Chapter 300: You Are Sakamoto Silver Soul? The person who proposed the Yin & Yang rule of God?

Are you relying on picking up tatters to make a living?

I can’t believe it!

“You mean him? Sakamoto Silver Soul!”

“That guy is an idiot who thinks he is a genius!”

“His “Yin & Yang Shishen Law” is just nonsense!”

“Shit doesn’t make sense!”

“He is too arrogant! How dare to argue with the principal.”

“I’m not surprised at all being kicked out.”

“What? You asked me about the content of “The Rule of Yin & Yang Shishen”?”

“I don’t know or not. Who knows that kind of rubbish?”

These gossips.

It seems to reveal the reason why Sakamoto Silver Soul from a world-famous scholar eventually turned into a ragged beggar!

The reason Yin Zhi asked about the information “Sakamoto Silver Soul is picking up tatters”.

Still came into contact with Sakamoto’s former friends of Silver Soul.

He is still teaching and researching at “Dongrejing”.

Yin Zhi gained his trust on the grounds that he was “interested in “The Rule of Yin & Yang Shishen”.

Between words.

Yin Zhineng felt his admiration for Sakamoto Silver Soul.

And the regret and helplessness for his current end.

“Being half a step ahead of the world is a genius.”

“One step ahead of the world is a lunatic.”

“In my opinion, Silver Soul is two steps ahead of the world!”

“This is destined that the world cannot tolerate him.”

This is his evaluation and sigh of Sakamoto Silver Soul.


Yin Zhi asked him calmly: Have you ever seen a woman who can’t remember her face?

The answer he got disappointed—no!

“A woman who can’t remember her face”, this feature is enough to make people remember.

Since I haven’t seen it, it is probably true that I have never seen it.

“It seems that I can only put hope on Sakamoto Silver Soul.”

“I wish Angeli had been in contact with him…”

“Otherwise the clue will be completely broken!”


It’s the weekend when you can leave school.

“Dongrejing University” is completely closed!

Unless there is something urgent or important, no leave slips will be given.

Without a false note, you will never get out of the “mirror door”.


when! !

when! ! !

The bell for the end of get out of class echoed in the “Dongrejing University”.

Also introduced into the classroom of Class 8 in the third year.


Yin Zhi, who was sitting on the podium playing games, jumped off the podium.

“get out of class end!”

“Have a holiday!”

“I wish you a happy weekend.”

“Let’s see you next Monday.”

After speaking, Yin Zhi whistled and left.

In classrooms.

Famous ladies, look at me and I look at you.

Everyone’s eyes were filled with strong bitterness and bitter hatred.


Finally waited until this day!

One column of Qingtian, you disgusting, perverted, crazy fat pig!

See you next Monday?

You go to die for me, go to die, go to die, go to die!

Don’t talk about next Monday…

In the next life, we don’t want to see you again!

the other side.

Listen to the “Didi Didi” prompt.

Yin Zhi was happy in his heart.

The group of pigs in “Gui Shi Ban” was raised by Ji Dong’s fucking stuff.

The current “Three-year Class 8” just replaced the “Guishi Class” and became his new pigpen-all the pigs raised are sows!

The “sow” is really fatter!

Right now, the whole class has contributed 43 million (not counting) “killing points” to him.

Counting the previous…

The cumulative contribution of “8 classes in three years” has reached 130 million!

You can take Yin Zhile.





These “killing points” have not yet become hot in his “wallet”.

It was used on the “Holy Spirit Nine Star Female Emperor” who is a “gold swallowing beast”.

At first glance, it seems a lot of 130 million.

Just think of those “Holy Spirit Nine Star Female Emperors”…

It’s not the rhythm that “females have more gold and less money”, and can’t afford it!

not enough!

It’s not enough!

After finishing the “killing point”, Yin Zhi sighed: “You have to work harder.”

Leaving “Torekyo University”.

Yin Zhi went straight to the tram station.

Then take the tram to “Zone 11”.

The entire “Dongrejing City” is divided into districts.

In this huge chessboard city.

With vertical and horizontal towering walls cut into a block-shaped urban area.

These square-shaped urban areas, some places are heaven, and some places are The Underworld.

There is no doubt that “Area 11” belongs to The Underworld category!

The Silver Soul of Sakamoto who proposed “The Rule of Yin & Yang Shishen”…

Just in the “11 districts” of Kabuki Street, a generation is picking up the tatters to make a living!


Ten o’clock.

Yin Zhi stood at the entrance of Kabuki Street in the “11 District”.

Although it is late at night, it is still very bright here.

It’s just that the light that illuminates here is red-the kind of “colorful” red.

To put it bluntly, this Kabuki Street is an unscrupulous “color street.”

Yin Zhi stepped into it and walked along the street looking east and west.

Although I know that Sakamoto Silver Soul is here.

But the area here is not small, and it’s not easy to find people.

while walking……



A drunk man suddenly vomited at Yin Zhi, spewing out something sour and rancid.

Yin Zhi quickly backed away and avoided.

But I didn’t expect to collide with the people behind.

He wanted to apologize, but his expression changed in the next second…

“sorry Sorry!”

Instead, the person who was hit by Yin Zhi apologized to him, and then went into the crowd and disappeared.

Yin Zhi “嚯嚯” smiled.

“Okay, kid!”

“It’s done on me to do’business’.”

He bypassed the pool of vomit on the ground and chased after…

A narrow alley.

The thin man who had just collided with Yin Zhi smiled “hehe” and opened the wallet he had touched out of Yin Zhi.

Seeing the thick pile of cash inside, an exaggerated smile suddenly bloomed on his face.

“Ha ha!”

“Now you can go to’Yuezhihua’ to have a good time.”

Suddenly a hand stretched out and took the wallet away.

The thin man was furious: “Asshole…”

Yin Zhi kicked him over, kicked him to the ground, and then stepped on his chest.

“Want to make money?”

“I give you a chance!”

“Do you know where Sakamoto Silver Soul is?”

“Know, the money belongs to you!”

“I don’t know, your life is mine!”

Since the other party is a thief walking around Kabuki Street, he is naturally very familiar with this scene.

“I know!”

“I know him!”

“Master, I will take you to find him!”

With force of deterrence and monetary incentives, there are very few things that cannot be done in this world.

Yin Zhi followed him around, and finally came to a messy tent area.

Will live here, I’m afraid it is the bottom of the bottom.

Those who have tents are considered “rich”.

More directly use broken bags, cardboard boxes, and newspapers as quilts, shrink on the ground and sleep.

Yin Zhi followed the thin thief in the tent area.

Suddenly heard the beating, just turned his head to take a look.

It’s a group of people beating people.

He didn’t care.


A scream came.

The skinny thief changed his face and pointed at the guy who was beating someone.


“It was Sakamoto who was beaten!”

Yin Zhi frowned: “Are you sure?”

“OK, sure!”

“I would not have heard it wrong!”

“You want to be…”

In the next second, he found that the person in front of him had disappeared…

Boom boom boom!

Yin Zhi easily brought down the beating guys and squatted beside the beaten man.

“I ask you……”

“Are you the Sakamoto Silver Soul? The one who proposed “The Rule of Yin & Yang Shishen”?”

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