Chapter 267 Miss Yang, can you help me help him back to the room?

Why did Mei Chuandou dare to agree?

First, the blood is on the top.

The gambler is psychologically troubled.

More importantly, he has confidence in own drinking!

After all, as the head of the marketing department of the “Meichuan Group”.

His job is to accompany all parties to drink and socialize.

Already practiced drinking!

At this moment, he sneered at Yin Zhi, with only one thought in his mind.

“I see how you died!”

Thinking so.

His aggressive eyes looked at Hashimoto Yinsora.

He remembered Hashimoto Insora.

At the wedding of Mei Chuan Zhao two years ago.

He remembered this woman.

It’s just that I was entangled in all kinds of trivia at the time.

She was too busy at all, and gradually forgot about her.

Goodbye now, remembering the impulse two years ago…

Since you can’t occupy Yang Feiyue.

Then it can only be second best!

Especially, he still remembers what Meichuanzhao said.

Hashimoto Insora is a very talented woman.

If you take her down, maybe you can still become own secretary.

The more beautiful Mei Chuandou picked up the wine.

Everything is done with the palm of the knife, and the bottleneck is cut open!

He raised his head and poured it out, gurgling and gurgling.

Yin Zhi also bit open a bottle of wine, raised his head and blew it.

Both Umekawa Teru and Hashimoto Yinsora watched nervously.

From time to time, the eyes of the two of them could not help but meet.

But it doesn’t have the intimacy it had before…

In this regard, Hashimoto Insora did not care.

How good the relationship between the two is, I can’t talk about it.

Not to mention that two years have passed.

The original feelings have long since faded.

Now I am Mr. Yin’s “Service Specialist”!

I only need to meet all his needs.

There was a lot of noise on Yin Zhi’s side, but it did not arouse onlookers.

However, the people around the table still cast their gazes.

They also want to know the final result of this bet!

Time passed by a little bit.

Bottle after bottle of wine on the table turned into empty bottles.

But soon these empty bottles will be removed.

The new wine was brought up again.

But just to pull it off and empty the table, but it won’t move away.

They were all placed aside, one by one.

The degree of wine varies!

Different brands of wine!

What kind of wine you drink is all random.

The seemingly unfair competition is actually the most test of alcohol!

Mei Chuandou’s face gradually turned red from drunk.

Although he is a “Royal Two-star Spirit Guardian”, that’s right.

The physical fitness is amazing, and the ability to decompose and absorb alcohol is also extremely abnormal.

No matter how strong the liver function is, it can’t stand the accumulation of alcohol.

He is starting to fail…

Yin Zhi still looked as usual.

Filling a bottle of wine is just like drinking water.


Yin Zhi smiled.

“Mr. Umekawa, are you deliberately choosing low-alcohol drinks?”

“Could it be that you can’t do it?”

Meichuandou seemed to have been stepped on his tail.


“I can still drink a lot!”

Yin Zhi said, “Are your face red?”

Mei Chuan said, “That’s because I am in good spirits right now!”

Yin Zhi smiled.

“I can give you a chance now.”

“As long as you admit defeat and apologize, this matter will be over.”

“If you continue to gamble, you will lose face and lose madam again.”

There was a burst of hope in Mei Chuan Zhao’s eyes, but…

Mei Chuan shouted: “Stop talking nonsense! The final victory must belong to me!”

After all, he picked up a bottle of high wine and poured it.

Yin Zhi sighed.

“Miss Meichuan, it’s a pity.”

“I have given him the opportunity.”

“But he doesn’t cherish it.”

After all, Yin Zhi moved his other hand and grabbed a bottle of wine.

One mouth has two bottle mouths…


Still confident?

Mei Chuan saw it, and when he gritted his teeth, he also learned something.

After two bottles of wine, he was still extremely confident in his heart.

I will never lose!

I will never lose!

I will never lose!

I’m absolutely… right… will lose…

I don’t… lose…

I… lose…

Finally, the alcohol that had accumulated to a certain level broke out!

For an instant, Mei Chuandou felt the sky spinning, his eyes full of colorful light.



Two bottles of wine were poured on the ground alone…



Mei Chuanzhao suddenly paled.

She squatted to Mei Chuandou’s side and shook him vigorously.

When she shook, her own body also shook.

Bouncing is so cute…

“I… won’t lose…”

“I…not drunk!”

“Drink! Continue… drink!”

“Photo! I want…you and your younger generation…”

He was already talking drunk.

“Together with me…”

Mei Chuanzhao was immediately embarrassed and embarrassed, his face flushed.

Can’t wait to find a crack to hide in.

Yin Zhi was still ruddy and full of energy at this time.

It didn’t look like he was drunk at all.

“It looks like I won?”


“You bastard!”

This is Umekawa’s cool roar.

Mei Chuanku, who was put aside, had already sobered up.

He just kept his temper and didn’t interrupt the competition between Big Brother and Yin Zhi.

Now that Big Brother is brought down, he doesn’t care about winning or losing.

Immediately summon own Yuling!

He wanted to kill Yin Zhi and vent his anger.

Naturally, Yin Zhi received another “killing heart” at this moment.

But at this moment…

A hand was pressed on Mei Chuanku’s shoulder.

“This guest, I’m sorry.”

“For the safety of all guests on board.”

“It is forbidden to recall Yuling on board.”

“Please understand and cooperate.”

What prevented Mei Chuan from being cool was a sudden appearance of an old man in suit.

He is the chief security officer of “Futu Mountain Queen”.

When it comes to summon Yuling, he must come forward.

Mei Chuan coolly shouted: “Let go!”

Snapped! !

A slap slapped Mei Chuanku’s face.

I fainted directly!

Fan Yun Mei Chuan is cool, who else besides Yin Zhi?

Yin Zhi looked at the old man in suit.

“I have the most direct and effective way to deal with this kind of person.”

After speaking, he lost a few words to Mei Chuanzhao.

“Everyone present is a witness. If he repents…”

“Then everyone will know the glorious deeds of the’Umekawa Family’.”

“Besides, these wine money counts to him.”


After speaking, he turned and left.

Hashimoto Insora bowed to Umegawa Shoji.

“I’m sorry, take the picture of Senior Sister.”

“This matter was provoked by your husband.”

“I’m leaving first.”

After that, she trot to chase after Yin Zhi.

The excitement seems to have come to an end.

But the people who have witnessed the whole thing know it.

The good show may have just begun!

The journey is boring, and there is a good show to watch, which can also relieve boredom.

Tao Fengbai said to Yang Feiyue: “Feiyue, shall we go back too?”

Yang Feiyue left a sentence, “You go back first.”

Just chased in the direction where “Mr. Ge” left.

Tao Fengbai and the slapped Xiao Ge could only stare blankly…

Yang Feiyue chased after her, and was about to express her gratitude to “Mr. Ge”.

“Mr. Ge” fell to the ground.

Mumbled “Mom, you really can drink”.

Hashimoto Yinkong tried to support Yin Zhi, but it was very difficult.

So she could only ask Yang Feiyue for help.

“Miss Yang, can you help me help him back to the room?”

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