Chapter 813 Why? Why can’t you kill him? Why on earth?

“Dead ah ah ah -”

When Bo Kuituo reached the top of the mountain.

He has become a giant with a height of up to two kilometers!

Yin Zhi’s body size is comparable to him, almost smaller than that of ants.

Na Ke’s fist blasted towards Yin Zhi like a meteorite falling from Nine Heavens.

The power is so great that the space is completely distorted.

Some of the suspended rubble touched by the twisted wave impact disappeared instantly.

It turned into dust that was hard to see with the naked eye.

This is just being affected.

How can you imagine the consequences of being hit by that fist?


That is a punch that can make the soul tremble!

this moment.

Feel the terrifying Death breath in the air.

Few people peeping around thought that Yin Zhi could take that punch…

I have long heard that the talent of the “Red Devil Race” is very abnormal.

It’s almost a bug.

But I didn’t expect it to be so perverted!

But some people who know Pacquito do.

The previous record of Pacquito’s growth was one kilometer.

But now it has doubled directly.


The anger and mania in his heart have reached an unprecedented peak!

That guy named Yin Zhi really offended people to death.

“Even if the fist is changed to the gang leader/city lord to receive this punch, I am afraid that it will not be easy to receive, right? (from their knowledge)”

Zhao Zheng and Wang Daosen’s men couldn’t help but think of this idea.

What about the authorities?

Yin Zhi looked up at the huge fist that fell from the sky.

The fist has not yet arrived.

But the pressure it released had already covered Yin Zhi.

And this pressure is increasing every second!

As if to squash him.

The place where Yin Zhi was set was sinking one by one.

Obviously it was rammed down by fists.


“Is it stronger?”

“Come on then!”

“It just happens to use the’super kill points’ you gave me to enhance my combat power!”

“Also, let me see if the upgraded “Death-finding System” has gotten to work!”

The reason why Yin Zhi thinks so…

It is because his demand for the “death system” is already very low.

After all, the “finding system” was not online for such a long time before.

Then in this “simulated battlefield of all saints”, the “finding death system” shows what “powerlessness” does.

Although there are reasons for this, it is understandable.

But if the “finding system” continues to pull the hips like this…

That would be boring!

With the idea of ​​testing the capabilities of the “death system”.

Yin Zhi does not use “Divine Power Precepts” either.

Nor does it apply to the increasing power of the “Emperor Virus”.

The more than 3,000 “super kill points” just harvested were all used to enhance combat power.

With a thought from Yin Zhi…

boom! ! !

There seemed to be a loud noise somewhere.

Yin Zhi only felt a sense of strength that he had never experienced before exploding in his body, instantly filling his entire body.

He even had a feeling of “to be blown up” in his heart.

Yin Zhi squeezed his five fingers into a fist.

In the process of squeezing a fist, five fingers stroked a short distance, leaving five waves.

The moment the fist was squeezed, there seemed to be black lightning lingering around the fist.

“Then try it!”

Yin Zhi shouted in his heart.

He took a step forward.

A crack appeared on the ground compacted by Bo Kuituo’s fist.

His “little” fist blasted past the giant fist that fell from the sky…

“What a lunatic!”

“It’s totally possible to avoid it, even head-on.”

“The worm shakes the tree.”

People who spied secretly thought so.

Boom! ! ! !

The expected loud noise erupted.

The world moves!

The cracks started from the top of the suspended mountain, spreading all the way down, twists and turns.

It’s almost instant kung fu.

The cracks rushed from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

This tens of thousands of meters of suspended giant mountain crashed to pieces!

The fragments were flying in all directions, and each of them contained extremely terrifying destructive power.

People in hiding can be said to be evacuated as soon as possible, otherwise they will definitely suffer.

“Yin Zhi should die now, right?”

“Except for Zhao Zheng and Wang Daosen, who can catch that punch?”

“Oops! If Yin Zhi died, wouldn’t the’Phoenix Sacred Fire Order’ fall into Bo Kuituo’s hands?”

“If he was robbed, it would be difficult to get it back.”

Everyone was thinking about it.

it’s easy to see.

Even the people on Wang Dao Sen did not regard Bo Kuituo and the others as their own-even as enemies!


The followers of the “Thousand Star King” are also qualified to compete for the Deputy City Lord?

Yes, there is!

But whether to give “follower status”.

The initiative is completely in the hands of the “Thousand Star Kings”!

If a “Thousand Star King” is robbed of the throne of Deputy City Lord by followers…

Then he deserves to be unqualified to be the Vice-City Lord!

Even if it is due to bad luck.

Luck is also a kind of strength!

Scattered rocks and cracks flying in the sky.

People are afraid to avoid it.

The suspended huge mountain shattered, and Bo Kuituo had no place to stay.

The huge figure fell down.

It fell on a bare boulder below.

The floating boulder barely withstood Bo Kuituo’s figure.

After shaking for a while, Bo Kuituo stood up and laughed up to the sky.


“Finally dead!”

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha!”

In laughter.

It seemed that he hadn’t noticed the arm that had just thrown a fist at all, and the flesh and the flesh were completely separated.

Blood, like a torrential rain!

This was naturally caused by Yin Zhi’s punch.

At this moment…


“Oh, who is dead?”

“Who makes me’Kangkang’ so miserable.”

Hearing this voice, Pacquito’s laughter suddenly stopped.

He turned his head sharply.

Look down.

I saw a person standing on own shoulder, shaking his right arm there.

Who can it be if it’s not Yunzhi?

He was so eye-catching surrounded by Phoenix-like flames.

For an instant, Bo Kuituo’s face–and even his whole body, trembled.

This is angry!

Extremely angry!

“Uh ah ah-”

Bo Kuituo opened his mouth and roared.

The other hand lifted up and slapped it on the shoulder fiercely.

Isn’t this action the same as slapping a mosquito?

However, Bai Kuituo was not shooting mosquitoes, but Yin Zhi!

Yin Zhi raised his hands above the top, propped Bo Kuituo’s palm, and shouted “Go you”.

With force, Boque Tona’s palm that covered the sky was pushed up.

“Hold on!”

“If I go down with this punch, maybe you will die.”

Yin Zhi instantly rushed to Bo Kuituo’s brain…

“Divine Power Ring” a thousand-fold increase in power!

The power of “Emperor Virus” is enhanced!

The ultimate skill of “Dali Female Emperor” is “Knowing Punch”!

as well as……

I just tested the “Super Killing Point” increase with very satisfactory results!

In terms of power, this punch that is about to be blasted is definitely the strongest punch that Yin Zhi’s pure physical power can make!

Don’t you want to fight for strength?

Then I will fight for strength with you!

I whispered in my heart.

Yin Zhi’s “extremely small” fist hit Bo Kuituo’s side of the brain.

boom! ! ! ! !

Bo Kuituo’s 2,000-meter-high figure was beaten out.

All obstacles along the way were completely destroyed by him.

In the end, he fell on an equally huge floating mountain.

Tears rolled from his eyes…


“Why can’t you kill him?”

“Why is this?”

He was really beaten and crying…

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