Chapter 270 I’m going to accompany other men, shouldn’t I become more beautiful?


“Aren’t you afraid at all?”

Yang Feiyue suddenly thought of an old saying.

What is it?

Those who don’t know are fearless!

I don’t know if the surname is Yin or Ge…

I don’t know how powerful the “Yang Family” is at all.

It’s not even clearer how terrible her Big Brother Yang Yinlong is!

If he knows, how can he not be afraid?

For Yang Feiyue’s disbelief.

Yin Zhi smiled.

“For your question, I really don’t know how to answer it.”

“If you don’t believe me, you think I’m bragging when I say that I’m breaking the sky.”

“If you believed me, you wouldn’t ask such a question.”


He shrugged.


He gently patted Yang Feiyue’s cheek, which was truly overwhelming.


“Have a meal!”

Yang Feiyue frowned and said, “I’m going to take a bath.”

I sweated a lot and I was very uncomfortable.

“Coincidentally, I also want to take a bath.”

“Go, my bathtub is big enough.”

“Together. Just to help each other rub their backs.”

After all, he directly carried Yang Feiyue and Hashimoto Yinkong.

Yang Feiyue’s struggle and resistance are undoubtedly redundant…

At this time, she actually felt a sense of “not out of the tiger’s mouth, but into the wolf’s den”.

Just yesterday, she never thought that she would fall here today!

She sighed secretly: “Why do I meet so many unreasonable men?”

Is this wrong?

Aren’t there so many fans and suitors from all walks of life?

Are they all unreasonable?

of course not.

However, these people couldn’t stir the slightest wave in her heart at all.

She didn’t even need to spend the night, she forgot about them…

Just when Yin Zhisan rubbed each other’s backs.

In an equally luxurious and spacious cabin on the next floor.

Here is a purely “Senwa-style” layout decoration.

Simple but not simple, it looks very stylish.

It’s just that the noise of this room at the moment actually destroys the style here.

“Honey, you can’t do this!”

“I am your wife!”

“How can you give me to someone else?”

This is the sad and excited voice of Mei Chuan Zhao.

Immediately afterwards, Mei Chuanku’s voice also sounded.

He knelt on the ground, his forehead pressed to the ground, like a big toad


“Please take it back and die!”

“How can I let my sister-in-law suffer such a big humiliation?”

“I will kill him now!”

Mei Chuan’s face flushed, spitting out a mouthful of saliva.

“You bastard!”

“Fool! Idiot!”

“Isn’t it enough to lose face to the “Umekawa Family”?!”

It sounds like he didn’t give the “Umekawa family” a Losing face.

“Don’t mention this matter anymore.”

“I will not change my decision.”

“Everything is for the reputation of the’Meichuan Family’!”

Mei Chuandou yelled.

But he was sitting on his knees upright and well-known.

“Do you want to hear other people talking behind their backs.”

“Say I’m “Umekawa Family” willing to gamble not to admit defeat?!”

“You two bastards!”

Mei Chuanku suddenly stood up.

Turn around like ants on a hot pan.

Suddenly he yelled “Damn it”.

Suddenly opened the wooden door and rushed out.

Mei Chuandou “hum” coldly.

“Stupid Little Brother!”

“There is nothing like a man from the’Meichuan family’ should be!”

“The face of the’Umegawa’s family’ has lost you all.”

After that, he looked at Mei Chuanzhao.

For an instant, a hint of intolerance flashed in his eyes.

But The next moment, the unbearable eyes are replaced by firmness.

“Since you are married into the’Meichuan Family’.”

“Enjoying the superiority brought to you by the’Umekawa Family’.”

“Then you must be ready to show up for the’Umekawa Family’ at any time.”

He took out a box from his arms.

As soon as the box opened, there was a dark pill inside.

“This is the’Tamasuwanu’ of the’Umekawa Family’.”

“After taking it, the whole body will be very poisonous.”

“Before you and him, take this ‘Jade Pill’.”

Mei Chuanzhao’s face was pale, and his whole body trembled.

“Honey, please, don’t do this.”

“I am your wife!”

“Have you forgotten our vows when we got married?”

Mei Chuandou closed his eyes.


“You dedicate yourself to the’Umekawa Family’, and we will remember your contribution.”

“The guy who embarrassed the “Umekawa Family”…”

“Must die!”

Meichuan Teruqingsu’s face darkened.

She gritted her teeth secretly.


“The one who embarrassed the “Umekawa Family”…”

“Isn’t it you?”

boom! !

Mei Chuan slapped the table to pieces.

A rather handsome face was already flushed.

His eyes were filled with anger.

“what are you saying?!”

“Do you know what you are talking about!?”

“How dare you say this to your husband!”

Mei Chuan went up and down angrily.

Raise your hand to give her a palm.

Mei Chuan Zhao stared at him stubbornly, tears flickering in his eyes.


Suddenly, Mei Chuandou knelt down toward Mei Chuanzhao, his forehead pressed to the ground.

“Photo! A photo!”

“I know I was wrong! Everything is my fault!”


His tone gradually turned to pleading.

“He must die! He must die!”

“If he lives…”

“If what happened last night reaches my father’s ears.”

Umekawa knelt down and walked in front of Umekawa Zhao.

He held his wife’s hand tightly.

“I’m done!”

“My father considers the reputation of the’Meichuan Family’ more than anything else.”

“He will definitely let me kill myself!”

When I raised my head again.

He, a big man, has already burst into tears.

“If I die.”

“You will be kicked out of the’Meichuan House’!”

“Who will take care of A Tao then?”

Mei Chuan Tao is their daughter, just two years old…

Mei Chuanzhao trembled all over his body.

Mei Chuandou’s words undoubtedly hit her weakness.

Two lines of tears slipped from her eyes.

“There was nothing at all.”

“Why does it become like this?”

“Pocket! You were obviously not like this before…”

Mei Chuandou could only cry and continue begging her.

Mei Chuan looked after Mei Chuan Dou.

Then, she silently picked up the “Jade Pill”.

“If you don’t take good care of A Tao.”

“I will definitely turn into a ghost and come to you.”

“I wish I had a chance to do it again…”

She smiled dismal and walked towards the bedroom.

Mei Chuan said, “What are you going to do?”

Mei Chuan Zhao never looked back.

“Make-up! Change clothes!”

“I’m going to accompany other men.”

“Shouldn’t it be more beautiful?”

Mei Chuan drew a straight face.

He took a deep breath and calmed down.

“It’s ok!”

“There are so many beautiful women in the world.”

“I’m tired of this anyway.”

“Just as if I was throwing the rest of my food to others.”

He still has feelings for Mei Chuan Zhao!

Now he can only comfort himself so much.

Only in this way can I feel much better…

Everything is for the reputation and face of the “Meichuan Family”!

after an hour.

An almost reborn woman appeared in front of Mei Chuandou.

He almost stared blankly.

“This… is this my wife?”

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