Chapter 268 Hiss! This unscientific! Didn’t you say that you can’t do anything drunk?

Is Yin Zhi drunk?

He is really drunk!

Even if he greatly strengthened his liver function with the “Emperor Virus”.

Can face the influx of alcohol like a mountain torrent and a tsunami.

His liver can’t stand it anymore…

Say something exaggerated.

Yin Zhi now has only alcohol and no blood in his veins!

But in the end he is a person with a “royal-class three-star” body.

Even though I am really drunk now, ordinary people are in a much better state.

For ordinary people, it is estimated that they have already died of alcohol poisoning by now.

And his metabolism is also speeding up.

Decompose alcohol at full fire.


“I…can do it…”

“You don’t… use… control me…”

With that said, Yin Zhi staggered to his feet.

Hashimoto Yinsora put one of Yin Zhi’s arm up on his shoulder.

She also swayed.

See you at Yang Feiyue, who was a little hesitant.

He gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

Learn the appearance of Hashimoto Insora.

He set up Yin Zhi’s other arm.

“He got drunk for me.”

“I should help him both in terms of emotion and reason.”

Yin Zhi didn’t realize what he was enjoying at this moment.

He muttered to himself.

“A Umekawa is cool…”

“Another Umekawa photo…”

“One more Meichuan pocket…”


“Can’t their family afford to buy clothes?”

“This this……”

“What’s the situation?”


The “Emperor Virus” responded to his thoughts.

Extracted the memory of last night…

What happened last night suddenly went through his mind like a movie.


“This is unscientific! Doesn’t it mean that you can’t do anything drunk?”

“However, now I am considered…”

“Making a big profit?”

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