Chapter 812 Hahaha! I can beat and cry you once, and I can beat and cry you forever!

Simulate somewhere in the battlefield of All Saints.

“The leader is over there!”

A very handsome young man pointed in a direction.

In the direction he was pointing.

As long as there are eyes—not even eyes.

You can see a flaming “Fire Phoenix” logo!

This logo completely ignores any barriers and occlusions.

Unusually eye-catching!

It’s hard to see if you want to.

“Help the lord, let’s go quickly!”

“We must get the’Phoenix Holy Fire Order’ as soon as possible.”


Zhao Zheng, who had just made a pot of tea, poured out a cup.

In an instant, the fragrance of tea permeated, refreshing one’s heart.

Zhao Zheng took a deep nose intoxicated, and then took a sip.

“Not bad, it tastes great.”

She just picked the tea on the “Battlefield of All Saints”.

Picked, fried, and bubbled now.

She is still in the mood to do this at this time, it is probably her.

“Not in a hurry.”

“Not in a hurry.”

“Take a break, take a break.”

She looked so leisurely that she didn’t seem to be on the battlefield at all.

It’s almost like coming for an outing.

The handsome young man said, “Guardian, do you want the other two to fight first?”


“more or less.”

In fact, she didn’t think so at all…

The handsome young man quickly flattered.

“It’s worthy of being a helper!”

“Wise and wise, foresight!”

“Let Yin Zhi and Wang Daosen take you to death first.”

“As long as we grab the’Phoenix Sacred Fire Order’ before the time limit arrives, the victory is ours!”

Zhao Zheng said twice “nice”, then bowed his head to drink tea.


“I don’t want to move now.”

“Wait a minute.”

“Drinking tea and looking at the scenery are not more comfortable than fighting?”

No one knows…

The former “Eternal Empress” and now the “Green Gang Leader” have serious procrastination-no, it is procrastination cancer!

Things that can be delayed to the last second.

She definitely won’t finish it in the second to last second.

Because of this, she can be said to have suffered a lot…

But she never wanted to change it.

Why change?

This is me!

I like to procrastinate!

I procrastinate and I am happy!

I won’t change it, how can I drop it? !

However, because Zhao Zheng can always solve the problem at the last minute.

So other people not only don’t know that she is a “prolonged cancer” patient.

She also feels that she has a peerless strategy of “planning, and decisively winning thousands of miles away”.

at the moment!

Zhao Zheng’s “advanced prolonged cancer” has attacked again.

And at this moment…

A high-pitched and trembling dragon roar came!

And accompanied by the sound of fierce fighting.


Zhao Zheng gave an unpleasant “tsk”.

Want to drink tea quietly and appreciate the scenery?

The handsome young man said: “Help the lord, let me have a look.”


He disappeared in an instant.

But soon he appeared again.

“Helper, who do you think it is?”

“It’s the blonde girl next to Yin Zhi.”

“She’s having a fight with Willow now.”

“But I feel she is going to lose.”

“She has become the Queen of Dragon and is too big. Willow will use the terrain to contain her.”

Zhao Zheng raised his brows: “Oh?”

Of course she knew that there was a girl beside Yin Zhi who could become a dragon.

I didn’t expect to bump myself into it.

After blinking, Zhao Zheng looked at the young man.

“Ling Feng.”

“Give you a chance for a hero to save the United States.”

“Are you sure to save people?”

Heroes save beauty?

Ling Feng was not interested at all.

Not to mention that it was someone else’s woman who was saved.

Of course, if this “beauty” is replaced by a gang leader…

Of course that is another matter.

It’s a pity, I am afraid I will never have such an opportunity.

Soon his heart moved.

“The helper is wise!”

“As long as that woman is in our hands.”

“Even if Yin Zhi finally snatched the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order”.”

“We also threaten his bargaining chip.”

Zhao Zheng said “Well” without comment.

She had already learned this guy’s ability to make up for himself.


“I’m going now!”

After speaking, Ling Feng disappeared instantly.


A bamboo stick was inserted into a tree.

On that tree, many bamboo sticks have been inserted.


“You just look at it like that? Is it interesting to see me eating?”

“Come on!”

Yin Zhi yelled into the air.

He already sensed people around him.

But those people didn’t mean to do it.

Yin Zhi ate skewers one after another, and he had eaten hundreds of skewers, and no one came forward.

he does not know.

It is his posture of enjoying a barbeque and eating barbeque, which bluffs the people who are hiding in the dark.

He is running around in a hurry…

Others have already done it!

And when the people gathered there gradually increased.

Then there is a situation of group game.

They are all waiting for each other to do it first.

As a result, no one did it first.

Another reason is that the dragons have no leader.

Zhao Zheng’s side, Zhao Zheng is not there.

Wang Dao Sen’s side, Wang Dao Sen is not there either.

Without the leader, no one made up his mind, so naturally he froze.


This stalemate soon changed.

When Yin Zhi had the one hundred and ninth skewers of barbecue.

A loud roar broke out.

Boom! ! !

A majestic and huge figure is thus reduced.

It smashed heavily on the half-waist of the suspended giant mountain where Yin Zhi was.


It is Pacquito!

As soon as he received the announcement, he went straight to the “Phoenix Logo”.

It’s not that he is an ignorant prophet.

Knowing that Yin Zhi got the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order”.

But he thinks Yin Zhi will definitely go to snatch the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order.”

As long as you find the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order”, you will definitely find Yin Zhi!

Now he found it!

He didn’t care at all about the “Phoenix Holy Fire Order”.

All he has to do now is to kill Yin Zhi!

This can be seen.

The area of ​​psychological shadow that Yin Zhi caused to him is really not that big…




Bo Kuituo couldn’t wait to scream at his throat.

With every shout, his body swelled up a big circle.

Every time he climbed to the top of the mountain, his body swelled in a big circle.

One hundred meters.

Two hundred meters.

Four hundred meters.

Eight hundred meters…

One thousand meters!

The terrifying coercion and momentum are like a flash flood and a tsunami.

It seems to have the power to destroy the world!

It was the surrounding gravel and hanging mountains trembling slightly.

Where the huge figure passes, the space is distorted and rippling.

Those who are hiding in the dark feel only terrified.

Change them…

They are absolutely unwilling to face Pacquito.

But where’s Yunzhi?

He was very willing to have enemies like Boquito.

“As witty as me!”

“It was a very wise choice not to kill him back then.”

“Such a pig with a lantern is hard to find!”

just now.

There was a sound of “Didi”—that’s the sound of “Super Killing Point” credited into the account!

100 points.

200 points.

400 points.

Until 1000 points!

At this moment, Yin Zhi credited 3,200 “super kill points”.

How can it not be beautiful?


“I can beat and cry you once.”

“You can cry forever!”

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