Chapter 263 Damn it! Sure enough, do men still have no resistance to bigger ones?

Tonight the moon hangs in the sky, and the stars are shining.

What’s more rare is that the wind on the sea is not strong.

It’s chilly, it’s just right!

Yin Zhi was led by Hashimoto Yinkong to the third floor of this luxurious cruise ship.

The concert will be held on the main deck on the first floor.

At this time, the lights and festoons below were already crowded, and it was very lively.

Especially the huge rectangular swimming pool.

There are sapphire blue lights at the bottom of the pool.

It makes the entire pool look like a huge ice jade.

Near the bow of the ship, a stage has been set up.

Looks quite professional!

Needless to say, the third deck where Yin Zhi is located is the so-called “VIP seat.”

There are the fewest people here, the large space for activities, and the broadest view.

Yin Zhi was blowing the cool sea breeze.

I just feel particularly comfortable.

“It seems we can’t just sit in the room.”


Yin Zhi remembered the conversation between Murong Rong and her daddy just now.

“Miss Hashimoto.”

“I remember you said before that’Dongrejing’ was very difficult to enter?”

“It doesn’t work if you have money.”

“Why did the richest man in Ma just send his daughter in with ease?”

“I was suddenly a little curious.”

Hashimoto’s eyes flickered.

That is the light of envy and jealousy…

People who admire other people’s reincarnation technology are not only the “True Dragon Kingdom”.

In order to enter the “Dongrejing”.

She is almost dead!

But there are people in this world who easily get what you are desperate for.

“Mr. Yin…”

“Under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible to enter the’Dongrejing’ through financial resources.”

“But there are special circumstances.”

“For example, I got a letter of introduction signed by at least three directors.”

Yin Zhi was stunned.

“Dongrejing University” has a total of ten directors.

Both are top-notch figures in “Zihe”.

Either a chaebol leader, or a military boss, or a political giant…

How easy is it to get a letter of introduction jointly signed by three directors?

This path is still not suitable for us.

At the same time, the richest man and daughter of Ma came.

Yin Zhi ended this topic.

Turn to chat with Hashimoto Insora about other things.

Hashimoto Insora is a very chatting person.

And no matter what she talks about, she can cleverly focus on Yin Zhi.

This undoubtedly made Yin Zhi greatly satisfied.

The two were talking and laughing…

“Yin Kong sauce?”

An uncertain voice came.

Hashimoto Yinsora turned his head and looked.

“According to senior sister?”

“Ahhh! It’s really you! Long time no see!”

“Yes! It’s been two years, right? The last time I met was at your wedding.”

“Isn’t it? Time flies so fast.”

The two women immediately recounted the old with enthusiasm.

Yin Zhichao glanced at the “Senior Sister Zhao”.

She is a woman whose appearance is slightly inferior to Hashimoto’s Insora.

The makeup on his face is thicker than Hashimoto’s.

He also has more accessories than Hashimoto’s.

If you remove makeup and jewelry.

I am afraid that the gap between the two will be widened.

But she also has her advantages…

Hashimoto’s “size” is number five.

She has at least number seven!

really big……


Hashimoto Yinsora quickly realized that Yin Zhi had been left out.

She quickly apologized and introduced to Yin Zhi.

“This is my elder sister in’Dongrejing’.”

“Mei Chuan Zhao.”

“Take care of me when I go to school.”

“She is now teaching in’Dongrejing’.”


The teacher of “Dongrejing”?

Yin Zhi couldn’t help but glanced at her more.

and many more!


This name is translated into “True Dragon Language” and it is hard to bear to look straight!

“She is the teacher of’Dongrejing’…”

“Is it possible to put some effort on her?”

I thought about it, but it didn’t prevent him from saying hello to Mei Chuan Zhao.

The three of them didn’t say a few words, and another voice came in.


“Why are you here?”

“My brother is looking for you!”

“Come with me quickly.”

Upon hearing this voice, Yin Zhi said “Ouch” in his heart.

“What day is it today?”

“How to meet acquaintances?”

This person who called “Mei Chuan Zhao”…

Isn’t it the “Aku” who was beaten up by him on “Penglai Island”?

That’s right!

The person who walked over was Mei Chuanku!

The boss of the “Linglan Extreme Fire Group”.

Of course, Yin Zhi never knew his name was Mei Chuanku.

But now he knows.

In accordance with the custom of “冭和”.

The woman takes her husband’s surname after marriage!

This “Aku” must be called… Meichuanku!

Oh, it’s better not to translate this name.

Yin Zhi secretly smiled “hehe”.

“Thanks to my disguise.”

“Otherwise, you’ll run into him.”

Why is Meichuan Cool here?

After being rescued by the “Holy Court”, he was taken to the “True Dragon Country”.

I was struggling with how to return to China.

When I learned that Big Brother and his sister-in-law were also in the “True Dragon Kingdom”, the family joined together!

Mei Chuanku glanced at Yin Zhi and ignored it.

When I saw Hashimoto’s shadow.

The eyes of those two suddenly became bright and eager.

Beautiful women can always inspire men’s desires!

Hashimoto Yinsora has long been accustomed to men’s different eyes.

She just chuckled slightly.

Then he took Yin Zhi’s arm naturally.

She is not stupid and sweet…

Hashimoto Yinsora is very clear.

Only this man around is worth her investment!

Mei Chuanku then looked at Yin Zhi and glanced twice more.

Just as he was about to strike up a conversation with Hashimoto Yinsora.

Mei Chuanzhao has already bid farewell to Yin Zhi.

The uncles and sister-in-law went a little further.

Mei Chuanku asked, “Sister-in-law, who was that beauty just now?”

“It’s my school girl when I was in’Dong Rejing’.”

“Sister-in-law, can you introduce her to me?”

Mei Chuanzhao’s reaction to his uncle was not strange, and smiled slightly.

The charm of a wife’s seduction, Mei Chuan, is tempted.

“Her vision and standards are very high.”

“You want to pursue her, but you have to work harder.”

She is not optimistic about Meichuan Cool.

Even if the “Umekawa Family” is a famous sect…

But Mei Chuanku is studying at “Linglan College”.

His starting point is too low and too low!

It is even more “the shame of the Meichuan family”!

Even if Hashimoto Insora is just a commoner.

I won’t like him.

Mei Chuan said coolly: “Sister-in-law, you must help me!”


Do not!

He just greeted Hashimoto’s body.

Will be thrown away after playing.

not far away.

Yin Zhi approached Hashimoto’s shadow.

“Tell me about Mei Chuan Zhao.”

“I really want to have more contact with her.”

“Maybe I can be friends with her.”

Hashimoto’s eyes flickered, and he said in his heart: “Could it be…”

Thinking of a certain possibility, she suddenly felt sour.

“How can you do this?”

“It’s obviously mine first.”

“And I am obviously more beautiful than her.”

“If I want to say that I’m better off as Senior Sister, I only have…”

She looked down at own pie, unwilling and discouraged.

“Obviously mine is not small.”

“Damn it! Men really have no resistance to bigger ones?”

How did she know.

Yin Zhi just wanted to find a way to enter “Dongrekyo University” from Mei Chuanzhao…

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