Chapter 260 Is not worth a trillion, is not qualified to go to the top!

Moved to move…

You have to go!

Breakfast is over.

The morning exercise is over.

Yin Zhi left in a chic and relaxed manner.

Of course, when he left Qin Aunt’s door, he had already changed his face.

As for Qin Aunt…

Naturally, I have to take a vacation again today!

The departure time of the “Futu Mountain Queen” was ten days later.

For ten days, Yin Zhidang gave himself a holiday, eating, drinking and having fun.

High-end restaurant?

Go in and eat!

Disney Amusement Park?

Go in and play!

The latest “Holly Events”?

Go in and see!

“Odin Mela” looks like a bird now.

I’m afraid I won’t watch “Holly activities” in the future!

Watch one less one!

Out of spoof mentality.

Yin Zhi also went to the “Sanctuary” in “Sacred Heart City” for two walks.


“I really want to go to empty your warehouse of’Yu Ling Crystal’ in half!”

“If I pull out a lot of’Female Emperor Yuling’, I will push you directly!”

Such a beautiful thing, of course, is just thinking about it in my heart.

In a blink of an eye, ten days passed.

Yin Zhi came to the airport in “Sacred Heart City”…

Holding the ticket in his hand, he couldn’t help but sounded the scene of last night.

The expression is a bit complicated.

In fact, he couldn’t hold back dating Qin Aunt last night.

When the love was strong, Qin Aunt said something that shocked him.

“I’ll give you one…”

Give birth to what?

When a woman says this, she’s not going to give birth to a monkey, right?

at this time……

As Yin Zhi approached the boarding gate step by step, Yin Zhi couldn’t help thinking.

“Can we break through when we come back next time?”

“Unexpectedly, there is a little expectation…”

“It feels strange. What does it feel like to be a dad?”

“But it’s possible that you didn’t win the bid.”

“But with my strength, shouldn’t I miss the target?”

Thinking about it, he came to the ticket gate.

The ticket inspector said in “Taihe language”: “Thank you for taking the’Futu Mountain Queen’…”

Yin Zhi looked upset.

“This is’True Dragon Kingdom’, please say’True Dragon Language’!”

The ticket inspector frowned suddenly.

I’m going to say “Taihe Language”, can you control it?

But the next second he trembled all over, his eyes widened by three minutes.


Because he saw the ferry ticket handed over by Yin Zhi—it was the “ultimate VIP ticket” of the “top cabin”!

Immediately, his waist bends down.

At the same time, he spoke pure “True Dragon Talk”.

“Yes, I’m very sorry!”

“Sir, it’s rude!”

He bent over to check Yin Zhi’s ticket.

After confirming that it was correct, he handed it back to Yin Zhi with both hands.

“It is a great honor for the’Futu Mountain Queen’ to welcome guests like you!”

“Dear guest, I wish you a pleasant journey!”


When Yin Zhi left, the ticket inspector immediately picked up the walkie-talkie.


“Quickly report to Miss Hashimoto, there are’extreme VIPs’ on the ship!”

“He is wearing…”


Of course, Yin Zhiyi entered the cabin and hadn’t walked ten steps yet.

Then a stunning girl greeted her.

With a soft and enthusiastic smile on the already beautiful face, it adds another three-point color.

She bowed, impeccable etiquette.

“Dear guests, you are welcome to take the’Futu Mountain Queen’.”

“I’m Hashimoto Insora, your service specialist.”

“Please follow me.”

“Here is your exclusive elevator.”

“You can go straight to the top floor.”

Yin Zhi’s temper, who is kind to who is kind, he is kind to who is kind.

“sorry to bother you.”

Hashimoto Yinkong said: “You are polite. I am honored to be able to serve you.”

Yin Zhi was about to leave when suddenly an abrupt voice came in.

“and many more!”

A young man came up.

Hashimoto Yinsora asked politely: “Sir, what can I do for you?”

The young man raised his head slightly, very proud.

“I just heard it. You said go to the top, right?”

“In other words, there are rooms on the top floor, right?”

“Then why did I have to upgrade just now, your people said there is no cabin on the top deck?”

Hashimoto Yinsora bowed apologetically to Yin Zhi before heading to the proud young man.

“Sir, I’m sorry.”

“This is not my responsibility.”

“If you have any questions, please go to the front desk and someone will be there for you.”


The proud young man stopped in front of her.

“I don’t find anyone else.”

“I will find you now!”

“Since there is a room on the top floor, you can quickly arrange an upgrade for me.”

“Any amount will do!”

Hashimoto Yinsora looked at the proud young man.

If you have sharp eyesight, you can probably see the hidden contempt in her eyes.


That proud young man is a sharp eye…

What does he do?

He is an actor!

Actors have to specialize in expressions and eyes.

“What is the look in your eyes?”


“Do you think I can’t pay?”

Hashimoto’s beautiful face smiled without a smile.

“Sir, I believe you have enough funds to pay for the upgrade.”

“It’s just that there are existences in this world that money can’t buy.”

“What do you say?”

“Sorry for being lost. I wish you a pleasant journey.”

After speaking, she looked at Yin Zhi with affection and tenderness all over her face.

“I’m so sorry for taking your time.”

“Please please here.”

Yin Zhi uttered a cry and pointed at the proud young man.

“I remember.”

“I said why you are so familiar.”

“You are that Xiao Ge!”

“What did you play… “The Great Blue Fight”!”


Known as the most handsome man in True Dragon Kingdom!

“Golden Bird Award” Actor!

A bunch of halo on the body.

Xiao Ge smiled.

Finally recognized me!

I thought you didn’t have eyes.

“Yes, it’s me.”

“Brother, meeting is fate. Have a discussion.”

“You made me your uppermost room.”

“I’ll give you 30% of the money. Then take a photo with you to sign.”

“How about it?”

His tone.

It seemed like it was a great honor for Yin Zhi to take a photo with him.

And how valuable his signature is.

Yin Zhi smiled: “No.”


no! ?

“Do you think you have little money?”

“I can add it to you if the money is too small!”

“Don’t worry, I will never let you suffer.”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

Hashimoto Insora is angry!

How can I disturb my guest?

“Sir, please respect yourself.”

“If you pester my guests again, I will call the security guard.”


After leaving a cold sentence, she led Yin Zhi away.

Xiao Ge’s cheeks flushed suddenly.

At this time, another fair-skinned and extremely handsome young man walked over.

If the star chaser is here, he will definitely be recognized.

It is another big star who is as famous as Xiao Ge, Tao Fengbai!

He asked: “How is it, is it done?”

Xiao Ge asked back: “How about you?”

Tao Fengbai shook his head.

“I asked a friend.”

“He guesses what he said?”

“He persuaded me to die this heart.”

Xiao Ge was stunned: “Why?”

Tao Fengbai sighed.

“He said that he is not worth a trillion, and he is not qualified to go to the top!”

Xiao Ge was dumbfounded, dumbfounded…

Tao Fengbai said, “It seems that none of us will want to please Feiyue this time.”

Who is Feiyue?

The most beautiful woman in “True Dragon Kingdom”, Yang Feiyue!

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