Chapter 247 Since you are so not wanting face… Then I will smash your faces!





The audience is dead!

But this dead silence did not last long…

But within two seconds, it was broken by a scream.

“You’re not dead!?”

“To be alive…”

“Why are you still alive?”

“Yin Zhi!”

Zhao Haolong was shocked.

Ji Min was shocked.

Yi Tianxing was shocked.

Xu Jiujiu was shocked.

One of those present was counted as one, and they were all shocked!

But soon someone was shocked and immediately surprised.

Such as Mu Pingting!

For example, Zhao and his son!

without any exaggeration……

Seeing that Yin Zhi is still alive.

Zhao’s father and son are even more happy than Mu Pingting!

“Wow, hahahahaha!”

Zhao Junlin’s laughter suddenly sounded and echoed.

This laughter is full of joy and joy.

The treasure is lost and recovered, how can he not be happy?



“you are still alive……”

“you are still alive!”

“Really blessed by the ancestors!”

“It’s really God’s helper’Zhao Family’!”

Someone obviously forgot.

Not long ago he was still scolding his ancestors for being stupid.

“Everyone will listen to the order!”

“Get him down for me!”

Yin Zhi waved his hand.


“Slow down, slow down!”

“Who do you look down on?”

“Don’t make you cats, dogs, shrimp soldiers and crabs disgusting in the future.”

“Aren’t you pretty good?”

“If you want to fight, let’s do it!”

Zhao Junlin snorted proudly.


“I am the Nine-Five Supreme, the body of ten thousand gold.”

“You are a pariah, what qualifications do you have to do with me?”

Zhao Junlin looked down on Yin Zhi from the bottom of his heart.


He has always been firm in his understanding, and has never changed.

Yin Zhi was just lucky to get the “Emperor Qingyan”!

Without “Emperor Qingyan”, he is nothing!

At present, Yuling cannot be summoned on this “Penglai Island”.

What is his Yin Zhi?

Stronger than the physical body?

Own physical strength is the “Emperor Grade Two Star”!

“Emperor Grade Two Stars”…

Is it low?

Not low!

Is it high?

Very high!

Before the “Imperial Level”, although the one-star difference was very large, it was not too ridiculous.

But once you are promoted to the “Emperor Rank”…

The difference of one star is the difference between heaven and earth!

Above the “Imperial Level”, the rising star is like ascending to the sky!

Eris Wade, Zhao Junlin knew him.

He is the “Imperial Grade One-Star Spirit Guardian”!

Dealing with Eris like this…

Zhao Junlin is confident that he can fight a hundred!

Yin Zhi fought hard against Eris Wade.

In the end, they all ended up together-Zhao Junlin thought they all ended up together.

Although I don’t know why Yin Zhi didn’t die now…

But how is he qualified to be one-on-one with himself?

It’s a joke!

Zhao Junlin thought it was a joke.

Yin Zhi couldn’t laugh at all.

“Don’t do this, don’t do this.”

“It’s not easy to be untouchables, how bad is it?”

“It’s as if you are as noble as you are.”

Talking and smiling, he began to use his own poisonous tongue again.

“You said that you are the descendants of the Zhao family, and you are the descendants of the Zhao family?”

“Who can prove it?”

“What if one of your ancestors decides to pretend to be’Descendants of the Zhao Family” as soon as they hit their heads?”

“This kind of thing is not uncommon in history.”

“If you recognize Zhao Fu as your ancestor, it is still a question whether people recognize you or not!”

Zhao Junlin squinted his eyes.

The coldly gaze pierced like a sharp sword.

How dare to question my noble and pure blood?

Questioning the identity of my dragon son, dragon grandson, and nobleman of Heaven?

Really deserve to be killed!

Damn it!

“Didi! You got 10 million points of murder from an unknown object, please check!”

Oh oh oh oh oh!

How much?

Ten million! ?

“If you recognize Zhao Zheng as the ancestor.”

“Look at what you guys are doing?”

“Unexpectedly, I hollowed out the’Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor’!”

“I only heard of others digging the graves of their ancestors.”

“It’s really the first time I’ve seen someone digging my own ancestor’s grave.”

“This… is probably something that a beast can do, right?”

The pronunciation of the word “ba” has not been finished yet.

Zhao Junlin appeared in front of Yin Zhi.

Appear instantly!

It’s just like teleporting!

The speed is so fast that it has reached such a terrifying level? !

“Did you finish?”

Looking at Zhao Junlin, who was only half a step away from him, Yin Zhi grinned.

“It’s over.”

“Can you do it?”

Zhao Junlin opened his eyes suddenly, and a wave of coercion was released like an explosion.

His hand stretched toward Yin Zhi’s neck.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone around, only Zhao Junlin’s right hand suddenly disappeared.

“That guy, he’s looking for death by himself!”

This is the same voice of almost everyone present.


A somewhat ear-exploded noise sounded.

Then, the whole space fell into a weird silence.

People only saw Zhao Junlin tilt his head to one side…

Just so motionless and still!

what happened?

follow closely……

Snapped! !

There was another loud noise.

The reverberation still lingers around the ears, and the space is still dead.

The sharp-eyed people noticed that Zhao Junlin’s head was tilted to the other side…

What happened?

Then, a voice rang.

“Since you guys don’t wanting face…”

“Then I will smash your faces!”

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