Chapter 297 It seems necessary for you to accept my stick education!

What Yin Zhi didn’t know was…

Yizhu Qingtian has been quite useless in Class 8 of the third year!

Obviously he is a “three-star imperial spiritualist”.

Throwing it to any place in the world is like an emperor’s existence.

But in the 8th class of these three years, he became a pig abruptly.

Don’t say Yin Zhi doesn’t know.

It was Kanagawa Teru and the other teachers who didn’t know.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Kanagawa to remind Yin Zhi.

of course!

It was definitely not the case at the beginning.

The white and fat appearance of Yizhu Qingtian is just a cover up.

Inside is actually a perverted old man.

Facing a class of beautiful girls with youthful beauty and noble temperament.

How can there be no bold ideas?


All his “daring ideas” were crushed by those beautiful girls who were not easy to provoke!


Are those beautiful girls stronger than Yizhu Qingtian?

It is naturally impossible in personal strength!

Personal strength is not good, so naturally it is family strength!

“My father is a weaver!”

“Listen well, my mother’s surname is Erlene!”

“Hui Ye fragrant every day. I am the bride-to-be of the royal family!”

have a look……

Take a look at…

Which one is not a famous lady?

The only commoner concubine in the class was a “fire-spreading treasure” reserved by the big family!

Which one is Yizhu Qingtian can afford?

What if I can’t afford it?

I can only persuade.

In the end, she became a pig…

Yin Zhi didn’t know anything about it.

He looked at the extremely arrogant and unparalleled girl.

Looking at the “pig’s seat” on the corner, he scratched his head and smiled “hehe”.

He left the podium.

But it’s not going to the “pig’s seat”.

Instead, he closed the classroom door.

After closing the door, he returned to the podium.


“Now let’s order the names.”

“Two ribs…Saori?”

A pair of flickering dark eyes looked at Yin Zhi—well, a pillar of Qingtian.






Etc., etc.

There are all kinds of eyes.

Only no one said a word.

“What does it all look at me?”

“The one who reads the name yells ‘to’.”

“Two-sided yarn weaving!”


I saw that arrogant girl patted the table.

“Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!”

“Disgusting fat pig, are you blind?”

“I didn’t see the old lady, I was here!”


“Are you itchy skin again?”

Snapped! !

Erri Saori took out a whip from the desk drawer and threw it on the tabletop.

That meaning couldn’t be more obvious…

Yin Zhi also “heed” in his heart.

“Hey Hey hey!”

“Yizhu Qingtian, are you messing up too badly?”

“I’m totally sorry for your name!”

Secretly spit out, and he continued.

“Those who can read the name only need to say ‘to’.”

“No need to say so much. Next…”

“The Weaver Son.”

no sound?

“Who is the Son of Weaver?”

Still no sound.

Snapped! !

I saw Erling Saori grabbing the whip and slammed the tabletop fiercely.

Then grabbed the black leather whip and left the seat.

“You disgusting fat pig.”

“It seems you have forgotten how to be a pig.”

“I’ll let you reflect on it now!”

After that, the pitch-black whip tore the air and whizzed towards Yin Zhi.

As soon as Yin Zhi stretched out his hand, he grabbed the whip.

With a soft “boom”, the whip instantly tightened and straightened.

This whip is not even enough for Yin Zhi to tickle.

With his hand, the two-sided yarn weave was taken aback.

It’s not because “Yizhu Qingtian” caught the whip-he has this strength, and it’s not worth stunned.

What really stunned her was that “One Pillar of Green Field” actually dared to resist?

“Let go!”

“You disgusting fat pig!”

“Don’t touch my baby with your dirty hands!”

As she said, she tugged hard.

The result is far from pulling the whip back.

Instead, the whip dropped his hand and fell into Yin Zhi’s hands.

He tugged at the whip and curled his lips.

“This stuff is not addictive at all.”

As he said, he threw the pitch black whip.

Fingertips shine.

The baseball bat “heavy hitter” fell into his hands.

At this time, the “heavy artillery striker” has also been reborn!

Didn’t you smash Meichuan before, but it turned out that everyone was okay, and the stick was shaken apart?

This is simply too Losing face!

As soon as Yin Zhi gritted his teeth, he simply took out nearly 40 million “killing points” to upgrade it.

Upgraded it from the rarity “Legendary Three Stars” to “Epic Nine Stars”…

Although the rarity can still be ascending…

However, the required “killing point” has increased exponentially.

Originally “killing points” is not enough, think about it or give it up!

Rarity “Epic Nine Stars”.

“Development” level 100.

Is it enough for the time being?

Bang! !

The head of the baseball bat hit the palm of his hand.

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe” and mumbled “It’s still easier to use this one”.


The baseball bat hit the blackboard, not very hard.

“It looks like I have to teach you a truth before the formal class.”

“Teach you what is meant by’respecting the teacher and emphasizing the way’.”

“Simply put: this class, I have the final say!”


This “line” is so familiar.

Did I say it somewhere?

Don’t care about it, say it again!


“Stop all the mess in your hands for me.”

“Everything that has nothing to do with class and study is cleaned up.”

“A student does not look like a student, what is it like?”

This time!

All the girls in the class looked at “One Pillar of Green Fields” with admiring fools and caring for the mentally handicapped.

It was quiet for several seconds…


Two-row Saori had her waist stuck in her waist and laughed three times.

“Can’t believe it.”

“Disgusting fat pig!”

“Are you mentally disabled?”

She widened her eyes and pointed her head with her fingers.

“If you have a brain injury, go for treatment as soon as possible.”


Pong! ! !

A baseball bat hit her head.

He really doesn’t pity Xiangxiyu at all.

Erri Saori hit the table and fell to the ground.

Yin Zhi sighed: “It seems necessary for you to accept my club education!”




This time!

Almost all of the remaining thirty-nine pairs of eyes widened.

Thirty-nine mouths also slowly opened wide.

what happened?

What did i see?

is that a lie?

Must be dreaming, right?

One column of Qingtian, this disgusting fat pig…

He even dared to hit two-row Saori?

Doesn’t he know who Erlang Saori is?


He must be crazy!

“you this!”

“You perverted fat pig!”

“How dare you!”

“How dare you hit me?!”

An angry, trembling voice roared from Erling Saori’s mouth.

She did not faint.

Because Yin Zhi controlled the strength.

He wants to take the two-ribbed yarn weaving tree as a model, how can he let her faint?

She just stood up.

It’s another “pong” sound!

Erling Saori fell to the ground again, but changed his direction this time.

“Didi! You got 1.4 million points of murder from Erling Saori, please check!”

Yin Zhi smiled and picked up the list of Class 8 in the third year.

“Solve it!”

“We will continue the roll call now.”

“The Weaver Son…”

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