Chapter 266 If Mr. Ge wins, your wife will also accompany Mr. Ge for one night!


Ma Yunhua pulled Murong Rong away and there was one exception.

That is, he had seen Yin Zhi in the “top deck” before!

He lives in the “top cabin” himself.

Naturally know what kind of people can stay there!

At least they are at the same level as themselves.

But Ma Yunhua did not search for Yin Zhi from his memory…

do not know?

Not knowing is the big problem!

He knows all the wealthy people in China who are eligible to stay in the “top cabin”.

Because there are only a few!

But Yin Zhi is definitely not among them.

Since it is not rich, it is powerful.

Moreover, it is not generally entitled.

Plus the tone and content of his speech…

Ma Yunhua boldly speculates: he is the “child of the highest level”!

That kind of people……

Such a character style…

Still don’t intersect with him.

Whether it is friendship or evil, try to avoid it!

The unfamiliar state of not communicating with each other is the best.

It’s understandable to avoid sex…

Then why avoid even friendship?

Because of politics, it is absolutely not to be touched! !

To put it bluntly, Ma Yunhua was afraid of Yin Zhi, so he avoided it!

Yin Zhi was afraid that he could not think of it even if he wanted to break his head.

The dignified “True Dragon Kingdom” richest man was actually scared away by himself…

Looking at Ma Yunhua’s father and daughter leaving in a hurry.

Yin Zhi didn’t bother to control them.

Mei Chuandou does not care about the leaving Ma Yunhua and his daughter.

He doesn’t want to talk nonsense with Yin Zhi anymore.

“So, how do you want to solve this matter?”

Yin Zhi said, “Ask me? Okay! Then I’ll talk about it.”

He pulled a chair.

“You, apologize to Yang Feiyue and for being slapped by you!”

Mei Chuan smiled twice with “Ha! Ha!”


“You actually want to apologize to two actresses?”

“What do you think of our “Meichuan Family”?”

Yin Zhi “hehe” smiled.

“As what?”

“Of course it’s a rude bastard who is bullying a woman.”

Mei Chuan stared at Yin Zhi tightly.

“Do you believe it or not?”

“I can make you disappear in this world forever.”

Yin Zhiyuan’s words are returned.

“Do you believe it or not?”

“I can also make you disappear in this world forever!”

The two stared at each other.

The sight seemed to collide with sparks.

At this time, Mei Chuanzhao hurried to persuade peace.

“My dear, Mr. Ge, please calm down.”

“It’s just a small matter.”

“It’s not like this.”

Snapped! !

Mei Chuan slapped Mei Chuan Zhao’s face with a slap.

“I already said, let you shut up!”

With that slap, Mei Chuanzhao’s whole body trembled.

The two fat white jade tigers seem to be jumping out…

Yin Zhi “chicks” a laugh.

“I really didn’t make a mistake.”

“It seems that your’Meichuan’s family’ is really famous for bullying women.”

He didn’t beat women less.

But he thinks every woman he hits should be hit!

Mei Chuan said angrily: “Shut up!”

Yin Zhi picked up a bottle of wine on the table.

“You seem to like drinking, right?”

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t force a woman to drink!”

“In this case, I have a proposal.”

“I will drink with you!”

“Look at who falls first in the end.”

“The person who fell first will kowtow to the other party and apologize after he wakes up.”

“How? Do you dare?”

Mei Chuandou didn’t even think about it, and shouted: “Okay! I’ll bet with you!”

Yin Zhi waved his hand and shouted loudly: “Bring the wine! Take as much as you have!”

They are all upper-class people, and they speak a lot.

Soon, the waiter brought up a bottle of wine.

At the same time, a long table was brought in!

A table full of bottles of all kinds of wine!

“Mr. Ge, you don’t have to force yourself so much…”

This is what Hashimoto Insora said.

When there were outsiders, Hashimoto Yinsora called Yin Zhi “Mr. Ge”.

She understands Yin Zhiyin’s surname concealment very well.

She even felt happy that she knew Yin Zhi’s real surname…

Yang Feiyue also came to Yin Zhi at this time.

“Mr. Ge, I am very grateful for your kindness.”

“It’s just… it’s too much.”

“Drink so much wine, just in case…”

Yin Zhi smiled.

“You two help me count!”

“Just to test my drinking capacity today!”

Across the table, Mei Chuan Zhao was also persuading Mei Chuan Dou.

But where does Meichuandou listen?

I was annoyed by her persuasion, so I just said “You shut up”!

Yin Zhi picked up a bottle of wine and tossed it.

He looked at Mei Chuandou defiantly.

“So, let’s get started!”

Mei Chuandou suddenly said, “Hold on!”

Yin Zhi said: “Why, regret it?”

Mei Chuan gave a grinning smile.


“It’s ridiculous!”

“I just suddenly felt that this comparison is really boring.”

“Let’s add an extra bet!”

One more bet?

What tricks are you going to play?

Yin Zhi curled his lips: “Tell me!”

Mei Chuandou suddenly pointed to Yang Feiyue.

“If you lose, this woman will stay with me all night.”

Yang Feiyue’s face flushed suddenly.

Yin Zhi’s face suddenly opened his mouth and cursed.

“I’m going to f*ck!”

“Compare it!”

“If you don’t compare, give me up and apologize to me obediently.”

Mei Chuan looked provocative.

“Why, do you think you will lose?”

Yin Zhi shouted: “What nonsense? How can it compare?”

Seeing Yin Zhi’s refusal to agree, Mei Chuan turned his eyes to Hashimoto’s Insora.

“Then change to her!”

Hashimoto’s face flushed with anger.

Yin Zhi really teased him.

“I said, have you never played with a woman or what?”

“Except for women, what else do you have in your mind?”

“Are you a barren animal?”

Mei Chuan said, “If you don’t agree, it won’t compare!”

No comparison!

Naturally, there is no apology!

But Yin Zhi also admits to death.

He said he had to apologize, then he must apologize!

In this way, Yin Zhi’s face also became cold.

Hashimoto Yinsora looked at Yin Zhi, then at Mei Chuan Zhao, gritted his teeth…

“Mr. Ge, you promise him!”

Yin Zhi looked at her in amazement.

What the hell?

Hashimoto Yinsora smiled and said, “I believe you will win.”



Hashimoto Yinsora turned his head to look at Umekawadou.

“It’s obviously impossible to bet on me alone. Right?”

“So, Mr. Umekawa, your bet must be equal.”

“If Mr. Ge wins…your wife, that is, Senior Sister Mei Chuan Zhao!”

“I have to spend the night with Mr. Ge! This is fair, right?”

Mei Chuanzhao’s face suddenly turned red and white: “Yinkong sauce, you…what are you talking about?”

Hashimoto Yinkong said: “Sister Zhao-senpai, I’m sorry, it’s all for fairness.”

Mei Chuandou’s face turned blue, red, purple and white.

Hashimoto Yinsora looked at Mei Chuandou with contempt.

“Mr. Umekawa, don’t you dare?”

“If you dare not, please do as Mr. Ge said-apologize!”

How could Mei Chuandou bear the contempt of a woman, and his head heated up and he shouted “Okay”!

“Gamble, gamble, who is afraid of whom?!”

“bring it on!”

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