Chapter 295 The prince changes to a civet cat! From now on I will be “one pillar of Qingtian”!

“Then who is Fatty?”

In the car.

Hearing Yin Zhi’s question.

Kanagawa Teru’s heart suddenly tightened.

“He is the teacher of’Dongrejing’.”

“Na Dan, don’t get me wrong.”

“He doesn’t know how to know that I am divorced.”

“I’ve been pestering me in these two days.”

Yes, Kanagawa Teru has secretly divorced Umekawadou.

Meichuandou did not engage in any moths.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but I dare not!

The “Mei Chuan Family” has accepted it this time!

At least temporarily admit it!

As a family that wants to face, how can it make things big?

The greater the noise, the more severe the damage to the reputation of the “Meichuan Family”.

Even Meichuan Dang has only one thought…

Let’s go!

Let this happen quickly!

After a few days, it can be regarded as not happening at all.

Face, the reputation is overwhelming!

I will try my best to make up for the reputation that has been damaged.

Don’t let reputation progress be damaged and everything will be fine.


Just swallowed this breath?

Of course I can’t swallow it!

What can I do if I can’t swallow it?

If I can’t swallow it, I swallow it hard!

Therefore, Kanagawa’s divorce procedure went very smoothly.

Kanagawa Momo’s custody rights were also easily obtained.

It’s just a girl born to a woman who betrayed the “Meichuan family”!

It is not worth fighting for the “Meichuan Family” at all.

For Kanagawa Teru’s divorce, Yin Zhile sees it.

“After all, you are also a big beauty.”

“Knowing that you are divorced.”

“A man thinks he has a chance.”

Kanagawa looked at Yin Zhi tenderly.

“They have no chance.”

“Because there is only Nadan in my heart now.”

Kanagawa Momo raised her head.

“Mom, don’t you have me in your heart?”

Yin Zhi smiled.

“Mom’s heart is big enough.”

“You can hold me, or you can hold the little peach sauce.”

Kanagawa took a few kisses with her daughter’s cheek.

“Of course there is peach jam in my mother’s heart.”

Xiao Taojiang turned to look at Yin Zhi again.

“God, do you have a peach in your heart?”

Still need to say?

Of course the answer is “Yes”!

With the little devil head to make adjustments, the car is relaxed and happy.

Talking and chatting.

Yin Zhi asked Kanagawa Teru about being involved in “Torekyo University”.

As a result, Kanagawa’s response was not optimistic.

“Torekyo University” is the top university in “Xihe Island Country”!

How can a stranger go in casually?

Even “Torekyo University” even banned visits!

Thinking about it, Yin Zhi’s brain suddenly flashed…

Strangers can’t get in, right?

That acquaintance is always fine!


Don’t we have the ability to turn fakes into real faces?

Didn’t I become a Meichuandou and mixed into the “Meichuan Family” last time!

Why did you get here but forgot?

“Azhao, the fatty situation just now…”

“Tell me about it.”

Although Kanagawa Teru was surprised.

But I told the basic situation of the dead Fatty again.

After listening…

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

What is this called?

It’s the pillow sent by Doze!

This dead Fatty named “One Pillar Qingtian” is the perfect disguise object!

One person is full and the whole family is not hungry-commonly known as bachelor!

He is withdrawn and has no social interaction at all-and no one socializes with him!

The activity track is single, dormitories, canteens, classrooms come and go-no more!

Is there someone more suitable than this?

That night.

Everything is done…

Yin Zhi bit Kanagawa’s ear.

“You will date Yizhu Qingtian out tomorrow night.”

“Just make an appointment to’Goldfish Park’.”

“As for what you are going to do… tomorrow you will know.”

The next day.

Nine p.m.

The forest trail in the “Goldfish Park”.

Yizhu Qingtian, who was obviously dressed up, was very excited.

I was so excited that my voice was trembling.

“Have my feelings for you finally been conveyed?”

“Kanagawa Miss, in fact, I have always liked you very much.”

“I stayed in’Dongrejing’ for you!”

“You came out with me today, I’m really…really so happy!”

“Photo Miss, please believe me!”

“I will use the rest of my life to love you!”

If he said this, his eyes would not look at Kanagawa’s chest from time to time.

Even if she wouldn’t be moved, she wouldn’t be bored with emotions.

But what?

While confessing, the man stared at his chest with lustful eyes…

The wife is really terrible!

Kanagawa Teru could only endure it.

“Teacher Yizhu, you bother me so much…”

“I have received your thoughts.”

“But, I’m sorry!”

“I already have someone I like.”

“My body, my heart, and even my soul already belong to him!”

A column of Qingtian was suddenly struck by lightning.

Immediately, he screamed with red excitement.


“who is it?!”

A voice suddenly sounded from behind.

“it’s me!”

Yizhu Qingtian turned around fiercely.

Snapped! ! !

There was a slap in the face like thunder.

A huge impact of power surged.

The surrounding trees were rustled directly by the impact.

The street lights on both sides of the road were directly shattered by the shock.

The road was completely dark for a moment.

After all, Yizhu Qingtian is an “Emperor ** and Spiritualist”-quite capable of being beaten!

It’s just that this sudden slap slapped him directly to the ground.

After all, Yin Zhi’s slap is also a tense force!



Yizhu Qingtian was not stunned.

But not far from the halo.

With his eyesight, he can see things even in the dark.

But now what I see before my eyes is only colorful light.

Yin Zhi added two feet to his head again.

Now he was completely dizzy.

Yin Zhi took out the flashlight and looked carefully at Yizhu Qingtian’s face.

Well, fortunately, it didn’t swell up, otherwise you won’t be able to see the original face.


Yin Zhi stood up.

“Azhao, don’t blink.”

“Look at me doing a magic trick for you!”

“Come on, hold the torch.”

“Witness the birth of a miracle.”

As he said, he rubbed his face.

The moment he took his hand away and raised his head, Kanagawa Teru was shocked.

The lights and eyes switched back and forth on the faces of Yin Zhi and Yizhu Qingtian.

“Ok… so amazing!”

“Na Dan, how did you do it?”

“It’s just… exactly the same!”

“I can’t believe my own eyes.”

Yin Zhi, who turned into a green field, smiled and said, “This is my secret technique!”


“Even the voice has changed.”

“But… Then, can you change it back?”

“It feels a little weird to look at you like this.”

Yin Zhi took her into his arms.

“Then you have to get used to it.”

“Because I will trade the’prince for a civet cat’ in the future.”

“As a “Yizhu Qingtian” activity in the’Dongrejing’.”

“Before the things I’m about to do are finished, I will be a green field!”

Kanagawa Teru reacted immediately.

It turns out that this is Nadan’s intention!

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