Chapter 274: I’m Sorry! If there is an afterlife, I am willing to make atonement for you!

“A cool!”

Mei Chuanzhao’s eyes widened.

She is about to rush up.

But in the next second, Yin Zhi’s hand was wrapped around her waist.


“You belong to me now!”

“How can you move without my permission?”

After speaking, he looked at Mei Chuandou.

“Mr. Umekawa, I admire your behavior.”

“The’Meichuan Family’ is indeed a famous one!”

“Don’t worry, your madam, I will enjoy it.”

Yin Zhi followed his finger at Mei Chuanku who passed out to death.


“Your Little Brother seems to lack some education.”

“Please add more butlers.”

“After all, the reputation of the’Umekawa Family’ today is hard-won.”

“Didi! You got six million killers from Meichuandou, please check!”

Oh yo yo yo!

Another six million in!

I am mad at you.

Collect money while receiving money.

This feeling is really cool.

Where did Mei Chuandou’s murderous heart come from?

It is from the “picture” of Yin Zhi hugging his wife.

He immediately slumped on the ground, lost his soul, and burst into tears.


“Why is this?”

“Why do you want to take away even the last bit of hope?”

Yang Feiyue looked at Mei Chuanzhao.

It is really too miserable and too pitiful to marry such a man.

She thought of the perverted Big Brother of own again…

Sure enough, men are the root of women’s disasters!

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help looking at Yin Zhi.


How can you be qualified to pity others?

My own future is very slim and misfortune is unpredictable.

How many women in the world long for peerless looks.

But how do they know the pain and helplessness in them?



A scream erupted from Umekawa Teru’s mouth.

At this time, Mei Chuandou had just walked to the door.

He stopped when he heard the sound, turned and looked around.

At this time, Mei Chuan’s face was red and his ears were red, and his whole body was trembling.

I don’t know if it’s because of anger or excitement…

Or is it because of fear?

“Mei Chuan Dou!”

“You don’t deserve to be a man at all!”

“The last thing I regret doing in my life is to marry you!”

“From now on, I have nothing to do with you!”

“From now on, my last name is no longer Meichuan!”

“I’m Kanagawa Teru!”

“You idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Go to hell! Trash!!!”

As if exhausted all the strength of the whole body.

She screamed out her inner anger, despair, and grievance.

After that, she took out a pill from her sleeve and threw it into her mouth!

What is that pill?

It is the “Jade Shard Maru” of the “Umekawa Family”!

What does “Jade Broken” mean?

In layman’s terms, it means “to die together”!

“Yusaiwan” is very toxic.

How strong is it?

A physique that is strong below the “four-star imperial level”.

Can’t resist its toxicity!

And how many are above the “Emperor Grade Four Stars” in this world?

Therefore, the vast majority of people in this world will be poisoned to death by “Jade Pills”!


After taking “Jade Fragment Pill”, the person who takes it will become a source of severe toxicity.

Anyone who has been in contact with or inhaled the poisonous mist will be poisoned.

Once used, a large piece of it will die.

It can be described as extremely vicious!

Yin Zhi naturally didn’t know the horror of the “Jade Pill”.

But this does not prevent him from making a move!

But when the detective grabbed it, he had already grabbed it…

Umekawa photo-well, it’s Kanagawa photo now!

She is a teacher of “Torekyo University”.

Naturally, can her strength be weak?

We are pursuing the “Zhenhe” of “power supremacy”.

How can she be admitted to “Dongrejing University” without strength?

Let alone become the teacher of all “Zhenhe” geniuses!

The action of “feeding the pill” right now is too sudden.

So that Yin Zhi didn’t respond in time!

But the next second…

He felt knocked down by his soft body.

It was Kanagawa Teru who knocked Yin Zhi down and crushed him.

Depend on!

It feels…

Is it too heavy?

Feel the wonderful squeeze feeling.

Yin Zhi was secretly surprised.



“I’m really sorry!”

“If there is an afterlife, I am willing to be a cow and a horse to atone for your sins!”

Kanagawa Teru shivered, and apologized in tears.

As she spoke, a thick black mist appeared on her body.

This “Jade Pill” is really overbearing!

After taking it for a few seconds, it worked immediately.

Yin Zhi was the first to inhale the black mist.

Suddenly I felt a burning pain in my nasal cavity.


Damn, it turned out to be a “human poison gas bomb”!

“Quickly leave!”

“Everyone leave!”


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