Chapter 261 Hunger and Thirst! I am very hungry now! quick! As much as I want!

“Dear guest, you are welcome to stay”!

The ferry ticket card in Yin Zhi’s hand is also a room card.

Brushing the door, a very gentle voice rang.

Yin Zhi stepped into the room.

After a glance, he secretly “tsk tsk”.

What is the meaning of low-key luxury?

What is Zen?

What is going back to basics?

That’s it!



The air was filled with faint sandalwood.

Is this more than a room?

It is simply an ancient exquisite courtyard!

Just now Hashimoto Yinsora asked Yin Zhi what style of room he likes.

Yin Zhi said that he likes the classic style of “True Dragon Country”.

So he was taken here…

“Sir, are you satisfied with this room?”


So satisfied!

Even too satisfied!

Yin Zhi was cheerful in his heart, but his mouth was flat.

“Well, not bad. Not bad.”

Hashimoto Insora bowed slightly.

“Your satisfaction is our only pursuit.”

“Do you have any other needs?”

Yin Zhi replied “not yet”.

“Then I won’t bother you to rest.”

“If you have any needs, you can call me at any time.”

“As your service specialist, I will provide you with all services throughout the process.”

“Thank you again for staying.”

“I wish you a pleasant journey.”

After all, Hashimoto Yinsora left the room.

Yin Zhi will salute.

With a sound of “Yohao”, people rushed onto the wide bed.


He felt like he had fallen into a cloud, and his whole person was light and fluttering.

He put himself in a “big” character.


The enjoyment of the rich really broke through the imagination of ordinary people!


and many more!

She just said “any need”, “all services”?

Does that also include that?

Thinking of Hashimoto’s beautiful and charming appearance, it was really moved.


“Scratching Qin Aunt’s treatment and doing three tricks…”

“It doesn’t look good?”

Thinking about it this way, Yin Zhi’s crooked thoughts faded.

After lying down for a while, Yin Zhi stood up.

He came to the balcony.

To be precise, this balcony is a balcony or an exquisite courtyard!

Needless to say spacious.

Rockery, pond, landscape plants…everything.

The ground is covered with snow-white pebbles.

Stepping on it, there was a very nice rubbing sound of stones.

Yin Zhi came to the edge of the balcony, holding his hands, overlooking the city of “Sacred Heart City”.

“It’s time to go!”

“I come back but I don’t know when it will be.”


Yin Zhi exuded a strong and powerful self-confidence all over his body.

“On the day of returning, I must use the identity of Yin Zhi!”

“At that time, I will see how your’Holy Court’ can withstand me!”

Ten o’clock in the morning.

“Futu Mountain Queen” set sail!

This is a “sea and air amphibious luxury cruise ship”.

Lift off when there is no water!

Go to the sea when there is water!

Yin Zhi stood on the balcony.

Looking at the “Sacred Heart City”, the farther and farther it was, it disappeared.

At this time, he returned to the room.

“System, can I get my’life medicine’?”

“You are really getting worse and worse.”

“Previous rewards were issued immediately.”

“Now it’s going to be longer and longer.”

“Didi! You can claim it now!”


It’s finally possible!

Yin Zhi immediately couldn’t wait: “Hurry up, give it to me!”

Soon, an irregular ball the size of a ping-pong ball appeared in Yin Zhi’s hands.

The whole body is dark brown.

There are nine small holes on it…

Literary point of view is “acupoint(s)”.

Take a closer look, there are still mysterious lines.

Holding the so-called “anti-aging medicine”.

Sniff to the nose.

“System, is this really the’life medicine’?”

“It’s pretty ordinary!”

“Can he really make me immortal?”

“Didi! The’old medicine’ can only make you not old, but can’t make you immortal!”

Yin Zhi’s expression suddenly collapsed.

“System, are you here to play word games with me?”

“Didi! Does the host think it’s easy to live forever?”


Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

“You speak clearly for me!”

“What is the effect of this’life medicine’?”

“Also, I have the’Emperor Virus’, which can make me immortal.”

“Can the two effects overlap?”

“Didi!’Emperor’s Medicine’ can make the host immortal. The’Emperor Virus’ can make the host immortal.”

“Didi! Both have to be added. Before the vitality of the host cell is lost, the host will be immortal.”

“Didi! Relying on the’Emperor Virus’ to come back to life will consume a lot of host cell vitality!”

“Didi! After taking the’life medicine’, the host’s theoretical life span will increase by a thousand years!”

“Didi! Every death will reduce your life span by about 20 years!”

Yin Zhi immediately “leaned”.

“Why didn’t you say that death and resurrection will reduce life?”

“Didi! The host did not mention that this system has no obligation to inform.”

“System, you can really do it!”

“The Death Hunting System” didn’t respond…

Yin Zhi suddenly realized a problem.

Although the “finding death system” keeps himself looking for death.

But it seems to be making sure that it won’t really die.

“Emperor Virus” makes oneself immortal!

“Natural medicine” to make yourself not old!

The two superimposed, he just added a thousand years of life!

It seems that Confucius and Mencius only lived to be 300 years old, right?

If you really live for a thousand years.

I don’t know what the world will be like in a thousand years.


Think of the “Purple Dragon” who lived for ten thousand years.

There is also the “Holy Court Holy See” who is also suspected to have lived for ten thousand years or even longer…

A thousand years does not seem to be “longevity”?

What is the way to live for 10,000 years? !

After throwing away the “anti-aging medicine” in his hand, Yin Zhi smiled.

“Let’s live through it first!”

“If you don’t kill the’Holy Court’, you will never live comfortably.”

With a mutter, he threw the “anti-aging medicine” into his mouth.


Oh, is it so crispy?

There is actually a strong chocolate flavor!

Are you sure I am not eating a chocolate ball?

“Guru” swallowed.

Yin Zhi immediately felt his whole body twitching like an electric shock.

Rolling his eyes, he fell straight to the ground, completely unconscious.

I don’t know how long it took…

When Yin Zhi opened his eyes, his first feeling was two words: thirsty! hungry!

The kind of hunger and thirst that are almost dying of starvation.

Yin Zhi hurriedly bought a barbecue leg with the five million reserved for murder.

As a result, a meaty leg fell into his stomach, and he was filled with a big bucket of water, and he was still hungry and thirsty.

f*ck, if this goes on, the “balance” won’t hold up!

He quickly grabbed the communicator on the bedside and called Hashimoto Insora…


“I am very hungry now!”

“Quick! Bring the most energetic food here.”

“I want as much as I want!”

“The taste doesn’t matter! Just eat enough!”

The speed of demand response is quite fast.

In less than ten minutes, a bunch of delicious food was placed in front of Yin Zhi.

“Sir, these are all dishes made by the famous chef “Kusanaru Maeno”.”

“Please taste…”

Before Hashimoto Yinsora finished speaking, Yin Zhi grabbed a piece of fried steak with his bare hands and ate it…

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