Chapter 814: That’s the Yuan Clan people, a special existence formed by the condensation of Sage’s vitality!




Those who were watching secretly lost their voices in an instant.

All have seen the world.

Even if Pacquito was eventually defeated.

They will not react too much.

But they never expected it.

Bo Kuituo was defeated so simply and neatly.

Yunzhi just took a punch, right?

The previous punch is not counted.

Only one punch is really counted as an offense!

With one punch, the huge Pakkuituo was knocked into the air and paralyzed.

This shocked them to the point of silence.

How terrible is the punch just now?


“The bones are really hard.”

Yin Zhi shook his numb and painful fist.

You can see blood on it.

And this blood is still Yin Zhi’s own.

There are also traces of lacerations on top of which you can see the flesh and blood.

This is naturally because “the effects of power are mutual.”

But soon the blood from his fist returned to his body.

The cracks have also healed.


Yin Zhi cleared his throat, then shouted loudly.

“Who else?”

“It’s okay to go together.”

“I can stand it!”

The loud voice filled and reverberated in this piece of Realm.

“It’s hemp!”

“It’s really upset!”

Someone scolded secretly.

However, no one is on…

Afraid of Yoonji?

A little.

But not all!

After all, which one of them doesn’t have one or two unique skills to support their self-confidence?

Just seeing Yin Zhi beating Bo Kuituo was afraid of not moving?

Not so much!

Fighting is not more powerful than anyone else.

The main reason is that the situation of “tripartite confrontation” is a bit too stable.

Except for Yin Zhi, the other two parties did not act rashly.

The people on Wang Daosen’s side originally hoped that Bo Kuituo would break the deadlock.

Now it turns out that I can’t count on it at all…


“Isn’t it?”

“Can’t afford to play a bird?”

Yin Zhi spread his hands with disappointment.

Just when he was about to use the “Poison Tongue Skill” to stimulate the man in the dark to do it.

His face changed slightly!

In the far side of the left hand, a large area of ​​chaos appeared again and again, and it rushed to this side quickly.

Yin Zhi saw it, and others naturally saw it.

They are the first time to withdraw!

They all seem to know the horror of the “temporal turbulence”.

Yin Zhi also hurriedly put on the “swift force mecha” to stay away from the chaos.

“The’temporal turbulence’ appeared randomly…”

“Or is there a certain pattern?”

Yin Zhi thought to himself.

It just so happened that he flew past Bo Kuituo!

At this time Pacquito had retracted into his original shape.

After Yin Zhi’s punch, he lost his temper completely–like a balloon that had been punctured.

There is no violent manic emotional support.

How can he get bigger and harder?

Seeing the oncoming “temporal turbulence”, Bo Kuituo wanted to get up and evacuate.

But he found that his own body was completely out of his control! ?

In an instant, a big cold sweat came out of his forehead.

A pair of big-eyed boss boss.




He screamed harder and louder than ever.

The last loudest and loudest shout came to an abrupt end.

Bo Kuituo was swallowed by the “temporal turbulence”!


“A big fat pig is gone.”

Listening to the scream of sudden interruption.

Yin Zhi couldn’t help but sighed.

You have to know that you have earned nearly 6,000 “Super Kill Points” on him-just used more than 3,000!

If you continue to raise it, you will definitely earn more in the future.

Do you want him to save Pacquito?

Hey, how is this possible?

There are “pigs” in the world, but they are not necessary.

“Time and Space Turbulence” chased Yin Zhi for a period of time and then stopped again.

Stop there quietly.

Same as before.

Yin Zhi is almost certain that it will move again.

At this moment he was standing on a small floating rock.

Look left and right, whispering.

“It’s gone.”

There is no one within the range of perception.

Yin Zhi glanced straight at the “temporal turbulence”.

Mumbled “Don’t do this anymore” and waited.

Then move on.

Fly flying.


A humanoid existence suddenly appeared in front of Yin Zhi’s eyes.

It was a humanoid existence completely condensed from white light.

Let’s call it “White Light People”.

Its appearance without warning really shocked Yin Zhi.

After being surprised, he immediately entered a state of combat!

He didn’t speak, but looked at the “White Light Man” quietly.

“Bai Guang Ren” didn’t speak–he had no mouth, probably couldn’t speak, and looked at Yin Zhi quietly.

For a time, deathly quiet.

A certain second.

The “White Light Man” moved!

He appeared in front of Yin Zhi instantly, making a sword with his palm, and stab Yin Zhi outrageously.

“It’s pretty fast.”

With a murmur in his heart, after avoiding the sting of the opponent, Yin Zhi returned a punch!

This fist hit the “White Light Man” directly on the head.

The “White Light Man” exploded instantly and disappeared without a trace.

Yin Zhi frowned.

The punch just now seemed to hit the air-there was no sense of hitting the real thing at all.

Next second…

One by one “White Light People” appeared around Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi is surrounded!

In silence.

The group of “white people” launched a fierce attack on Yin Zhi!

After a while, Yin Zhi frowned.

“Whose skill is this?”

“It’s a bit difficult!”

Those “white people” are very crisp.

A single blow would kill him.

But their attacks are extremely strong!

What’s more annoying is that after crushing and dispersing them, there will be new “white light people” who will condense and continue to join the battle group.

Yin Zhi used a big move to catch them all in one go.

But before he could catch his breath, more “white people” appeared and continued to besiege him.

In chaos.

Yin Zhi even had a feeling of being alone with thousands of troops.

“Who put this skill on earth?”


“They are the enemies made by’Phoenix’ to increase the difficulty?”

“Huh! Is it consuming? It depends on who is consuming!”

Yin Zhi took out the “Ruyi Scepter God Needle Iron” and swept a large piece!

Hit hitting.

Suddenly a visibly stronger “White Light Man” appeared outside the battle group!

It is different from other “white people”.

He held a white spear and threw it out forcefully.

The white light spear turned into a streamer and shot towards Yin Zhi.

In the melee, Yin Zhi keenly sensed the danger.

But there are too many “white people” around, which seriously interferes with his perception.

He immediately used the “Time Standstill” skill of the “Emperor of Time”.

After slipping out of the battle group, he saw the white spear and the strong “white man” throwing the spear.

Yin Zhi brazenly rushed over.

At the moment when the “time standstill” was lifted.

His “Ruyi Scepter God Needle Iron” hit the forehead of the strong “White Light Man”.

The smoke disappears…

at the same time.

The other “white people” also disappeared.

The enemy is gone.

But Yin Zhi’s frowning brows did not disappear.

“What are they?”

This question was just muttered by Yin Zhi.

The answer was sent to him.

“That’s a ‘Yuan people’.”

“A special existence formed by the condensation of Sage’s vitality!”

Yin Zhi suddenly turned his head and followed the reputation…

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