Chapter 248 I don’t want Empress Qingyan! I don’t want the heavenly palace anymore! I just want him to die!

in the end……

What happened?

“Since you guys don’t wanting face…”

“Then I will smash your faces!”

Why did Yin Zhi say these two sentences?

What do these two sentences mean?

The literal meaning of course is that everyone can understand it.

The issue is……

The implication is confusing.

“I will kill you!!”

Zhao Junlin was furious and let out a thunderous roar.

What happened?

He was beaten!

Was slapped twice!

Who slapped him?

Who else but Yin Zhi!

Why does Zhao Junlin stand still?

Because he was stunned, his brain was blank!

And now, he reacted.

He has stopped thinking about “how is it possible” and “why”.

He just wanted to do one thing…

Kill Yin Zhi!

At this moment, he didn’t even want “Emperor Qingyan” anymore.

no no!

This statement is wrong.

It’s not undesirable.

But at this moment, his mind has been completely occupied by the idea of ​​”killing Yin Zhi”.

There is no other thing at all.

Including “Emperor Qingyan”!

How dare you slap me in the face?

Also hit twice? !

Damn it!

Worthy of death!

Ten tribes should be blamed!

With this monstrous roar, Zhao Junlin blasted a fist towards Yin Zhi.

Die to me!

In Zhao Junlin’s eyes, own fist hit Yin Zhi.

But in the next second, Yin Zhi disappeared.

“It was an afterimage!”

There is no doubt that Zhao Junlin’s strength is “Emperor Grade Two Stars” in the end.

“What about others?!”



This is Zhao Haolong warning Zhao Junlin.

But it’s too late!

Yin Zhi’s foot has been kicked fiercely on Zhao Junlin’s ass.

boom! ! !

Vigorously make loud noises, vigorously make waves!

Zhao Junlin was kicked directly, and his face came into close contact with the wall at a “negative distance”.

Why is “negative distance”?

Because he is embedded in the wall!

Until I saw this scene…

All the people present seemed to be awakened and reacted as if they had been initiating and topping with cold water.




A large sound of inhaling air-conditioning sounded.


“How can it be……”

“That’s right…”

“it turns out……”

Many people can’t even speak smoothly.

Obviously there are a lot of things in my mind that I want to express.

But his mouth was dumbfounded and couldn’t say it.


Xu Jiujiu was suddenly excited and reacted.

“Go on! Go on!”

“Has he beaten up?”

“Still ate’Brother Wanai’?”

“How could it become so strong!”

She has witnessed the power of Zhao Junlin.

One person singles out a group of people, and with just one hand, there is hardly any movement under the feet!

A person with such a powerful strength was actually kicked by Yin Zhi? !

How is this going?

What is going on here?

Is he always hiding his strength?

But it’s impossible!

If you really hide your strength…

It was impossible for me to kick him before!

Not good!

Not good, not good, not good!


I have to wait for an opportunity to slip away.

That guy is a lunatic.

If it falls into his hands, I’ll be over!

I won’t do this “sale” old lady!

Naturally, Xu Jiujiu was not the only one who was shocked by Yin Zhi’s sudden increase in strength…

Yi Tianxing was shocked and desperate.

He is so strong, how can I get revenge?

Ji Min is more desperate than Yi Tianxing.

How to do?

He’s not dead, what about my Little Brother? What should I do! ?

Murong Rong regretted it.

Damn it!

If I knew he was so strong, I should put more thoughts on him!

Zhao Honglong was stunned, his mind went blank.

Mu Pingting was shocked and shocked, but more of it was joy.

The five members of the “Ling Lan Ji Huo Group” widened their eyes and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Mei Chuanku was the first to react.

He quietly said to Jiujin Kenren and others: “Hurry up when you kneel down and beg for mercy! Have you remembered?”

More people fell into panic.

I thought that I had chased Yin Zhi for nearly two months before.

How can they not panic?

And at the same time of fear, they are also full of resentment!

“Dage! Uncle! Big boss!”

“You are obviously so strong, what kind of pig do you pretend to be?”

“Is it fun to tease us?!”


Is Yin Zhi really that strong in the first place?

Of course not!

There are two reasons for his physical strength soaring.

One: “Earth Heart Flame” burned his body, his body absorbed a huge amount of damage and strengthened himself!

Two: “Ten Thousand Years Purple Dragon” dedicated its own dragon blood and dragon soul to “Dawei Tianlong Empress”, and Yin Zhi also benefited!

The addition of the two makes Yin Zhi’s physical strength soar!

How much did it soar?

From the “King level five stars”, directly to the “Royal level two stars” standard!

Of course, the main role is obviously the dragon blood dragon soul of “Long live the purple dragon”!

However, Zhao Junlin is also a “two-star Emperor”.

Naturally, Yin Zhi could not be crushed by the physical strength of the “Emperor Grade Two Stars” alone.

Don’t forget, he still has the “Emperor Virus”!

When Yin Zhi becomes stronger, the “emperor virus” in his body will naturally become stronger!

Use the “Emperor Virus” to increase power and speed…

This gave Zhao Junlin two slaps and a kick!

Under the gaze of a bunch of people, Zhao Junlin pulled himself out of the wall.

His image at this time is not uncomfortable.

With a sullen face, how can there be any imperial demeanor?

Just when everyone thought that Zhao Junlin would be furious…

“Ha ha ha ha!”

The joyful laughter sounded in this huge cave.

Zhao Junlin actually laughed.

Not only laughed, but also laughed very freely.

After a lot of laughter…

“Where are the children of the Zhao family?!”

He shouted loudly with a loud bell.

The “children of the Zhao family” who followed him shouted, “Yes!”

“It’s time for you to dedicate yourself to the great cause of restoration of the’Zhao Family’!”

“Listen to my will: kill him!”

“Children of the Zhao family” suddenly roared: “Zhuzhi!!”

They all took out the metal injections from their arms and plunged them into own neck.

But Zhao Junlin had disappeared in an instant.

Isn’t it?

Actually buggered?

Have I done it again?

Next, I saw that all the “children of the Zhao family” turned into humanoid monsters.

Take a closer look, it is similar to the monster Wang Wanfeng?

Yin Zhi was the first to think of Henry Harry, the head of the Potions Department of “Harward University”!

Could it be that Henry Harry produced the things that were injected just now?




A madness and brutality broke out on the Blackstone platform.

Zhao Junlin rushed to the secret exit of the eighth floor at his fastest speed.

Furiously pressing the elevator door open button.

“Hurry up!”

Finally, the elevator doors opened.

Zhao Junlin got in and pressed the close button hard.

At this moment…


“Father, wait for me!”

Zhao Haolong took the opportunity to follow up.

He was still holding Murong Rong who was knocked out in his arms…

It is the father and son, Zhao Junlin waited until Zhao Haolong.

“Father, what should we do now?”

Zhao Junlin was like a mad beast, and he ignored it.

“I don’t want the’Emperor Qingyan’ anymore!”

“I don’t want’Tiangong’ anymore!”

“I want him to die! I want him to die!!”

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