Chapter 269 Yang Feiyue: I have said everything you want to know, so I asked if you were afraid?

Both women woke up…

Yin Zhi made own’s expression as sincere as possible.

“Miss Yang…”

“Miss Hashimoto…”

“Oh, I’m sorry!”

“This is a mess…”

“I overestimated my own drinking capacity.”

This time is completely different from the last time Dongfang Teacher.

Teacher Dongfang asked for it last time.

Yin Zhi has a clear conscience.

But this time, he was ashamed.

Yang Feiyue’s dark, clear and deep eyes stared at Yin Zhi closely.

She wanted to look for traces of concealment and falsehood from Yin Zhi’s face.

However, besides apologizing, upset, embarrassment…

Nothing was found.

Of course she couldn’t find it.

Because there is no cover-up and falsehood at all!

If it was Yin Zhi from the previous life-even the one who was reborn soon.

Have an indescribable relationship with a big star like Yang Feiyue.

Still not excited to die? !

But now, his grade is high enough…

Entangling with Yang Daxing overnight, he certainly felt that he had made a profit.

But it was not enough to make him unable to control himself with excitement.

Therefore, his apology and annoyance are genuine!

Yang Feiyue did not speak, but Hashimoto Yinsora spoke first.

“Mr. Yin, you don’t have to apologize.”

“I am your customer service specialist.”

“It is my job to meet all your needs.”

“It is my honor to be able to solve your needs.”

“In addition, the customer service specialists in the’top cabin’ are all one-offs.”

“So you are the first and last customer I serve.”

Combining her gentle to the extreme voice, tone, and speed.

Yin Zhi felt very comfortable and comfortable listening.

Yang Feiyue glanced at Hashimoto Yinkong and secretly despised her by three points.

At the same time, there is still a resentment in my heart.

I was obviously treated as you by him last night!

Obviously I suffered for you!

Why did things happen like this?

Thinking about it, her tears fell…

How to do?

If it is known by “he”, it will be fatal!

No, “he” will know!

What should I do then?

Yin Zhi sighed and handed her a tissue.

“I will be responsible for you…”

It’s not his fault, he doesn’t bother to care.

But since it was his fault, he would be responsible.

Yang Feiyue snatched the paper towels, compared with the paper towels, and tore them to pieces.

“Will you be responsible?”

“Who wants you to be responsible?”

“Are you responsible?”

“You know nothing!”

“Being ‘he’ knows that ‘he’ will kill me!”

“And you! You will die too!”

Yin Zhi frowned.


Or she?

But it’s mostly him!

This Yang Feiyue has been maintained?

It’s not right!

The little plum blossoms on the bed show that Yang Feiyue is obviously the first time…

Isn’t it “he” but “she”?

Otherwise Yin Zhi can’t imagine what kind of person can resist her charm and not eat her…

Is it a eunuch?

Old people who are still functionally aging?

“If you are worried about this…”

“Then you don’t need to worry.”

“There are too many people in this world who want to kill me.”

“But I still live well and moisturized.”

“What do you think.”

“Who the hell is it?”

Yang Feiyue didn’t say, just shook her head.

Hashimoto Yinsora was also comforting her.

Yin Zhi shook his head.

“Yinkong, I’m a little hungry.”

“You go get me something to eat?”

“Get more. The three of us eat together.”

Hashimoto Yinkong responded very docilely.

Just put on clothes in the sun and left.

Yang Feiyue was about to leave, but Yin Zhi held her back.

She struggled immediately.

“You let me go.”

“I don’t blame you either.”

“Don’t be responsible for you either.”

With that, her tears burst again.

“I only blame myself for my bad life.”

“I didn’t believe in a catastrophe in a natal year before.”

“Now I have to believe it if I don’t believe it.”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

Why is this still related to the natal year?

But we don’t have any responsibility for this matter, you go as you go!

But the responsibility for this is all on one’s own body.

Regardless of?

Not my character!

Yin Zhi pulled her close to his arms.

Yang Feiyue is naturally struggling vigorously.

“Today you still have to make it clear to me.”

“Don’t think of this door unless you make it clear.”

“Do you understand?”

Yang Feiyue struggled to herself, but didn’t say anything.

Rubbing and rubbing, Yin Zhi was furious.

It’s not soft, right?

Then let’s be hard!

A bite of a tooth, a cross of heart…

The “heavy artillery striker” waved out, hitting the enemy to the point of weakness.

The world is quiet!

“Say or not?”

Yang Feiyue gritted her teeth and closed her mouth.

“Say or not?”


“Tell you well, don’t tell me. You have to force me to make a trick!”


“Crying? It’s useless to cry! Say or not?”


Until Hashimoto Yinsora came in with a breakfast car alone.

Yin Zhi was still questioning Yang Feiyue.

Hashimoto Yinsora has changed into a work uniform, fresh and beautiful.

“Mr. Yin, do you need… help?”

“No need now.”

“Okay. Please don’t be polite when you need it.”

Yin Zhi continued to press Yang Feiyue.

“Not yet?”

“Believe it or not I can spend the whole day with you?”

It took another half an hour…

“I say……”

“I say!”

“Don’t torture me anymore…”


It’s over if you say it a long time ago?

Why suffer from these flesh and blood?

Yang Feiyue wanted Hashimoto Yin to go out.

Obviously I don’t want her to hear it.

But Yin Zhi let her stay.

This trust quickened Hashimoto’s feelings and excitement.

Yang Feiyue didn’t know anything, so she could only tell the truth obediently.

After Yin Zhi listened…


“It seems that I and you “Hidden Family” are really horrified.”

“Is this all provoked?”

“Wonderful! How wonderful!”

Hidden Family!

It’s the hermit family again!

Yang Hou Ji Gou Zhu, Long Jiang Niu Zhao Ma!

Yang Feiyue came from the “Yang Family” ranked first among the “Top Ten Hidden Families”.

And the head of the contemporary “Yang Family” is Yang Feiyue’s Big Brother, Yang Yinlong!

One is hailed as “a genius born in ten thousand years.”

At only 30 years old, he is already a strong “Imperial Five Star”.

Unparalleled in the world!

But these are not the focus at the moment.

The main point at the moment is…

Yang Yinlong has an aberration for Yang Feiyue, Little Sister, that surpasses the love of brothers and sisters!

It’s the kind that will definitely break the bones when parents know it.

However, with Yang Yinlong’s strength, his parents obviously couldn’t break his bones.

Thus, Yang Feiyue became the canary kept in the cage by her Big Brother…

“You know the seriousness of the matter now, don’t you?”

“The strength of the’Yang Family’ is far beyond your imagination.”

“Many countries eat all black and white.”

“Before I was trapped in the’Odin Merah Country’, thanks to the protection of the’Red Dragon Society’.”

“The’Red Dragon Society’ is the largest’True Dragon People’ organization in the’Odin Merah.'”

“But it’s just the ‘Yang Family’—no, it’s one of ‘His’ tentacles to be precise.”

“He still has a lot of tentacles like this.”

“I’ve said everything you want to know.”

“Just ask if you are afraid?”

Yin Zhi touched his chin.

“ask you a question……”

“Is that Yang Yinlong an octopus?”

“Otherwise, where are so many tentacles?”

Yang Feiyue opened her mouth, speechless…

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