Chapter 265 Is the reputation of your Meichuan family earned by bullying women?

A mere actress!

Even against the will of the “Umekawa family”? !

What a courage.

Absolutely unforgivable!

I still don’t believe it.

I can’t cure you as an actress?

“I’ll give you another chance.”

“last chance!”

“After drinking this glass of wine, I can assume that nothing has happened.”

“Otherwise, you will pay for your arrogance and rudeness.”

Aside, Umekawa talked out persuasively.

“My dear, forget it.”

“Don’t embarrass her…”

Mei Chuan shouted: “You shut up! You are not qualified to speak here!”

Umekawa Zhao shut up immediately.

No one knows her husband’s temper better than her.

Following his will, he is a gentleman.

But once he disobeys him, he will instantly become a beast!

At this time, Mei Chuanku also began to help.

He is even more ruthless!

After helping, he added one more sentence.

“Don’t drink?”

“Believe it or not, I will throw you off the boat!”

Whether this sentence is scary or true.

Obviously they are out of line!

In other words…

It’s all for this reason, why didn’t the security show up?

Quite simply, the security guards are not qualified to manage this level of affairs.

The upper level naturally has ways to solve the problem-including killing!

No matter what, the security will not be on the scene.

Of course, if the noise is really too big, someone will show up…

But now it’s obviously not for that purpose.

Yang Feiyue’s agent was crying anxiously.

“Yang Feiyue! Drink it! Drink it!”

“Just a glass of wine! It’s not a poison! Drinking undead!”

“This is not in China, don’t you understand?”

Faced with an agent who was almost crying.

Yang Feiyue shook her gaze, her face stubborn.

“I’m not a partner.”

“Don’t take me as those messy people.”

“Don’t drink it! Don’t drink it!”

“What is the ability to bully me a woman?”


Throwing a word hard, she turned around and left.


“Who allowed you to go?”

Umekawa screamed angrily.

Reached out and grabbed Yang Feiyue’s hair.

A woman who doesn’t know the heights of the sky!

I want to see when you can be tough! ?

But his hand was only halfway out.

He was caught by the hand that came out halfway.

Mei Chuanku subconsciously exerted force.

But I was surprised to find that I couldn’t make it? !

“Let go!”

Turning to look around, I realized that it turned out to be “Ge Biwang”!

That’s Yin Zhi slightly…

“Ask you a question.”

“The reputation of your’Meichuan Family’.”

“Is it earned by bullying women?”

These words are poisonous enough for the people of the “Meichuan family”!

Meichuandou pays great attention to family reputation.

Yin Zhi’s words made him suspect that Own’s ears had misheard.

“What did you say?”

“Can you say that again?”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

“What did you say” again.

Why are there so many deaf people in this world?

“Okay, OK!”

“I didn’t hear you clearly, did you?”

“Then I’ll say it again!”

“Is the reputation of your’Umekawa family’ earned by bullying women?”

“Listen clearly now, right?”

Murong Rong, who was at the same table, frowned.

She couldn’t help staring at Yin Zhi’s face.

It turns out that the more you look, the more unfamiliar!

There is no sense of familiarity at first sight before.


“Why does he speak in a tone like ‘that guy’?”

The so-called “that guy” is naturally Yin Zhi!

Yin Zhi certainly couldn’t think of it at this time.

Murong Rong actually thinks of himself only by the tone of his speech.

You know, Yin Zhike even changed his voice.

“You bastard!”

“How dare to insult my’Meichuan’s family’!”

Mei Chuandou was already angry.

“Apologize to me immediately!”

Yin Zhi looked puzzled.

“Am I insulting you?”

“Then you tell me.”

“You force a woman who doesn’t want to drink, what is it?”

Meichuan Dou’s face is red with red ears.

“This matter has nothing to do with you!”

“Don’t be nosy.”

Why did he force Yang Feiyue to drink?

How can there be any why!

The ultimate goal is not to get her into bed?

Start with a glass of wine, then two glasses of wine.

Drink to add fun, then show your own charm and power.


Whether it is charm conquest or not.

It doesn’t matter if alcohol is conquered.

Anyway, it’s okay to fall asleep!

In the end, Yang Feiyue didn’t drink this first cup!

The plan that you thought was a sure success failed?

Mei Chuandou’s temper came up!

In other words…

Why didn’t he use the normal way of chasing his sister from the beginning?

It’s simple!

In his eyes, Yang Feiyue is a lowly actress!

Specially for fun.

It’s a bit hard to say, Mei Chuandou didn’t even consider Yang Feiyue as a human being!

“Excuse me, don’t change the subject.”

“Answer my question positively!”

“Forcing a woman who doesn’t want to drink, what the hell is it?”

Mei Chuanku’s hand had long been released by Yin Zhi.

But he couldn’t get rid of his anger.

At this time, listening to Yin Zhi’s “aggressive” words, the fire suddenly became fuelled.


“you wanna die!”

Yin Zhi immediately fisted.

Mei Chuanzhao exclaimed: “No!”


Snapped! !

Yin Zhi slapped Mei Chuanku’s face with a slap.

Meichuan is so dizzy!

“Didi! You got 10 million killers from Meichuandou, please check!”


Ten million?

The strength of this Meichuandou is strong enough.

It was almost the same as the “His Majesty the Emperor” of the Zhao family.

Mei Chuandou stared at Yin Zhi coldly and angrily.

“How dare you hit someone?”

Yin Zhi was speechless.

“Are you blind?”

“He does it first. I’m defending. Is there a problem?”

“and also……”

“You also slapped this guy just now.”

It was the big star Xiao Ge who was slapped!

At this time, his handsome face was completely broken.

“The meaning of what I heard.”

“It seems you can slap others in the face.”

“Others can’t slap you in the face.”

“Are you assuming that none of these people are human?”


The two beards on Mei Chuan’s pockets trembled.

Yin Zhi turned to look at Ma Yunhua and his daughter.

“The richest man on horse, I really have you!”

“Watching my compatriots being bullied.”

“You two are watching the show.”

“Others don’t treat our compatriots as human beings.”

“You don’t treat your compatriots as human beings, do you?”

Seeing the spear poked at him, Ma Yunhua’s face suddenly became ugly.

Murong Rong was not happy anymore.

“Please pay attention to your words.”

“What do you do with us?”

“What does this matter have to do with us?”

It’s not just her.

Yang Feiyue’s agent panicked.

“Mr. Ma, this matter has nothing to do with Mr. Ma…”

However, Yin Zhi kicked over and knocked the person down.

“You are a cartilage too!”

“Others are bullied to the head, slapped in the face!”

“You still apologize? Apologize to f*ck!”

“The’Odin Merah’ has fallen, how come there are still bones like you!”

“Lie down!”


Ma Yunhua grabbed Murong Rong and stood up.

He doesn’t look at Yin Zhi either.

Chao Mei Chuan said, “Mr. Mei Chuan, I’m out of company,” and he took Murong Rong away.

Suddenly a mad dog appeared, he didn’t want to be bitten…

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