Chapter 292 Temperament sister: I want to ask Mr. Ge to help me save “Xihe”!

“Welcome home, Gou Xiu Jin Sama!”


Yin Zhi opened the door and entered the “cat maid cafe”.

First, I heard the crisp sound of bells.

Following that, two rows of beautiful young girls full of youth and vitality made strange movements towards themselves.

At this moment.

Yin Zhi only felt like he was playing a snowball fight.

A white snowball flicked from side to side and threw it towards him.

The two rows of girls in front of me are all wearing black and white maid costumes!

Not only that……

They also wear cat ears.

There is also a cat’s tail tilted behind.





I f*ck, they are all occupied!

Who can stand it?

This is the real paradise on earth, right? !

Then the cat maids rushed up.

Rao is that Yin Zhi has already enjoyed the taste of “one bar and three”.

Some can’t stand this battle right now.


“It seems that I still have a little experience.”

“The mind has yet to be further liberated.”

Yin Zhi couldn’t help but sighed in his heart.

At this moment…

“He is here to find me.”

“You are busy with yours.”

I saw that Mei Chuanyi appeared not far away.

She is also a cat maid outfit.

The eight “cat maids” surrounding Yin Zhi left with a smile.

Yin Zhi feels lost.

Mei Chuanyi came to Yin Zhi and bowed slightly.

“I have been waiting for you.”

“I’m glad you can come.”

“This is not a place to talk. Please come with me.”

Yin Zhi followed behind her, muttering to himself.

“I want to see what tricks you play.”

“Eight maids were driven away.”

“You don’t give me compensation, why can’t you justify it?”

Yin Zhi followed Mei Chuan Yi down to the basement.

As a result, this basement turned out to be another scene.

This is a dark but very stylish bar!

The area of ​​the bar is small, and there are only five or six tables.

Except for a beauty behind the bar, there was no customer.

“Sister Ming, he’s here.”

The beauty behind the bar looked at Yin Zhi.

“This is a private gathering not open to the public”

“So I won’t say’welcome’ to you.”

“Please sit down!”

Yin Zhi looked at her.

The woman in front of me can also be called a beauty.

But it’s just “also called” this level.

Among the beauties who had communicated with Yin Zhi, she couldn’t even rank.

The five senses have no special features.

But it’s weird!

In the temperament…

She can actually get the first place!

This is the most temperamental “Qin Aunt” Yin Zhi has ever seen.

Are they all beaten by her?

Temperament is really hard to describe in detail.

A frown and a smile.

Every move.

Dress up.

Even the tone and speed of speaking.

They are all the elements that make up the temperament!

The woman in front of me who was called “Sister Ming” by Mei Chuanyi…

It really made Yin Zhi unable to pick out the slightest flaw.

He would like to call her “a sister of temperament”!

This life.

There are many women who communicate deeply.

Yin Zhi gradually developed a hobby.

That is to observe their reactions in the communication process.

The domineering and ruthless Dongfang teacher.

Qiu Yaoyao is crazy.

The bold and indulgent Qin Aunt.

Yang Daxing who is ashamed and depressed.

Hashimoto’s dedication to the sky.

The tender Kanagawa photo.

Sad and miserable Elizabeth Anna.

And Ye Yun-hee who is silent.

Thinking about how they usually look.

Then compare the way it was when communicating with them.

Hmm, interesting!

Very interesting!

Then the “sequelae” came!

So now he sees some strange beauties.

“What does she look like when communicating with men?”

of course!

He was just thinking about it in his mind—just thinking about it, and he didn’t break the law?

at the moment!

I saw this “temperament sister” in front of me.

Yin Zhi’s mind was thinking again.

“What did she look like when talking to her?”

Impeccable perfect temperament…

And the most primitive vigorous exercise…

Don’t know what kind of sparks can collide?

Yin Zhi is curious!

Quite curious!


Yin Zhi replied with the phrase “a sister of temperament”.

Sitting on the high stool in front of the bar.

Although there was a mess in his mind.

But on the surface it is very serious-as serious as you are.

Mei Chuan Yi said, “Sister Ming, then I’ll be busy.”

“The temperament sister” let her stay.

She stayed obediently and sat next to Yin Zhi.

“first meet.”

“My name is Tian Zhaohuiming.”

“In the future, please advise me a lot.”

Yin Zhi said: “Ge Biwang…wait!”

As soon as he finished saying the name of own, he suddenly realized something.

“What’s your last name?”

“Tian Zhaohui?”

“Are you…’Shen and the Royal Family’?”

Tian Zhaohui!

The surname of “Xihe Royal Family”!

Tian Zhaohuiming nodded lightly.

“Although he has the royal family name.”

“But I am not a person with a noble status.”

“Just an ordinary woman with an ancient surname.”

With that, she poured Yin Zhi a glass of wine.

The wine is bright red, just like blood!

Add a mint leaf.

A little greenery suddenly sublimated the color of this glass of wine.

Yin Zhi took a sip of wine, only to feel very soft and smooth.

There is also a faint fruity fragrance.

At the same time, he pondered the other party’s intentions in his heart.

Is it because of the “Nine-Tailed Empress”?

After all, the “Nine-Tailed Empress” is the imperial spirit of “Amaterasu World”!

It is equivalent to the “Emperor Qingyan” being the imperial spirit of “The First Emperor of Qing Zhao Zheng”!

The “Zhao Family” looked for themselves very hard for the “Emperor Qingyan”.

“Amaterasu Huijia” is also completely logical to find himself!

if so……

Then your abacus is going to be empty.

I haven’t even enjoyed the authentic taste of “Nine Tailed Empress”!

How could it be for you?

Tian Zhaohui looked at Yin Zhi quietly.

“Mr. Ge must be very curious why he sits here.”

“Then I will speak directly.”

“I want to ask Mr. Ge to do us a favor.”

Yin Zhi smiled deeply.

“You can help. I’ve always been very helpful.”

“But you have to see what kind of reward you can get.”

“I never help in vain.”

Tian Zhaohui said with a smile: “Of course.”

Yin Zhi added: “In addition, I am not short of money.”

The implication is: if the reward is money, then don’t talk about it!

Tian Zhaohui smiled.

“Mr. Ge is not short of money, but I am very short of money.”

Yin Zhi asked, “Let’s talk about what you want me to help.”

Tian Zhaohui fixedly looked at Yin Zhi.

“I want to ask Mr. Ge you to help me save’Zhenhe’.”

“What did you say?”

Yin Zhi almost uttered the words that he hates most and least want to hear.

Fortunately, he held it back.

He also fixedly looked at Tian Zhaohuiming.

The two of them just looked at me and I looked at you for more than ten seconds.

Yin Zhi asked, “Are you serious?”

Tian Zhaohui said: “I’m serious!”

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