Chapter 299 Curious! Really curious! Who will tell me what happened!




The crow flew overhead.

The sky is full of red clouds.

The sun is about to fall from the top of the hill on the horizon.

The classroom door of Class 8 of the third year finally opened…

Mei Chuanyi and Murong Rong who were playing chess outside stood up.

Murong Rong shouted in his heart.


“it’s finally over!”

“All day! All day!”

“The child is born!”

“What kind of class is this?”

Fortunately, there is also a person who is waiting boringly.

Chat and play chess.

Otherwise, Murong Rong really doesn’t know how to survive this whole day!

It is estimated that he has already left.

“Mei Chuanyi, come in… Huh?”

Yin Zhi looked at Murong Rong in surprise.

Why is this girl here?


I remembered.

Didn’t she go to “Dongrejing” to study abroad?

Is it possible…

Did she come to my class of “One Pillar Qingtian”?


If that’s the case, it would be interesting!

Thinking about this, Yin Zhi showed the expression of a fat house idiot.


“Student Umekawa, who is this lovely girl?”


Seeing the expression of “One Pillar of Qingtian”.

Murong Rong suddenly took a breath to himself.

The white ice muscle and jade skin all had goose bumps.

What’s up?


It is said that the first impression is very important.

At this moment, Murong Rong’s impression of “One Pillar of Qingtian” was extremely bad.

“Unlucky! Unlucky!”

“Why would I be assigned to this kind of teacher’s class?”

“Why does’Dongrejing’ have such a disgusting teacher?”

“No! I want to change shifts! I definitely want to change shifts!”

Thought of here…

Murong Rong directly turned around and left in a big step!

Really, wasting my whole day.

Yin Zhi looked at Murong Rong’s back, curled his lips, and didn’t bother to care about her.

Mei Chuanyi also looked at Murong Rong’s back for two seconds.

Then tell “Teacher Yizhu” who Murong Rong is…

Yin Zhi smiled secretly.

“Really our student?”

“Go? Let’s go, let’s go.”

“Hey, you have to go and count your skills.”

“Let’s fall into my hand and see how I can clean you up!”

Yin Zhi has zero liking for Ma’s richest father and daughter!

Watching his compatriots being bullied by foreigners, he didn’t even mean to help.

Just rely on this!

Yin Zhi owes the least bit of affection to their father and daughter.

Ume Chuanyi re-enters the classroom.

The moment of stepping into the classroom.

She felt that every aspect of the entire classroom had become completely different.

Those famous ladies were sitting on their seats neatly and cleverly.

Keep your head up.

look steadily forward.

Two are placed flat on the table top.

Everyone’s desktop is also neatly tidy and clean.

At this moment, what did Umekawa think of?

She first arrived when she was in kindergarten.

When I first entered the kindergarten, everyone was so behaved.

“in the end……”

“What happened?”

“This has changed too much, right?”

With deep doubts, Mei Chuanyi returned to his own position.


Yin Zhi coughed heavily.

“Because of some unexpected situations, a whole day was delayed.”

“Now we start again.”

“Students who have been named, please say ‘arrived’ back.”

Why is he so obsessed with roll call?

Two reasons.

One: Except for Umekawa and Saori, he still can’t put his name and person together.

Two: When you say you want to roll, you have to roll it—whatever it says is our style!

“Two-sided yarn weaving!”


“The Weaver Son!”


“Hui Ye fragrant every day!”


Mei Chuan Yi secretly said: “Weird…why is her voice dumb?”


Really curious!

Who will tell me what happened?

Soon, the name was finished.



“It can be done in five minutes.”

“It took a whole day?”

Yin Zhiman’s words were full of heart and a long tone.

“what is this?”

“Is it the distortion of human nature? Or the loss of morality?”

“You have to reflect, reflect, and reflect.”

“Well, after a day of tossing, everyone is tired, let’s stop here today…”

As soon as he finished speaking, he remembered one thing.

So he talked about the “sports meeting”.

His request is simple.

Everyone must participate!

And all projects must be first!

Who can’t get the first…

“My big stick will give you another super shocking education!”

After that, Yin Zhi left the word “off get out of class” and left.

If the people who have not been cleaned up are cleaned up, it is a physical and mental comfort.

As soon as he goes…

The whole classroom fell into dead silence.

Everyone was motionless.

This quiet made Mei Chuanyi feel uncomfortable.

She stood up and wanted to leave.

As a result, she made a little noise when she got up.

In an instant, the other thirty-nine famous ladies turned their heads to look at her.

This sudden change really scared Mei Chuanyi.

What’s more scary is…

In those eyes that are clearly beautiful.

It was sprayed with deep-seated hatred-I can’t wait to deprive her of hatred alive!


Hate me for what?

I didn’t do anything.

But when she saw Erling Saori going to close the classroom door.

There was a sense of bad feeling in my heart…

Umekawa Yi didn’t even think about it, and immediately used the “Spirit Defence Skill” and disappeared instantly.

What she didn’t know was after she left.

The remaining thirty-nine famous ladies are all crazy.

Someone screamed heartbreakingly.

Some people hold their heads and weep bitterly.

Someone slammed the table and kicked the stool.

Some people squabble with each other.

When the outsiders saw it, it was only a group of crazy women.

Where is the little bit of a well-educated lady?

The next few days passed by.

All the famous ladies in the first class were cleaned up by Yin Zhi.

That’s a good boy during class time!

As for Murong Rong who wanted to leave, he finally came back.

This is not “True Dragon Country”!

Her father’s Face is only enough to send her into “Dongrejing”.

Others can’t help her.

The educational system of “Dongrejing” is completely different from that of “Sacred Heart University”.

There is only one teacher in one class!

The teacher must also be an all-rounder, know every subject, and must be proficient in every subject.

But this has no effect on Yin Zhi.

Anyway, he didn’t really come to teach as a bookmaker.

He sits on the podium every day in class, and then highlights two words: “Self-study!”

A few days of boring days followed Yizhu Qingtian’s Life trajectory.

He consciously expanded his own social circle…

Of course not blindly!

The main thing is to get in touch with scholars and professors who are engaged in the theoretical research of “Yu Ling”.

He has never forgotten that his primary purpose in coming to “Dongrejing” is to find clues about his mother.

As for the others, all have to stand back!


After breaking into the “Dongrejing”, it is easy to obtain information that was originally out of reach.

For example, the name of the “scholar who proposed “The Rule of Yin & Yang Shishen”-his name is Sakamoto Silver Soul!

Now I’m making a living by picking up rags…

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