Chapter 291 Hey, Lord, what the hell do you do! Good and bad masters take all the orders!

“Didi! Release the Nightmare Mission: Collect the’Shen and the Three Artifacts’! The time limit is 60 days!”

“Task Reward: The correct way to use the’Shen and the Three Artifacts’!”

“Mission failed: immediately deprived of the three’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling!”

what? What?

Want to deprive my Yuling again?

Gangster, are you making a mistake!

It is the first time to deprive the “Easy Empress”.

For the second time, we will deprive the “Machine Empress” and the “White Dress Empress”.

This time it’s good, just want to deprive the three “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling?


I take your sister’s opportunity!

In case, follow the “Dawei Tianlong Empress”.

Then my most critical hole card against “Holy Court” is gone?

Even if it didn’t deprive the “Dawei Tianlong Empress”!

Even if we now have a bunch of “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling!

I can’t even cultivate…

But daddy is not willing to be less!

Do you still want to get rid of me three? !

It’s the other way around!

“System, you are ruthless!”

“I ask you! You answer me honestly!”

“Then what’Shen and the Three Magical Weapons’ are related to the girl in front of you?”

Gradually, Yin Zhi has figured out the urinary nature of the “death-finding system”.

It will not post tasks for no reason.

At least there will be a reason…

And now the only reason is obviously the girl named “Mei Chuan Yi” in front of me!


No clothes?

This is not clearly dressed!

And it’s still black lace…

“Didi! Yes!”

Then, the “finding system” was silent.

Yin Zhi looked at Mei Chuanyi speechlessly and looked up and down.

“Are you serious?”

“Still kidding me?”

“Don’t tell me that you don’t know what I did to your people from the “Mei Chuan”.”

Umekawa nodded.

“I know!”

“Because I saw it all.”

“That’s why I want to be friends with you.”

What is the logic?

Yin Zhi asked, “Who is Mei Chuandou?”

Ume Chuanyi replied: “It’s me, Big Brother!”

So, is the old guy who was beaten by me fat is her dad?

At such an old age, there is such a young daughter, it is really good to live!

Yin Zhi waved his hand.

“You are very wrong.”

“Speak directly.”

“Why do you have such illogical words and deeds.”

“Don’t give me a reasonable argument.”

“Then you just stay cool and go!”

Although, the young girl in front of her is the key to gathering the “Shenhe Three Magical Weapons”…

But Yin Zhi didn’t like the feeling of being led by the nose at all!



He wants to take the initiative!

Mei Chuanyi walked down the stone steps and walked in front of Yin Zhi with long black silk legs.

She took out a business card and handed it to Yin Zhi.

“I will tell you.”

“But now is not the time.”

“Three days later, in the evening, please come and meet me at this place.”

“I will wait for you!”


After speaking, she smiled lightly and walked past Yin Zhi.

There is a slight orchid fragrance on her body…

Yin Zhi turned around.

There was nothing in front of me.

But how can you still see that beautiful girl in black silk ponytail sailor suit?

“My perception is not bad…”

“But I didn’t even perceive how she appeared.”

“Neither did she perceive how she left.”

“There are still capable people in this’Umekawa Family’!”

Yin Zhi looked down at the business card in his hand, and suddenly looked strange.

“Cat Maid Cafe?”

I say……

Is she here to pimp?

“Cat Maid Cafe” or something, it is not very serious at first.

Behind the business card is a simple map.

The location of “Cat Maid Cafe” is marked.

“Come on!”

“Go and see!”

“I’m doing this for the task, I definitely don’t want to do anything else…”

With a mumble, Yin Zhi put away his business card.

Immediately, he came to the side of the road.

He drove his newly bought “Without Tang Weilong” straight to the hotel.

When they returned to the hotel, Kanagawa and the three were playing with a pink, mellow little girl.

It is Meichuan Tao!

But Kanagawa Teru has decided to change her surname.

Nowadays, she and Mei Chuandou are still husband and wife in legal terms.

Therefore, the necessary divorce procedures still have to go.

For Mei Chuan Tao’s custody, she will never let go!

Kanagawa saw Yin Zhi come back and hurriedly greeted him.

“Welcome back!”

Listen to this gentle voice…

Listen to this soft tone…


It’s so comfortable!

How can there be such a strange flower as Meichuandou in the world?

For the so-called “honor of the Meichuan family”, she was forced to death.

But well!

Thanks to Mei Chuan Dou is a strange thing.

Otherwise, how can I have this enjoyment?


At Kanagawa’s request, Yin Zhi became the godfather of Kanagawa Mom…

Well, suddenly became a father!

Even if it is done, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

Listening to Xiaotaojiang shouting “God Father” in a soft and timid “Xianheyu”.

Yin Zhiqing couldn’t help but hesitated, picked her up and kissed her on the cheek!


Five people, one man, three women and one child, were engaged in eating, drinking, playing and having fun.

Only two days of effort.

I ran to more than ten places with good food, drink and fun.

What “Great Golden Tortoise Temple”!

What “Yunxiao Soaring Dragon roller coaster”!

What “restaurant in the sky”!

Go play it all.

at the same time.

Also unlocked multiple “scenes” with three beautiful women.

Like a movie theater…

Such as the Ferris wheel…

Such as parking lot…

Such as swimming pool…

After being crazy for two days, it’s time to do business!

The third day.

Yin Zhi drove “Don’t add Tang Weilong” to the entrance of “Torekyo University”.

Why is it the “entrance” instead of the “doorway”?

Because “Torekyo University” is suspended in the sky!

As for where is the sky?

Invisible, invisible!

“Azhao, help me pay attention.”

“See if there is a way to get into’Dongrekyo University’!”

“I have one thing to enter the’Dongrejing University’ office.”

Kanagawa Teru first responded, and then said…

“Na Dan, it’s actually very difficult to mix in’Dongrejing’.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I will try to help you.”

Yin Zhi shook his head.

“This matter has a certain degree of danger.”

“I’ll do it myself.”

“Don’t forget that you have to take care of my goddaughter.”

Kanagawa Teru just said “but” and was interrupted by Yin Zhi.


“I’ll come here again to pick you up this weekend.”

“At that time we will be playing happily!”

After a deep kiss, Yin Zhi stood by the car.

Watching them enter the entrance of Dongrejing University.

“Didi! You got 15 million killers from Meichuandou, check it yourself!”

Mei Chuan Dou?

Yin Zhi swept around and saw Mei Chuandou sitting in a dark car.

When the mischievous mind came up, he put up two middle fingers over there.

It’s not over yet!

The two middle fingers also scratched the air.

The meaning of this can only be understood and cannot be explained…

“Haha” laughed, and Yin Zhi drove away.

The destination is the “cat maid cafe”!

“Hey, lord, what the hell are you doing! The good and the bad are accepted!”

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