Chapter 298 Ume Chuan Yi: Yes, this is really a long class!

“Second Weaver?”

“which one?”

“The shout ‘come’!”


Still no one answered.

This group of famous geniuses and ladies seems to be harder than Yin Zhi imagined!

“I will kill you–”

It was the two-rowed yarn weaving got up again.

Yin Zhi naturally gave her another stick.

It’s like playing a game of “playing a mole”.

Yin Zhi smiled.

“It’s pretty shy.”

“Then the next…”

“Hui Ye smells fragrant all day?”

“Ghost Youya?”




Seeing the name, he raised his brows.

His eyes swept across the classroom.


I saw Umekawa in the second to last position in the first row…

I just glanced around before, but I really didn’t notice.


Mei Chuanyi became the first to respond to Yin Zhi’s call.

Immediately, she received a host of hostile eyes from the class.

Everyone seemed to say: “Who asked you to respond, you traitor!”

But Mei Chuanyi was indifferent.

Yin Zhi’s voice continued to remember in the classroom.

“very good!”


“Amaterasu chrysanthemum?”

This is another “Royal Family”.

No one answered!

So, Yin Zhi kept reading all the way.


Of the forty students in the class, only Mei Chuanyi responded.

When Yin Zhi put down the list.

The girls looked at him provocatively.

In the same room, some girls turned their “friendly” eyes to Mei Chuanyi.

After all, she was the only one in the class who “arrived”.

“The gun hit the bird”…

This proverb seems to be applicable to “Xihe”.

Now Mei Chuanyi has undoubtedly become an alien that the whole class hates and rejects.

Pong! !

There is another sound!

Two-row Saori has not known how many times it has been knocked down.

But this time she was not getting up.

Because this time Yin Zhi used more power than before.

Erlang Sazhi was directly stunned!

Right now, Yin Zhi is really in a big fire…

At this moment!

A girl said: “A Pillar of Qingtian, are you living enough?”

Another girl said, “Believe it or not, I can keep you from seeing the sun tomorrow!”

Another girl said, “I’m so fed up! You roll over to the corner and reflect on it!”

One by one, the girls got angry first.

They boasted that they came from well-known families, would they be able to tolerate a column of Qingtian arrogance?

Even the “treatment” of two-row Saori only surprised them.

But I can’t scare them at all!

On the contrary, it can arouse the anger in their hearts.

How dare a disgusting fat pig pretend before our eyes?

Simply unforgivable!

Yin Zhi smiled as he looked at the yelling and unbelievable girls…

I just wanted to set a typical example.

It now appears that it is not enough to just have a model.

Almost everyone must be erected as a model!

“To shut up–”

A loud drink exploded in the classroom.

The roar of tigers and dragons overwhelmed all the girls’ screams.

“Student Mei Chuanyi.”

“The teacher has important things to communicate with everyone.”

“Please go out first.”

“Remember to close the door. Thank you.”

At this time, his white and fat face seemed to be particularly vulgar.

Seeing his expression, some girls suddenly had a bad premonition in their hearts…

But they were immediately denied by themselves!

“Huh, would I still be afraid of him as a pig?”

“He never dared to hurt us!”

“Otherwise, his fate will be terrible!”

“He doesn’t have the guts!”

Mei Chuanyi stood up and left his position.

When she closed the classroom door.

I heard and saw a pillar of Qingtian holding up a baseball bat.

“Let this teacher give you a super shocking education today!”

The baseball bat fell down.


what–! ! !

Mei Chuanyi’s heart jumped and closed the classroom door.

The soundproofing of the classroom is surprisingly good.

As soon as the door was closed, the sound inside could hardly be heard.

“What the hell is going on with him?”

“Why does it feel like he has completely changed…”

“Could it be that he was stimulated by something?”

Mei Chuanyi is naturally curious about the changes in “One Pillar of Qingtian”.

“Is it because of Mr. Kanagawa?”

“If he does something bad…”

“Forget it, what does it have to do with me?”

She leaned her ear to the door panel.

I heard chaotic sounds coming from inside.




The clash of desks and chairs…

It’s almost like a war!

After listening to it for a while, she felt bored.

So he leaned on the railing of the corridor, thinking about own things.

“The’Ukiyo-e scroll’ is actually in the school.”

“Sister Ming, how can she get it?”

“Such an important thing must be guarded by strong people.”

Even if she is full of confidence in Tian Zhaohuiming.

But still can’t help but worry.

Just at this time.

She saw two people coming out of the jungle not far away…

It’s worth saying.

“Dongrejing University” has a large area but few teachers and students.

Therefore, each class has an independent classroom.

The environment around the classroom is also exceptionally beautiful.

“Student Meichuan, what are you doing here?”

“Why not enter the classroom?”

The two people who came.

One of them is Netaro, the leader of the third grade group!

Umekawa Yi said: “I didn’t do anything. Come out to breathe.”

After speaking, she turned to look at the girl next to Netaro.

Mei Chuanyi’s first impression of her was that she was longer than an enviable black straight…

Netaro introduced her to her.

“This is Miss Murong Rong who came to study in the’True Dragon Kingdom’.”

“Miss Murong, this is Meichuanyi.”

“From now on, you and her will be classmates.”

Mei Chuan Yichao Murong Rong nodded and said hello.

Seeing Mei Chuanyi’s reaction, Murong Rong pouted to himself.

Seeing that Neontaro was about to enter the classroom, Umekawa Yi stopped in front of him.

“Teacher, Teacher Yizhu is really doing an important lesson.”

“You still don’t disturb him.”

“Student Murong, just leave it to me.”

Taro didn’t think much about it, and he said “Then I will trouble you” and left.

To these famous ladies, Nemoto Taro is naturally very polite.

Watching Netaro disappear, Umekawa Yi smiled slightly.

In other words…

Why did Mei Chuanyi help “One Pillar of Qingtian”?

It’s simple!

From her standpoint, she has no good feelings for those noble ladies.

Seeing them suffer, she is gloating!

Mei Chuanyi looked at Murong Rong and said, “Wait outside for a while.”

Murong Rong frowned.

You say wait, wait?

Why should I listen to you?

She went to push the door, but the door was locked from the inside and couldn’t be opened.

No way, you can’t kick the door open, right?

Murong Rong could only wait.

Seeing that Mei Chuanyi didn’t mean to talk to himself.

How could Murong Rong post it himself?

that’s all……

Wait and wait!

Ten minutes passed.

Half an hour passed.

One hour passed.

Three hours passed.

Murong Rong’s patience was completely exhausted.

“Student Meichuan…”

“What class is the teacher taking inside?”

“Why is it so long?”

Mei Chuanyi also sighed: “Yes, this is really a long class!”

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