Chapter 296 A Zhao, what you said is right. This class is really…very difficult!

“I am leaving!”

“You are raising fat in the hotel.”

“Yin Kong sauce, you have to be free first. Later, there is work for you to do.”

“Star Yang, when there are events, you will notify me in advance, and I will be your bodyguard.”

“By the way, nourishing fat belongs to nourishing fat. Don’t fatten yourself up.”

“In some places, you can have more meat. In some places, it is better to have less meat.”


After laughing three times, Yin Zhi left the “Dongrejing Empire Supreme Hotel” hotel.

Continue to live in this hotel, mainly based on safety considerations.

Certain people in the “Mei Chuan Family” must be staring secretly.

Anyway, the money is not bad, then continue to live!

After that, Yin Zhi went to another hidden place and completely changed his head and face.

“From now on I will be one pillar of Qingtian.”

“One pillar of Qingtian?”

“One pillar to top the sky?”

“It’s weird, how come the names of’Zhenheren’ I met are so connotative?”

Yin Zhiyi Rong became a fake one of Qingtian.

Is that really a pillar of Qingtian?



Yin Zhi rarely kills.


Naturally, it is to raise pigs.

But for Yizhu Qingtian…

Let’s kill it.

Killing is the safest!

It’s almost seven o’clock.

Yin Zhi came to the entrance of Dongrejing University alone.


Press your fingerprint!

Under the watchful eyes of a few indifferent security guards.

Yin Zhi’s “one-pillar green field” passed the security check smoothly.

Then, what was placed in front of Yin Zhi was a big mirror.

A person walks through that mirror, either in or out.

Kanagawa Teru has already explained it to him, and the mirror in front of him is the door to “Torekyo University”!

Yin Zhi walked through the mirror without rush.

The scene before me changed in an instant!

The blue sky, the azure blue, is as clean as it is flawless.

Baiyun, thick or light, or rolling or comfortable.

The green hills are like fairy mountains, suspended in the sky.

Green water, a big river hanging in the sky, flowing crookedly through every suspended mountain.

On the floating mountains, one can see buildings after another.

The scenery in front of me is really like a fairyland.

“This’Dongrekyo University’ is indeed a paradise in people’s mouth!”

Yin Zhi sighed secretly.

Then he came to the “Tianzhichuan Ferry” and took the “Tianhe Boat”.

The big river that hangs in the sky is the “Heaven’s River”, which is equivalent to the road that connects each island.

The “Ship of Tianhe” is a means of transportation on the “Heaven of the River”.

It is Yin Zhi that Rao is very knowledgeable and has long heard of it.

But when I really experienced it, I still felt it was quite magical.

“In other words, these mountains and rivers…”

“How did it float in this sky?”

“Couldn’t this whole be someone’s Yuling?”

After thinking about it, it seems that only the magic Yu Ling can do such a magical thing.

“At this point…should I go to a meeting?”

“Tsk! Really troublesome. Go and go.”

“Follow Yizhu Qingtian’s life trajectory for a few days.”

“Otherwise, the sudden change is too great, and it will inevitably arouse others’ suspicion.”

So Yin Zhi went straight to the “Riyao Peak” where the administrative building was located.

For the past two days, Teru Kanagawa helped.

Yin Zhi is already getting a good understanding of “Dongrejing” University.

This made him feel that it was a very wise decision to take the photos of Kanagawa!

Otherwise, the difficulty of being mixed into the “Dongrejing University” is a few more steps higher.

Let’s have a meeting!

Nothing to say.

Just listening to a few bald guys talking about this and that.

Yin Zhi was sitting in the corner of the corner, patiently listening impatiently…

It was nearly nine o’clock when they heard that the meeting was over.

Yin Zhi didn’t bother to complain.

Things that can be said clearly in one sentence.

Why did it just take nearly two hours?

You just said, “The Dragon Tiger Fighting Games will be held soon, and you all get ready for me.” Doesn’t it end?

After the meeting.

Yin Zhi exchanged a glance with Kanagawa in the crowd.

Kanagawa Teru smiled at him in the air.

Yin Zhi nodded lightly, which counted as a response.

Immediately, he took the “Tianhe Boat” and came to the “Huoyao Mountain”.

What he taught–no, to be precise, the class taught by “One Pillar of Qingtian” is in “Huoyao Mountain.”

“According to A Zhao’s statement.”

“It doesn’t seem to be very good for Yizhu Qingtian to teach Class 8 of the third year.”

“Ask her why, she didn’t even say it, and she said it gave me a surprise.”

“What’s so pleasant about this?”

Kanagawa didn’t say much about the “eight classes in three years”.

Just say that it is a class composed entirely of geniuses among geniuses!

In her words: “Teachers are superfluous to them, and the only thing they lack is time!”

Genius among geniuses? Genius among geniuses?

I want to see how talented you are!

Not long after, Yin Zhi came to Class 8 of the third year.

Before entering the classroom door, Yin Zhi heard the frolics.

It’s already in class now, and it’s still so noisy, it’s really not easy.

However, the moment he opened the door and entered, he was instantly silly.

“I go!”

“Why are all female students?”

“What about the man?”

“This is not a girls’ school!”

That’s right, this is the surprise Kanagawa said-Class 8 of the third year is all women, not a single man!

At first, there were boys in this class.

As a result, she was squeezed out by powerful girls by various means.

Over time, the school did not recruit boys to come in.

In order to gather the heads of a class, naturally only girls can be used to fill in.

This has created the only “all-girl class” in the entire “Dongrejing University”!

Look at the ones that are big and small, tall and short.

But the beauty and temperament are all first-class girls.

Yin Zhi only felt a little dazzled, and couldn’t get it at a glance.

“Azhao, what you said is correct.”

“This class is really… quite difficult!”

“Hey, can you pay attention to the fight?”

“Didn’t you see that Nei Nei was exposed?”

Grandma, a bear!

Yizhu Qingtian is too happy, right?

Surrounded by forty young and beautiful girls.

I have never even enjoyed the treatment of this imperial version.

You still chase a wool Kanagawa photo.

Choose a few trainers and trainers in the class. Isn’t it fragrant?

Although you are dead, I still can’t help being envious and jealous.

With a mess of thoughts, Yin Zhi walked to the podium.


“Students all be quiet.”

“Class is already in.”

“Let’s make a name first.”


There were forty girls in the classroom, and none of them took care of him.

Every girl continued to do what they were doing.

Listen to the song.

Playing games.



Yes, there is a woman wearing an apron cooking in the classroom!

Bang bang bang!

Yin Zhi clapped his slap.

His applause echoed in the classroom suddenly.

“It’s quiet, it’s quiet!”

“Girls, it’s class time now.”

“Please pay attention to class discipline.”

This time someone finally responded to Yin Zhi…


“what are you saying?”

“Shut your mouth! Then go where you should be.”

“You disgusting fat pig! Qi!”

A long and tall girl looked awkward, stepped on the chair with one foot, and pointed angrily at the corner.

Yin Zhi followed her fingers.

I saw a corner surrounded by a fence.

There is a chair inside.

A few huge words were written on the wall: “Pigpen! Special seat for fat pigs! Disgusting!”

Yin Zhi blinked.

“This class… really hard to do.”

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