Chapter 811 Haha! This kind of gameplay is too good! How can it be cool to find something?


That large piece of chaos—the turbulent flow of time and space, advancing very fast!

Soon Yin Zhi had to waste three seconds to disarm the “Tianmu Li Mecha” and replace it with the “Superior Speed ​​Mecha”.

Sure enough, the name “Superior Force Mecha” was not in vain.

At the moment it was replaced, Yin Zhi’s speed immediately rose.

Soon, the distance from the turbulent flow of time and space behind the ass was widened.

On the way, Yin Zhi unexpectedly encountered a single person.

I don’t know which side it is-it’s not my own anyway!


“help me!”

His speed is not slow.

But the physical strength can’t keep up!

After following Yin Zhi for about 20 minutes, his speed slowed down.

The turbulence of time and space is getting closer and closer to him!

The catastrophe was approaching, Death was coming, and he was frightened and cried out to Yin Zhi for help.

How could Yin Zhi save him?

Instead he looked back.

“Watching” the sight of him being swallowed by the turbulence of time and space.

What scene?

Nothing special.

It’s like an ant being swallowed by a monstrous tsunami.

Although it was someone else who was swallowed.

But Yin Zhi still felt his scalp numb.

“Depend on!”

“It’s me instead, I don’t know if the situation will be different…”

“Should not?”

Compared to when he was in the “Holy Dragon Continent”, his strength at this time has increased ten thousand times?

It is estimated that more than one hundred thousand times!

But Yin Zhi still didn’t have the idea of ​​”trying the power of space-time turbulence”.

Dongfang Weixi and Mu Pingting are pure luck!

Change yourself, don’t try to die…


Boom! ! !

A loud noise erupted.

It turned out that Yin Zhi smashed through a suspended mountain!

How fast is he at the moment?

When you are fully absorbed, you can move freely between broken rocks and broken mountains, like a fish in the water.

But the distraction that turned his head made him bombard a suspended mountain like a cannonball.

With his speed and power, he directly smashed the mountain into pieces!


It runs through one more.


Through the third seat!

Thirteen gravel and hanging mountains running through a line one after another.

This time, it can be said to be quite fierce.

boom! !

There was another loud noise.

Yin Zhi hit the fourteenth obstacle.

It was a large bare stone, which looked like a peanut at first glance.

Probably the remaining prestige was exhausted, and it did not run through this time.

But his whole person was directly embedded in it!



One after another cracks spread around with Yin Zhi as the center.

If this continues, I’m afraid this huge rock will also be broken.

It seems that even if the power is about the same, it is still quite terrifying.

Although he was protected by the “swift force mecha”, Yin Zhi did not suffer any injuries.

Of course, the main reason is that Yin Zhi’s body is hard enough.

After all, “Super Power” is not a defensive mecha!

But his head was still dizzy.


“This embarrassment is not small.”

“Others didn’t treat me like that.”

“I hit myself hard enough…”

Yin Zhi mumbled endlessly.

The chaos is still ahead.

Yin Zhi, who was in the deep latent stone, immediately made an effort.

The whole boulder broke apart in an instant, and the rubble splashed.

Yin Zhigang is going to keep driving…


A strange red light reflected in Yin Zhi’s eyes.

The fire light is too magnificent and dazzling.

So that Yin Zhi’s eyes were instantly attracted by it.

Looking intently, Yin Zhi’s pupils shrank instantly.

“That is……”

Right among the flying rubble.

A token-like thing hovered quietly.

Blooming with eye-catching fiery red light.

A closer look revealed that the fiery red light faintly took on the shape of a flying bird, its posture burning like flames.

Seeing it, what did Yin Zhi think of?



“Don’t tell me that it is the ‘Phoenix Sacred Fire Order’!”

If it really is…

The “Emperor of the Holy Word” and the “Emperor of Destiny” are too fierce, right?

Yin Zhi glanced at the suspected “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order”.

He turned his head and glanced at the turbulent time and space that was approaching rapidly.


One bite his teeth.

Yin Zhi immediately came up with a new “Swiss Force Mecha”.

At the same time, let the “Time Lady” speed up for herself-“Speeding Abduction” does not work on the “Super Speed ​​Mech”.

But seeing Yin Zhi passing by, the “flaming token” disappeared without a trace.

It fell into Yin Zhi’s hands!



“Announcement to all staff!”

“Someone has found the ‘Phoenix Sacred Fire Order’!”

“If the person holds the’Phoenix Sacred Fire Order’ for more than twelve hours, it is the winner!”

“The rest of the people can see where the’Phoenix Sacred Fire Order’ is located!”

In an instant, Yin Zhi’s face changed.

“Depend on!”

“I have a saying “Mom sells batches” very seriously!”

Everyone can see the seat of the “Phoenix Torch Order”.

Then I will become a living target?

A second ago, he was still excited about finding the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order”.

After a second, he couldn’t help but scold his mother.

And Yin Zhigang cursed, “Mom sells criticism.”

A blazing red light bloomed, wrapping Yin Zhi in the shape of a flying bird, flapping his prosperous wings gracefully and gracefully.

At this moment, Yin Zhi looked particularly cool, eye-catching and eye-catching.

He quickly tried various methods to hide.

For example, throw it into the “Sumeru Mountain Ring”.

For example, summon the “Empress Empress”.

It’s useless!

He was still wrapped in Phoenix-like red light.

He even tried to throw away the “Phoenix Holy Fire Order” out of anger…

As a result, it reappeared next to Yin Zhi in an instant.

He didn’t even need to take it, it hovered directly in front of Yin Zhi.

“It’s on me, isn’t it?”

“not sure……”

“Others want to get the ‘Phoenix Sacred Fire Order’, they have to kill me first.”


“I knew the future would be predicted with the “Time Lady”.”

“So I can squat by the side.”

“The turbulence of time and space will not swallow the’Phoenix Sacred Fire Order’, right?”

However, Yin Zhi, annoyed at the moment, didn’t know that the method he thought would not work…

If no one grabs the “Phoenix Torch Order”, the location will change randomly!

He even foresaw the future like this.

Unless the “Phoenix Flame Order” is foreseen to disappear.

Otherwise, he really chooses to guard, he is doomed to be busy.

But annoyance is just a moment-after all, Yin Zhi is not a Sage without joy or sorrow.

But what kind of temper is he?

Annoyed a second.

After a second, the “killing power” in his bones came up.


“come on!”

“This kind of gameplay is too exciting!”

“How can it be cool to find something? I will do as much as I can!”

Yin Zhi laughed three times before rushing in a random direction.


He saw a mountain larger than any floating mountain he had seen before.

Visually, it is tens of thousands of meters high and magnificent.

Yin Zhi immediately turned around, flew over, and finally landed on the top of the suspended giant mountain.

He first added a bunch of buffs to himself and adjusted his state to the peak…

Then set out the grill and set it on fire.

“I’ll just have a barbecue while waiting for you to come!”

“Who is afraid of whom?”

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