Chapter 250 Yin Zhi: My Great Emperor! You, don’t be scared to pee…

“Fuck! What’s wrong?”

“Why is there a sudden earthquake?”

“I have a bad feeling…”

“Close your crow’s mouth!”

“Is it over? I can’t stop it!”

The entrance to the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”.

A large group of people were panicked by the sudden earthquake.

After a series of accidents.

They no longer want new changes to happen.

At this moment, almost everyone was praying for the earthquake to stop quickly.


The objective reality does not change according to personal will.

Instead of stopping, the earthquake became more and more violent and violent!

“Also… what are you waiting for?”


“Gan fuck!”

“I knew I would…”

A large group of people ran wildly.


Along with the “Boom Boom Boom”, cracks began to appear on the ground!

The cracks are from small to large, from deep to shallow, from few to more…

The intensity of the earthquake continues to rise!

It seemed that there was an invisible big hand shaking the entire island fiercely.

It also seems that there are little invisible hands that are constantly tearing the ground.


Suddenly someone yelled for help.

The listener turned his head to look subconsciously.

But the place where someone left their feet suddenly collapsed.

The man couldn’t help but fell into a crack in the ground.


It’s hard to protect yourself, save a fart!

But these people who looked back happened to see a scene that horrified them…

The “Nanhua Mountain” where the “Qingshi Emperor Mausoleum” is located, cracked!

But if it cracks, it cracks.

It’s cracked everywhere now, not surprising.

But the problem is, there is magma coming out of the crack! ?

From a distance, it looks like persimmon jam?


The flames are burning!

Smoke billowed into the sky!

What do people think of?


Anyone with a brain can think of-the volcano is about to erupt!

“I’m Gan! Didn’t you say that it will be four months from now?”

“Why is it breaking out now?!”

“Quick! Run to the beach! Who has the ship Yuling quickly take it out!”

A group of people hissed and screamed while running.

At this time people ran into the jungle.

The jungle is also a mess!

The creatures inhabiting here also perceive the danger, and are roaring and scurrying around.

There is even a “cloned dragon”…


At this time, whether it is a herbivorous dragon or a fleshy dragon.

I can’t care about those humans anymore.

Only those who block the way of escape will be ruthlessly crushed by them!

In the chaotic jungle.

Mu Pingting and several other “True Dragon Kingdom” fighters escorted the archaeological team experts.

From time to time, she turned her head to look at “South China Mountain”, her eyes full of worry.

Yin Zhi hasn’t come out yet!

He…should be all right?


He must be fine!

While worrying about Yin Zhi’s safety, Mu Pingting was also speechless.

Everyone runs as far as they are in danger.

But he is good!

Get in as close as you can!

Even if you claim to be strong, you can’t be irresponsible for your own life, right?

In case one day…

Mu Pingting was thinking so.


A loud noise like the destruction of the heavens and the earth came from the sky!

Accompanying this loud noise is an unprecedented earthquake!

All kinds of desperate screams came from all sides…

I don’t know how many people were killed.

Two archaeologists on the side of the “True Dragon Kingdom” archaeological team were nearly killed.

Thanks to Mu Pingting’s prompt response, she used the “Net of Shadows” to get them off.

Her imperial spirit is “Xuanyou Shadow”…

To put it bluntly, it is a group of shadows, and the rarity is “Legendary Eight Stars”!

Immediately afterwards, she saw the red sky above the “Nanhua Mountain”, like a fire burning cloud.

The volcano erupted?

Yes, the volcano erupted!

As if in an instant.

The world has changed color!

The wind blew up!

The thick clouds that were originally deposited on the halfway of the “Nanhua Mountain” were blown away.

The scene of volcanic eruption…

This moment appeared in front of everyone who looked towards “South China Mountain”.

They swear that they will never forget what they saw at this moment in their entire lives…

Bright orange magma gushes out from the hazy mountain top.

And accompanied by billowing smoke.

The terrifying sound of “boom boom boom” surged to the surrounding layers.

The splashing magma is big or small.

Thousands of fiery red scratches were left in the smoke-filled air, like a magma rain.

More magma is flowing and pouring down along the mountain.

It seems to have the power of a flash flood and a tsunami!

There is snow on the top of the mountain…

At this time, the magma collided with the ice and snow, and the white steam was surging and spreading.


very fast!

It seemed like the blink of an eye.

The white steam mixes with the black smoke.

Large black clouds formed in the sky and continued to spread and expand around.

Immediately after…

Crazy lightning!

Anger and thunder!

Obviously it was daytime, but the brightness between the sky and the earth dimmed to the naked eye, as if night had fallen.

At this moment, no one doubts that it is the end of the world…

In the jungle.

“What are you doing in a daze?”

“Hurry up!”

Mu Pingting, who was stunned, was yelled back to God by a warrior.

She reacted quickly and continued to escort the “archaeological expert” away.

“I don’t care about you!”

“I don’t want to care about you!”

“It’s good to live! It’s good to die!”

“You find it yourself!”

“What the hell am I?”

Worrying about your safety again and again…

You are looking for death by yourself again and again!

I do not care! I’m not worried anymore!

Do whatever you like!

Now Mu Pingting feels “I’m fed up”.

Who can stand the tossing this time?

Someone was terrified watching the scene of the volcanic eruption.

Some people laughed “hahaha”.


Who else is there besides Zhao Junlin, the initiator of all this?


“All die!”

Immediately, he waved his big hand, showing the emperor’s domineering.

“Provide my will: Immediately bombard the rebellious officials and thieves on the ground!”

“I want to wipe out the ashes they blew up, leaving no one behind!”

In fact, there is no need to waste shells at this time…

But “His Majesty the Emperor” is not!

He was going to personally execute those who saw his embarrassed appearance!


One by one cannonballs dragged the flames down from the sky!

It was like a meteor shower.

The adventurers on the ground were suddenly blasted out of their hands, and suffered heavy casualties.

Zhao Junlin couldn’t be more satisfied and happy after seeing it!

But at this moment…

Boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, accompanied by a violent vibration!

Zhao Junlin froze first and then furious.

“what happened?!”

A panicked voice came.

“Your…Your Majesty…’Dragon Boat’ was under an unknown attack…”

“There is a large area of ​​damage on the left…”

Zhao Junlin was even more angry.

“Nonsense! How could’Dragon Boat’ suddenly come under attack?”

“Are you all blind?”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another loud tremor!

The “toot toot” siren sounded on the bridge…

At the same time it was red.

Zhao Junlin finally panicked.

“what happened?”


The big screen in front of Zhao Junlin flashed, and a person appeared on it.

“How about it?”

“My Majesty the Great Emperor?”

“Are you satisfied with this gift I gave you?”

“No hurry! It’s just starting now!”

“Next, let you see the real power of’Genting Tiangong’!”

“You, don’t be scared to pee…”

Zhao Junlin’s expression was stunned.

Then, another screen was switched to the screen…

See you!

A huge, majestic, magnificent palace slowly descended from the black clouds, suspended in the air.

Zhao Junlin’s pupils shrank into needlepoints instantly!

Isn’t it the “Inverted Heavenly Palace” on the ninth floor of the “Tomb of Qingshi Emperor”? !

“For… why…”

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