Chapter 275 If you want more lives, you have to care for my growth more vigorously!

This scene fell in the eyes of Mei Chuandou…

Instant kung fu!

Anger, pain, and excitement appeared on his face and eyes at the same time.

Such a rich expression.

It is estimated that even actor-level actors will not be able to perform one or two points of charm.


It’s what Own’s wife said.

Every word pierced into his heart like a sharp blade.

Sneezing rustling! !

Dense water lines shoot out from the shower head.

Falling like rain from the sky.

It rained on the two women, washing away the venom from them.

Splashing water, full of elasticity!

To save them, they must first be washed clean.

Otherwise, there will be venom remaining on his body, and he will continue to be poisoned if he is rescued.

During the period, Yin Zhi also removed the venom-stained clothes on his body.

Although this poison can’t help him at all.

But wearing wet and poisonous clothes is uncomfortable.

It’s too late to say, then soon!

In order to prevent others from breaking in, Yin Zhi’s actions are still very neat.

After washing off the venom from his body.

He immediately summoned the “Emperor in White”.

The perfection between plumpness and fatness, “the lady in white” appeared carrying her huge syringe.

“Who is going to get an injection this time?”

The growth level of “The Lady in White” has now reached level 31!

At the same time, the “intimacy” has reached 61…

Ascension’s “Intimacy” method is very special.

The more needles she pierced, the higher the favorability!

Add to 61 “intimacy”.

Yin Zhi had forgotten how many needles he had been stabbed.

He pointed to Kanagawa Teru and Hashimoto Insora.

“I do not know either.”

“You are a professional, you can do it all.”

“Tack as much as you want. Don’t be polite with me.”

Anyway, it’s not on yourself, hehe…

“The Lady in White” tilted her head to look east and west.

“Does this still need to be said? Of course, we have to get a’rejuvenation shot’.”

She was referring to Hashimoto Insora.

“This requires a’targeted detoxification injection’!”

“Fortunately, you unlocked the skill before.”

“Otherwise she will be dead.”

Yin Zhi asked, is it not possible to use the “rejuvenation shot”?

“No way!”

“My level is not high enough.”

“The’Resurrection Needle’ is invalid for her and you.”

“So do you understand?”

“If you want more lives, you have to take care of my growth more vigorously!”

After that, she raised the huge syringe and started to puncture Hashimoto’s…

Yin Zhi said “Ouch” in his heart.

“Is this… jealous?”

“Knowing that I train several Yulings at the same time, so jealous?”

“Hehe, it’s really interesting.”

The “Resurrection Needle” is well-deserved, and it is effective quickly.

In a short while.

Hashimoto’s already dead and abruptly moved.

Yin Zhi didn’t want her to see “The Lady in White”.

Muttering “Sleep, baby” in her ear, she stunned her.

Immediately, Teru Kanagawa also finished the needle.

The “targeted detoxification needle” quickly killed the toxins in her body.

The gray and blue complexion immediately turned rosy…


“The Lady in White” actually slapped Yin Zhi’s back.

Then he smirked and retreated and disappeared.

Depend on!

I was actually taken advantage of by a Yuling? !

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