Chapter 262 Strange, how did that person feel like I’ve seen it before…

The rich have privileges!

It’s like Yin Zhi’s ugly look at this moment…

If you change someone else, you have to be despised.

But now, who dares to despise Yin Zhi?

They all waited with a smile on their faces.

Yin Zhi eats very fast!

The delicacies are just like eating running water banquets in the countryside.

The waiter walked back and forth.

Bring down the empty plate after eating, and bring up the delicious plate.

Hashimoto Yinsora grabbed the walkie-talkie and directly communicated with the kitchen, making arrangements in an orderly manner.



Yin Zhi hiccuped.

Finally full!


“Thank you.”

“how much is the total?”

Hashimoto Insora smiled as always.

“Sir, all expenses during your stay are free.”


Good thing!


Yin Zhi had his own plans.

He took out the bank card Qin Aunt gave.

“Carry it.”

“So the waiter’s salary for one year is considered as a tip.”

“You and the chef will each take five years.”

Hashimoto’s eyes sparkled.

She bowed and took it with both hands: “Sir, thank you very much for your generosity.”



First: It’s all about hitting workers! Who would think that there is little money?

Second: the guest is supreme! Can’t refuse!

Soon, a professional cleaning team came in and cleaned up the room.

When they left, the smell of food in the room disappeared without a trace.

Hashimoto Insora also returned the bank card.

“Miss Hashimoto, this time I went to’Taihe’ to travel.”

“If I have time in the future, can you please tell me about the situation of “Taihe”?”

“For example, where is there delicious, where is fun.”

Since we are going to “Xihe (modified. Sound with tai)”.

Naturally, we can’t do a good job of aligning and understanding.

Rude, Hashimoto Insora in front of you is the best target.

How could Hashimoto Insora refuse?

on the contrary……

She even rejoices that she can have more time to contact Yin Zhi!

Why rejoice?

Does that need to be said?

Only the guests in front of him.

Then you can achieve the goal that can’t be accomplished in a lifetime of struggle!

Leaving Yin Zhi’s room.

Hashimoto Yinsora clenched his fists to cheer for himself.

“Fuck it!”

“Yin Kong sauce!”

“You can do it!”

Where’s Yoonji?


Drink enough!

After taking a shower, I ended up sleeping.

the following few days.

Yin Zhi stayed in the room.

Through a conversation with Hashimoto Insora.

His understanding of “Xihe Island Country” is increasing day by day.

Hashimoto Insora can become the “Ultimate VIP Service Specialist” of the “Futoyama Queen”.

Naturally, it’s not just “face value”.

Learning is essential!

It doesn’t look at what level she serves.

From economics, to politics, to history…

She can speak, and she can also express some of her own unique insights.

Almost an all-rounder.

What surprised Yin Zhi was…

You said it was a coincidence?

Hashimoto Insora turned out to be a graduate of “Torekyo University”!

Naturally, Yin Zhi knew quite a lot about “Dongrejing University” from her mouth.


The situation is not optimistic.


Because in accordance with the “Torekyo University” system.

It is completely impossible for him to enter it as a student.

It’s not that there are no backdoors.

But that is not something you can go.

Money doesn’t work!

“what can we do about it?”

“You can’t catch a teacher secretly and ask questions?”

“When do I have to catch it?”

Yin Zhi thinking of his heart.

I ignored Hashimoto’s unmarked hooks.

This makes Hashimoto Yinsora a little discouraged…

Yin Zhi thought about it and didn’t think of a good way.

He decided to work hard on Hashimoto Yinsora.

Get acquainted with her first!

At that time, I asked her directly what way to enter “Dongrejing University”.

Those who are unfamiliar right now may not be too obtrusive.

Seven days later.

“Futu Mountain Queen” officially entered the sea.

He fell from the sky to the sea and began to ride the wind and waves.

This evening.

Hashimoto Yinsora came to Yin Zhi’s room.

She changed her uniform today?

Put on a long purple evening dress.

The whole skirt was hung on her snow-white shoulders with two thin straps.

The figure with the perfect curve was thoroughly repaired by the skirt.


In order to hold the proud snow mountain on her chest, the two straps on her chest were stretched straight.

They obviously bear the weight they shouldn’t bear…

Asking people to worry about whether they will be overwhelmed and break down directly.

And the drop-shaped pendant hanging on the neck, just above the first line of snow ditch, can be called the finishing touch.

Yin Zhidun felt completely new.


It’s a bit uncontrollable!

“Miss Hashimoto, you look so beautiful tonight.”

Hashimoto Yinsora has always been proud of his own conditions.

“Mr. Yin, there is a ‘Starry Night and Sea Evening’ on the front deck tonight.”

“We invited very popular celebrities to perform.”

“Are you going to participate?”


Yin Zhi subconsciously refused.

You can see Hashimoto’s attractive appearance at the moment.

Think about it again, it seems that I have been bored in the room for more than a week.

He changed his mind.

“Alright. Just go take a look.”

Hashimoto Yinsora smiled and bowed, shaking his chest twice.

“Then Mr. Yin, I will be your female companion tonight.”

“Please also advise.”

She yelled in her heart: “Yin Kongjiang, the battle is a great success!”

Yin Zhi was too lazy to change clothes, put on his shoes and went out.

As soon as he left the house, Hashimoto Yinsora said “disrespectful” and took Yin Zhi’s arm.

Yin Zhi only felt that the hard elbow hit a soft ball.


“This girl must be picking me up!”

“That’s it…”

There seems to be nothing wrong with it?

Anyway, it’s what you need!

I don’t want to, I haven’t walked far when I just went out.

A door in front was opened.



“You can do it, can’t you?”

“I really don’t want to go to’Dongrejing’!”

“I studied well at the’Elite University’.”

“Why do you want to get me to’Xihe’ to study?”

Hearing this voice, Yin Zhi’s heart moved.

Isn’t this the voice of the so-and-so?

Then, a middle-aged gentleman and a black straight girl came into Yin Zhi’s eyes.

He knew both of them.

Who is the gentle middle-aged man?

It is the richest man in the “True Dragon Kingdom” and the “national father”, Jack Ma!

Isn’t the black straight long girl Murong Rong?

Yin Zhixin said, “She’s not dead? She’s really fateful!”

Just listen to Ma Yunhua’s resolute refutation of Murong Rong.

“This is a decision made by your mother and I.”

“Don’t talk about it anymore.”

“Aren’t you clamoring to listen to Tao Fengbai and Xiao Ge’s concert?”

“Dad has arranged for you.”

“Everything else is easy to discuss. Except for studying abroad in’Dongrejing’.”

Murong Rong suddenly stomped his feet and pursed his mouth.

At this time, she saw Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi directly ignored the “richest man in horse” and walked directly.

We don’t even want to let go of the richest man, haha, cool!

When Yin Zhi left, Murong Rong frowned and mumbled: “Strange, how did that person feel like I’ve seen it before…”

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