Chapter 249 The Empress of Hundred Battles: “Clouds on the Heavenly Palace”, Respect Me Order: Start! !

What “Emperor Qingyan” do you want?

What “Tiangong” do you want?

No more! No more!

As long as Yin Zhi is dead!

Ever since childhood, has Zhao Junlin lost such a big face?

Get slapped twice in public?

Was kicked in public?

For Zhao Junlin, who claims to be “The Son of True Life” and “Ninth Five-Year Supreme”…

This is more uncomfortable than killing him!

All have to die…

All people who have seen themselves embarrassed must die!

Don’t leave one!

As long as they are all dead, no one knows that I have been so embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Zhao Junlin suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhao Haolong.

“You will forget everything that happened just now!”

“Do not!”

“Nothing happened just now!”

“Have you heard?”

“I ask if you hear it!?”

Looking at the “Father Emperor” at this moment, Zhao Haolong was frightened.

“Listen… I heard it!”

“Father, nothing happened just now!”

“I do not know anything!”

Knowing the child is no more than the father, and knowing the father is no more than the son.

Where can Zhao Haolong fail to guess the idea of ​​”Father Emperor”?

Because he knew that he would do the same if he replaced himself!

Zhao Junlin calmed down a bit.

He glanced at Murong Rong.

“This woman, look good on her.”

“Otherwise, it doesn’t matter what her use is.”

“I won’t keep her!”

Having said that, Zhao Junlin held his hands on his back and held his chest high.

But once again put on the appearance of the emperor.

The father and son, plus a Murong Rong, took the secret elevator and left the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”.

The secret elevator was naturally remodeled by “the descendants of the Zhao family”.

After leaving the “Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor”, the two took the aircraft and soared into the sky!

Yin Zhi didn’t guess wrong.

The base camp of the “Zhao Family” is in the sky!

It seems that only the sky is worthy of the “Zhao Family” of Longzi Longsun!

The Zhao family base camp is a huge spaceship named “Dragon Boat”.

It is not Yuling.

But it was modeled after the “Myth Nine Stars” Yuling “Dragon Boat”.

And that “dragon boat” is Zhao Zheng’s “imperial boat” and her imperial spirit!

The father and son returned to the “Dragon Boat”.

Zhao Junlin went to shower and change clothes directly.


At this time, the first thing Zhao Junlin thought of when he returned to the base camp was to take a shower and change clothes!

When Zhao Junlin took a bath, he changed into a dragon robe and came to the bridge.

It’s already half an hour later…

Half an hour!

What’s not good about doing half an hour, he actually used it in the shower?

can only say……

The thoughts and behaviors of some people are really difficult to compare with common sense.

This is by no means an IQ problem.

It’s purely character!

Of course, there is another part of the reason…

Zhao Junlin firmly believes that Yin Zhi’s group is absolutely impossible to run out of the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”.

Since he can’t get out, what else is he worried about?

Naturally, I have to take a shower to wash away my embarrassment!

As soon as he entered the bridge, Zhao Junlin couldn’t wait to ask questions.

“What’s the situation on the ninth floor?”

Without waiting for anyone to answer, he has already seen the answer on the monitor screen.

At this sight, his face became stiff and cold.

On the big screen.

Yin Zhizheng stood under the camera and raised two middle fingers at him!

And those two middle fingers are still shaking and swaying, which is extremely humiliating!

As for those “children of the Zhao family” who were injected with “Dawn Potion”.

All fell in a pool of blood, and none of them were spared!

Even, some people’s deaths are still very miserable…

Zhao Junlin took a deep breath and smiled coldly.

“Be proud of it! Go crazy!”

“Soon, I will send you off The Underworld!”

A vicious thought flashed in his heart, and he ordered.

“Presenting my will!”

“Activate the’Fire Heart Exploding Yuan Bomb’!”

In an instant, there was dead silence in the bridge.

A person looked at Zhao Junlin dumbfounded.

“National Teacher” Fan Bowen was shocked.

“Your Majesty, never…”

What is “Fire Heart Explosive Element Bomb”?

It is installed at the bottom of the magma sea and can cause a volcanic eruption after the explosion!

With the scale of the active volcano where the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor” is located.

Once it erupts, the entire “Penglai Island” will sink into the sea!

It should be noted that Fan Bowen has devoted a lot of effort to the construction of this “Penglai Capital”.

The person in charge of “Clone of Dragon” is Fan Bowen!

God knows how much effort he has spent.

Only then transformed the “Penglai Island” into an environment suitable for the survival of the “dread dragon”.

How could Fan Bowen bear the heart to see the island that had been devoted to half his life sinking into the sea?

Zhao Junlin shouted: “Shut up! Do I need you to teach me what to do?”

Fan Bowen opened his mouth: “…”

“Didn’t you hear what I said?”

“Are you going to resist the decree and disrespect?!”

Who would dare not listen to these words?

Relevant personnel immediately began to activate the “Fire Heart Explosive Yuan Bomb”…

Naturally, Yin Zhi didn’t know anything about it.

He held up his middle finger for more than ten minutes.

Seeing that he didn’t receive any “killing heart”, he knew he was lonely.

At this time, Mu Pingting ran forward.

The joy of reunion doesn’t need to be much!

After joy, it is trouble.

“Yin Zhi, we are all trapped in the’Tomb of the Qingshi Emperor’ now.”

“Can you leave?”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Guess?”


Mu Pingting rolled her eyes.

At this time, how can I still be in the mood to guess?

“I guess you must have!”

“Otherwise you won’t be so calm.”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

Immediately, he summoned the “Empress Empress”.

This scene shocked the audience again.

“Why can he summon Yuling?”


“How did you do it?”

“Can I summon Yuling now? I will try!”

After a try, everyone could summon Yuling.

This is really rare good news!

Yin Zhike didn’t care about others, he let “Empress Empress” open “arbitrary holes”.

“Hey Hey hey!”

“Get out of here!”

“Those who want to be beaten to stay!”

Everyone on the scene looks at me and I look at you, but they couldn’t react for a while.

But soon someone could not wait to go through the “arbitrary hole”.

Someone takes the lead, and naturally others follow.

At this time, everyone in the group got out of the “arbitrary hole”.

Even the group of “Ji family” was driven through “arbitrary holes” by Yin Zhi.

Where is Xu Jiujiu?

Also passed.

Hidden in the crowd like a mouse and sneaked out.

Of course Yin Zhi saw it, but for the time being, he didn’t have time to control her!

Another person took a deep look at Yin Zhi, but left without saying anything.

It is the “Holy Star Knight” Saibar Asa…

Yin Zhi also has no intention to take care of her “Holy Court Eagle Dog” now, so he loves it!

In the end, only Mu Pingting was left.


“You go out too.”

“I still have something to do.”

Mu Pingting nodded, and did not ask what Yin Zhi was going to do.

“Okay, then I will wait for you outside.”

After she left, Yin Zhi was the only one left in the ninth floor of the cave.

Yin Zhi swiped his fingertips and summoned the “Hundred Wars Empress”.

The “Hundred Wars Empress” glanced at Yin Zhi, raised her head, and stared at “The Hanging Heaven Palace”.

She took a deep breath and yelled: “‘Clouds on the Heavenly Palace’, respect my order: start!!”

A huge sound echoed in the cave.

Soon, the sound of “buzzing” came from above.

“Hanging Tiangong” actually moved!

But at this moment…

Boom! ! !

A loud noise came from below.

Yin Zhi only felt a tremor in his feet, and it continued…

what happened? !

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