you as the emperor, this is absolutely impossible!”

Zhao Junlin suddenly laughed “hahaha”.

“Inheritance for five thousand years? It’s a shame that you are embarrassed to say it.”

“Your Ji family was also the home of the emperor and the emperor!”

“But what have you done for five thousand years?”

Speaking of which, Zhao Junlin was full of contempt and disdain.

“Don’t think about making progress! Depravity!”

“You, at best, are nothing but the remnants of history. Good luck, it’s still there today.”

“And my Zhao family has been thinking about rebuilding the homeland for thousands of years, and the king is the world!”

“And I’ve worked hard for this, and Fu Guo Hongyuan will inherit it from generation to generation!”

“The Chaffinch respects Honghu, why not?”

After all, Zhao Junlin’s conversation turned.

“No need to say more!”

“Those who don’t kneel, die!”

The angry Ji Min was about to speak, but the uncle Kuo by his side quickly grabbed him.

“Four Miss, don’t be arrogant.”

“Kneel! Kneeling is all you need to do.”

“As long as you live, there is hope.”

Uncle Ku was speaking the ancient language used in the Ji family.

This is an old saying more than 5,000 years ago, and it is only used by the Ji family today.

Ji Min gritted his teeth tightly.

She glanced around and found Zhao Haolong.

However, Zhao Haolong has already knelt down…

Damn it!

This damn man!

Pulled by Uncle Ku, Ji Min clenched his teeth and clenched his fists and knelt down.

She knelt, and the others in the “Ji family” naturally followed suit.

Zhao Junlin immediately looked at Du Junxi and others.

Du Junxi stayed still, with an unyielding sneer on his face!

Instead, the people with him were frightened.


Zhao Junlin is already too lazy to talk nonsense.

He rushed to Du Junxi in an instant, stretched out his hand, pinched his neck, and lifted it up.

Do Joon Seok roared and punched!

This is his punch with all his strength.

It was a punch for his life!

However, this punch has not even hit Zhao Junlin’s face.

His sturdy body was thrown out forcefully, flying directly out of the black stone platform.

The other people from the “Zhaohan Kingdom” hurriedly knelt down.

Zhao Junlin gave orders ruthlessly.

“Throw away all the’Zhaohan people’!”

“No waste needed!”

Some of the “Zhaohan people” understood, and suddenly begged for mercy.

But Zhao Junlin fell on deaf ears.

Ever since, all “Zhaohan people” were picked out.

No matter what their fate will be!


Resistance is futile.

Seeing the end of the “Zhaohan people”, everyone present shuddered.


Zhao Junlin looked at Mu Pingting, Professor Yuan and others.

“It’s up to you!”

Mu Pingting smiled coldly in disdain.

“Your Zhao family is really ridiculous!”

“Not only is it ridiculous, it is also a waste of waste!”

“Rejuvenation? To be the emperor?”

“This has been more than two thousand years. It will be long before the country can be restored.”

“Don’t talk about two thousand years.”

“It is four thousand years, eight thousand years, ten thousand years! You can’t succeed either.”

“Continue to have your spring and autumn dreams!”

“You disgusting trash!”

Zhao Junlin narrowed his eyes and walked towards Mu Pingting step by step.

With every step he took, his aura climbed up.

It’s overwhelming!

at this time……

Bang bang bang bang!

There was applause.


“That’s too right!”

“Ping Ting, you have been with me for a long time, and I have learned a little bit of cursing skills, not bad.”

The applause is Yin Zhi!

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