Chapter 293 I promise you! As long as you help me save my motherland… the three artifacts belong to you!

“You, Xinhe Royal Family!”

“I, the real dragon!”

“You ask me a real dragon to help you, the royal family of Xianhe, save your’Xianhe’?”

“Did you take the wrong script?”

Tian Zhaohuiming nodded.

“This script is really wrong.”

“But this is the best script I can come up with.”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

Lean forward, resting his elbows on the bar.

He stared at Tian Zhaohuiming with aggressive eyes.

“do you know?”

“Compared to salvation…”

“I prefer its antonym.”

Tian Zhaohuiming met Yin Zhi’s aggressive gaze flatly.

“There is nothing wrong with using’destroy’.”

“The’power supremacy’ promoted by’Xihe’ must be destroyed!”

“And the ancient family that dominates the ‘power supremacy’ must also be destroyed!”

“Destroy them, only’Xihe’ can be saved!”

Plain eyes.

Plain tone.

But it seems to contain a huge amount of energy.

“At the same time, saving the present’Zihe’ is also the’true dragon’ that will save the future!”

“Due to the collapse of the’Odin America’, the international situation has completely changed.”

“Do you get me?”

Yin Zhi frowned.

He probably understood what Tian Zhaohuiming meant.

“not to mention……”

“Now those ancient families of’Xihe’.”

“Basically they have become the eagle dogs of the’Holy Court’!”

“Become their minions to enslave the people.”


This has something to do with the “Holy Court” again!

“Will the’Holy Court’ also check secular matters?”

Tian Zhaohuiming sighed.

“Not every country is as tough as the’True Dragon’.”

“If the’Holy Court’ does not intervene in any country’s affairs.”

“There is only one reason: it can’t be inserted!”

There seems to be nothing wrong with this!

“Sheng Ting”‘s strong Yin Zhi is fully aware of.

To him, that is a bunch of mad dogs!

Just provoke them a little bit.

They will rush to kill you and kill you if you can’t bite you.

Isn’t the “Long live the purple dragon” wasted to death?

The “Holy Court” in the “True Dragon Country” can maintain a superficial friendship with the authorities.

I don’t know how many contests have been conducted secretly.

“It looks like…”

“Don’t watch me abuse the’Meichuan Family’.”

“That’s why you found me?”

With that, Yin Zhi glanced at Mei Chuanyi.


“You are the only one who has both strength and daring to act.”

“Moreover, you also own the’Nine-Tailed Empress’.”

“All of this may be predestined.”

Destined in the dark?

Destined to be a wool!

If it weren’t for your “Shen and Three Magical Weapons”.

I will sit here?

However, the “hunting for death system” is really not a blind release task.

It is really possible that the Tian Zhao Huiming in front of him possesses the “Three Magical Weapons”.

Even if not.

With her last name, she can also understand or come into contact with them.

Yin Zhi smiled after blinking his eyes.


“Talk about remuneration.”

“I have done you a big favor to’save Xinhe’.”

“No good pay.”

“Is this inappropriate?”

Tian Zhaohui said: “Ten’Holy Spirit Crystals’!”


Seeing Yin Zhi’s reaction, she couldn’t help but wonder.

What is this reaction?

Ten “Holy Spirit Crystals” eh!

Only in exchange for his “Uh”?

Does he suspect that I can’t bring out ten “Holy Crystals”?

“do not worry.”

“I do have ten’Holy Spirit Crystals’ in my hand.”

“It just so happens that’Xihe’ has five families that need to be destroyed.”

Only two “Holy Spirit Crystals” for one family?

Yin Zhi curled his lips.

Those families are too worthless.

Or do you overestimate the value of “Holy Spirit Crystal”?

Why is he “uh”?

Because the level of “Yu Ling Crystal” is completely meaningless to him!

The one we extracted with the “garbage crystal” is the “Holy Spirit Nine Star Empress”.

The one we extracted with the “Holy Spirit Crystal” is still the “Holy Spirit Nine Star Female Emperor”.

Does it make sense?

on the contrary……

You give me ten “Holy Crystals”.

At that time, let’s have a “ten consecutive draw”.

What if ten more “holy spirit nine-star female emperors” come out?

If this continues, how many “killing points” will not be enough!



What does this person say?

When someone else draws a “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling is a dream.

He was worried about pumping out more “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling…

But there are too many “Holy Spirit Nine Star Female Emperors”, and I don’t know which one to cultivate!


This is the fact!

Tian Zhaohuiming asked: “Do you think you are too young?”

No, I don’t think too much!

Yin Zhi murmured to himself.

“It turns out that I did something to save’Zihe’.”

“Then my reward should be equal.”

“Ten’Holy Spirit Crystals’ are not too few.”

“It’s just not equal at all!”

Save the fart!

If it weren’t for the “finding system” forcing.

Why don’t you stay cool?

Even if this matter is discussed, we must secretly sabotage…


It’s best to let you “Zihe” and “Odin Mela” act as brothers and sisters.

Tian Zhaohuiming sighed softly.


Mei Chuanyi stood up and bowed slightly to Yin Zhi.

“Mr. Ge!”

“Please be sure to agree.”

“Any conditions are fine!”

“As long as we can do it.”

Although she was born in the “Meichuan family”.

But she knows it well!

Families and chaebols like the “Meichuan Family”.

It is the real malignant tumor of “Xihe”!

Pursue the “Taihe” of “power supremacy”.

A handful of rich and powerful people live in heaven for generations.

But countless people live in The Underworld, the same for generations.

This is wrong!

The barrier between Heaven and The Underworld must be broken.

She is going to drag people who are high above them from heaven.

She wants to pull the lowly people from The Underworld.

For this cause, she is willing to dedicate everything!

Yin Zhi glanced at her and smiled.

Then look to the one who can really call the shots.

“I heard that your’Xihe’ has three very powerful artifacts…”

After speaking, he picked up the glass and drank silently.

Mei Chuanyi said in surprise: “No!”

How can this be?

The “Senhe Three Sacred Artifacts” are national treasures!

How can the national treasure be given to others! ?

Yin Zhi drank his glass of wine in one gulp.

“You want me to help, you said.”

“And the reward I want, I also said.”

“If you agree, you will make a deal; if you don’t agree, you will find another wiser.”

“I’m waiting for your news.”

After that, he put down the cup and left.

In the end, I didn’t take a few steps…


Tian Zhaohuiming’s voice came from behind.

“I promise you!”

“As long as you help me save my country.”

“The three artifacts are yours!”

Mei Chuanyi was anxious: “Sister Ming…”

Yin Zhi turned around and said, “They are in your hands?”

“Not here.”

“But I know where it is.”

“I can fetch it.”

I thought I would have to wait a few days.

Or simply refuse.

Unexpectedly, Tian Zhaohui Ming promised so simply.

Just to my liking!

Yin Zhi walked back and reached out to her.

“make a deal!”

The two hands were held together.

For a moment, Yin Zhi thought: This hand is so soft…

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