Chapter 294 “Shen and the Three Sacred Weapons”! sickle! hammer! And a picture!

“Walk all the way, Gou Xiu Jin Sama!”

“Remember to go home early!”

Eight white-and-white “cat maids” bowed to see off in an extremely docile manner.

It made Yin Zhi a little bit reluctant to leave.

“Should I mention one more condition?”

“After it’s done…”

“I will be the owner of this’cat maid cafe’!”

I think so beautiful.

Yin Zhi couldn’t help but smiled “haha”.

He drove his “Don’t Add Tang Weilong” and galloped away.

The underground bar of “Cat Maid Cafe”.

Mei Chuanyi looked anxious and confused.

“Sister Ming, why did you agree to him?”

“The Three Sacred Weapons are our national treasures of’Xihe’!”

“How can you give a ‘True Dragon Man’?”

Tian Zhaohuiming took out a cigarette, lit it and smoked it.

White smoke came out from the gap between her blushing lips.

“I promised to give it to him.”

“But that doesn’t mean I will give it to him.”

“The Three Sacred Weapons are our national treasures of’Xihe’.”

“How could it be handed over to a foreigner?”

Mei Chuanyi opened his eyes and looked surprised.

“Sister Ming, if so…”

“What if he gets angry when the time comes?”

“He is very strong.”

Tian Zhaohuiming smiled, a bit domineering.

“The future will be discussed later.”

“I will do what I should do at that time.”


She leaned forward slightly with her upper body.

He pinched Mei Chuanyi’s chin.

“With his spark.”

“The fire of Nirvana’s rebirth will start a prairie fire in this land.”

“Let us look forward to the arrival of the’New World’ together!”


She kissed Mei Chuanyi’s delicate lips.

The music in the bar suddenly became ambiguous and blurred.

the other side.

Yin Zhi didn’t know Tian Zhaohuiming’s idea of ​​using white prostitution.

But then!

Will he put all the hope of gathering the “three magical weapons” on others?

He had been thinking about it early in the morning.

Which three artifacts are the “Xihe Three Sacred Weapons”?

Blade of Ghost Slayer-Sickle!

Millionaire hammer-hammer!

Ukiyo-e scroll-picture scroll!

There are quite a few legends surrounding these “three artifacts”.


It’s just a legend!

I don’t know when.

These “three artifacts” disappeared.

No one knows where they are.

It is said that it was hidden by the “Royal Family”…

It is said that it was sealed by the “Holy Court”…

It is even said that the “three artifacts” do not exist at all, which is purely fabricated!

Don’t even think about finding any clues on the Internet.

But when we first arrived, we are not familiar with the place of life.

Where should I find clues?


Yin Zhi slammed on the brakes.

A car behind almost chased him behind.

Yin Zhi didn’t notice it.

His eyes locked on a “thing”.


“Look at my memory.”

“I forgot Qin Aunt’s arrangement.”

After parking the car, Yin Zhi came under the “thing”.

what is that?

A white jade-shaped signboard!

It says next to it: Hand-made by Kato Silver God

For what?

It’s a sushi restaurant!

Yin Zhi walked in.


The waiter bowed respectfully to greet.

Yin Zhi asked for a seat and ordered a few things at random.


“Please wait.”

“I will make arrangements for you soon.”

The barman is about to leave.

Yin Zhi stopped him.

“Do you know this thing?”

With that said, he took out the “black gou jade”.

When the waiter saw “Black Gouyu”, his pupils shrank instantly.

His instant discoloration didn’t hide it from Yin Zhi.

It seems that I have found the right “temple”!

“please wait.”

Putting down this sentence, the male waiter left.

Soon, the things Yin Zhi ordered were brought up.

This time the waiter has been replaced by a sweet woman.

And he was sitting on his knees all the time.

“Please take your time.”

Yin Zhi was not in a hurry, eating and drinking slowly.

About forty minutes later.

A woman between middle age and old age walked in.

She knelt down in front of Yin Zhi and bent down deeply.

“I’m really sorry for keeping you waiting.”

“Excuse me……”

“Can you show the ‘thing’ in your hands to the old man?”

Yin Zhi then lost the “Black Gouyu”.

The half-old woman held the “black gou jade” and looked back and forth for a while.

Nodded, it looked like it was confirmed that it was correct, and he respectfully returned it.

“Master Changpu has already ordered us.”

“So, if you need help.”

“Please tell us. We will do our best.”

Yin Zhi is not talking nonsense.

“I need to know the whereabouts of the’Three Sacred Weapons’.”

The half-old woman obviously didn’t expect that this was what Yin Zhi said.


She almost asked the question “Why are you looking for the three artifacts?”

Anyway, she held it back!

Two questions came up in her mind.

Do you want to tell him?

What is he looking for “three magical tools” for?

Yin Zhi looked at her and said, “I don’t know? Or… I don’t want to say it?”

The half-old woman bowed quickly.

“You misunderstood.”

“We will follow Master Changpu’s wishes to help you.”

“It’s just a pity, I only know the whereabouts of one of the artifacts.”

Can come and contact Yin Zhi.

This half-old woman is obviously in a very high position among the “Kite Fei Liu”.

Naturally know some secrets that outsiders don’t know.

Yin Zhi said, “Which one? Where is it?”

“Ukiyo-e scroll!”

“Hidden in Torekyo University!”

“But where is it… please forgive me for not knowing.”

After paying the money, Yin Zhi left “Handmade by Kato Silver God”.


He sighed.

“In the end, I have to go to Dongrejing University.”

“But where is Dongrejing so easy to enter?”

After much deliberation, it seems that I can only take the Kanagawa photo…

But how should I go this way?

The evening after four days.

Yin Zhi drove to the entrance of Dongrejing University.

Wait and wait, finally waited for Kanagawa Teru and his goddaughter.


His brows frowned quickly.

There was a Fatty haunting her.

Yin Zhi is no exception to this.

According to Kanagawa, this beauty has a huge outstanding advantage.

It’s not normal if no one is entangled!

He strode over and grabbed her by the waist.

Kanagawa Teru’s distressed face suddenly smiled.

“Na Dan! Are you here?”


Yin Zhi took Kanagawa Tao into his hands.

He looked at the fat youth in front of him.

“Sorry, these two beauties, big and small, are already famous.”


Then, he took Kanagawa’s waist and left, talking and laughing.

“Didi! You got 20 million kills from an unknown object, please check!”

Ouch, hello? !

In this way, it gave 20 million points of killing intent?

Yin Zhi couldn’t help but glanced back.

It happened to collide with his bitter and hateful gaze…

This guy, who is white and fat, has an affinity, but he didn’t expect to be a cruel and cruel horn.


Afraid of you?

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