Chapter 264 The battle plan is revised! Meet the needs of Mr. Yin and Mei Chuanzhao for in-depth exchanges

The concert started soon.

There are many stars on stage this time.

A nice song is flying on the quiet sea and under the stars.

Plus the enthusiastic cheers of the audience.

It really added a lot of fun and joy to this evening.

Yang Feiyue, Tao Fengbai, and Xiao Ge, who were the finalists, took the stage one after another.

It even pushed this concert to a climax!

Yang Feiyue is still as beautiful as ever!

Seeing her singing and dancing on the stage, Yin Zhi couldn’t help but sigh.

He had a brief encounter with Yang Feiyue before in “Odin Merah”…

Actually it’s nothing.

It’s not even worth talking about in particular.

Wasn’t she trapped in “Odin Merah” before?

After the “black pattern virus” broke out, Yin Zhi went to rescue her.

But it wasn’t specifically to save her.

It’s just that she happened to be among the group of people that Yin Zhi wanted to save.

After chatting for a few words, Yin Zhi ignored her and continued to be busy.

He doesn’t chase stars, and he really has no feelings for stars.

As for her tragic beauty?

Teacher Dongfang was by the side at that time!

Even if he is thinking, he is very restrained.

When I was busy after that, I threw her to the back of my head…

I didn’t expect to encounter it on this ship.

At ten o’clock in the night, the concert is over!

It is replaced by the best and dynamic music.

The next step is obviously a free carnival.

On the “three-layer deck” where Yin Zhi was located, the baffle was raised.

The top of the head also stretched out a transparent zenith.

All of a sudden, the noisy sound outside was cut off.

This place has become an independent world!

Melodious and soothing world famous songs flow from the fingertips of the pianist.

Pairs of men and women have danced ballroom dances on the dance floor.



This is undoubtedly the way of communication of the upper class.

Yin Zhi doesn’t know this slow ballroom dance.

Never learned!

He can dance a few kinds of street dance…

But I can’t learn it!

Under Hashimoto’s hand-to-hand instruction, he quickly mastered it.

After a dance, the two returned to their seats.

At this time.

Hashimoto’s “Toraka-senpai” came over again.

Mei Chuanku came here with her!

Now that I am eyeing the prey, how can I not eat it in my mouth?

Umekawa can’t take pictures of Umekawa’s request.

I could only accept his intention and introduce him to Hashimoto’s acquaintance.

It’s just that these two people don’t know.

Yin Zhi couldn’t ask for Mei Chuan’s photos when they arrived.

Hashimoto Yinzora saw that Yin Zhi clearly turned his attention to Umekawa Teru.

Pantothenic acid in my heart.

But she also knew that she was not qualified to be jealous.

Thinking about it, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration…

“Since Mr. Yin has a need for in-depth exchanges with Mei Chuanzhao…”

“As his service specialist, I should meet his needs!”

“Only when he is happy and satisfied, can I have a greater chance!”

“Yes, exactly!”

“A major revision of the battle plan!”

The sourness in her heart disappeared when she thought of this.

Then, she struggled to create a conversation between Yin Zhi and Mei Chuanzhao.

Ever since!

The four people who were pregnant with ghosts began to chat.


Mei Chuan is so depressed that he can’t talk anymore?

However, it was the sister-in-law who talked and laughed with the guy named “Ge Biwang”.

Mei Chuan Ku suddenly felt uncomfortable.

He is not a good temper.

After being unbearable, he clapped his knees and got up.

“Miss Hashimoto, shall I ask you to do a dance?”

This abrupt voice immediately interrupted the communication of the other three.

How could Hashimoto Insora agree?

Immediately declined with the excuse that Wei Wei was a little drunk.

Meichuan is cool but very uninteresting.

“It’s okay. Exercise can just help sober up.”

Hashimoto Insora suddenly looked at Umekawa Teru helplessly.

Naturally, Mei Chuanzhao wanted to help his uncle.

But when she was thinking about how to help Meichuan cool…

Yin Zhi opened his mouth and said, “Since Miss Hashimoto is unwilling, don’t force it.”

At this time, Yin Zhi said “Xiheyu”.

Since we are going to “Zhenhe”, of course we have to practice oral English.

Mei Chuanku overlooked Yin Zhi.

“I’m inviting the flight attendant Yin to dance.”

“It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you, right?”

This is very rude!

Both Hashimoto Insora and Umekawa Teru changed their faces.

Yin Zhi has long known what virtue Meichuanku is.

It’s not surprising that he suddenly turned his face.

Yin Zhi smiled and squeezed Hashimoto’s hand.



Slightly cool!

Great touch!

“Miss Hashimoto is my companion tonight.”

“So tonight her hand can only be held by me.”

“No one except me is allowed to contact her.”

Hashimoto’s words heard this.

Suddenly, I just felt warm all over.

A strong joy came to my heart.

It can even be compared with the excitement when I got the admission notice from Dongrejing University.

Mei Chuanku looked at Yin Zhi coldly.

“What if I have to dance with the flight attendant Yin?”

Mei Chuan Zhao quickly stood up.

“Aku, don’t be like this.”

“Yin Kong sauce, I’m sorry to bother you for so long.”

“Mr. Ge, I’m out of company.”

Mei Chuan Zhao wants to take Mei Chuan Cool away.

But the latter stared at Yin Zhi motionlessly.

At this time…

Snapped! ! !

A loud voice came.

Yin Zhi couldn’t be more familiar with this voice.

This is a loud slap in the face!

He couldn’t help turning his head to follow the prestige.

I saw a small group of people gathered not far away…

Yin Zhi saw the people he knew at a glance!

Not one yet.

Murong Rong!

She daddy Jack Ma!

Big star Yang Feiyue!

He doesn’t recognize the others.

The person who was beaten fell to the ground.

At this time, someone bowed and apologized.

And the object of his apology was the young man in white clothes at the same table with Ma Yunhua…

While apologizing, he also persuaded Yang Feiyue.

“Hiretsu, you just have a drink with Mr. Umekawa?”

Yang Feiyue shook her head.

“I don’t drink.”

“Drinking will ruin my throat.”

“And I didn’t know how to drink.”

“I said no more. How can anyone force people to drink?”

With Yin Zhi’s hearing, he took the initiative to listen, and he would naturally hear their words clearly.

He only heard these two sentences and he knew what had happened.


Mr. Umekawa?

He couldn’t help looking at Mei Chuan Ku and Mei Chuan Zhao.

At this time, the two had already walked over there.


They are a family.

Yin Zhi curled his lips.

“It’s really not good.”

After a while, a lazy but strong voice came.

“Today I, Mei Chuandou, invite you to be an actor for a drink.”

“If you don’t drink it, if it spreads…”

“This will greatly jeopardize the reputation of my’Meichuan Family’.”

“So, for the reputation of the’Mei Chuan Family’, you must drink this glass of wine!”

At this time, Yang Feiyue’s agent was already “Ouch!”

“My grandma!”

“Just a glass of wine, as for?”

“Isn’t it finished with one sip?”

“You drink it!”

Yang Feiyue’s beautiful face was stiff, with an awe-inspiring expression.

“Don’t drink!”

“If you don’t drink it, don’t drink it!”

boom! !

Mei Chuan is going to make a case…

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