Chapter 843 She is the pill doctor Sage…In the War of All Saints, she was in the opposing camp!

Agree or disagree?

Of course “Phoenix” opposed it!

But she did not dare to speak out.

What really came out of her mouth was: “Agree! Agree!”

Yin Zhi said again: “After I go back, I will change my body. Did you hear that? I want to change to a beautiful one!”

“Phoenix” said weakly, “I heard…”

Snapped! !


Yin Zhi slapped her, but not in the face.

The sudden attack made “Phoenix” scream.

Yin Zhi had an evil smile on his face.

“Be good, do you remember?”

“As long as you are obedient, I’m still good at talking.”

“I eat soft but not hard, just like you… eat hard but not soft. Hehe.”

Looking at Yin Zhiyi’s pointed expression.

Listen to what he meant.

“Phoenix” was full of grief and anger in his heart.

I am a dignified “sage”, how come I have fallen to this point?


what is this?

Yin Zhi took out a piece of clothing and threw it to her.

“Put it on.”

“Let’s go back.”

“After I go back, I have something to tell you to do…”

Have something to tell me to do?

what’s up?

“Phoenix” murmured to himself.


Yin Zhi and “Phoenix” returned to “Phoenix City”.

“Phoenix”, as the lord of “Phoenix City”-“City of the Heavens”, is it not easy to find a physical body?

She can make one!

The hard part is to find a body that suits her heart!

But at the moment, how can she care about it?

Using the magical powers of the “City of the Heavens” to directly create a perfect body, then the “Phoenix Brand” was stamped into it.

In this way, Liu Siya successfully got rid of the control of “Phoenix”!

Put the sleeping Liu Siya into the “secret realm space” to rest.

Yin Zhi admired the “Phoenix” of the “new version of the ship”, looked left and right, kneading up and down, nodding in satisfaction.

“Yes, very good.”

“Medium look, just don’t know whether it’s not used in Chinese.”

Useful but not useful…Truth can come out of practice!

The results of practice have proved that it is not very useful.

The cannon hits the mosquitoes, how can the mosquitoes bear it?

Fortunately, Yin Zhi is really not going to kill mosquitoes…

At most it is to use a cannon to clarify a truth: I, dominate you!

“Didn’t you say there are a bunch of babies?”


“Take me a look at the treasures in’Zhentian City’.”

The miserable “Phoenix” took awkward steps and took Yin Zhi to the treasure house of “City of the Heavens”.

In other words…

Everything in “Zhu Tiancheng” is under her control.

Didn’t she think about killing Yin Zhi?


Of course I thought about it!

You know, in the “City of the Heavens”, she is the absolute god!

Had it not been taken away from the “City of Heaven” before.

“Phoenix” can definitely defeat Yin Zhi by himself!

Now he has returned to the “City of the Heavens”.

What are you afraid of? !


It occurred to him that he already had two “Three Wu Yulings” in his hand.

Think about his wrist again.

“Phoenix” flinched.

It’s nothing more than success.

But what if you lose?

Thinking of the end of failure…

“Phoenix” secretly advises himself not to act rashly, don’t be arrogant!


“Even if I have the strength of one ten thousandth…”

“Why did you end up like this?”

First he was injured in the “War of All Saints”.

Later, he suffered a “three plagues and nine disasters to destroy the world”.

After cutting it again and again, although it won’t be cut into a dog.

But her current strength is less than one-ten-thousandth of her heyday.

Don’t say anything else, just the “Phoenix Sacred Fire” that was set before!

In the heyday, let alone burn Yin Zhi, she could burn the entire universe!

It is precisely because my family knows about my family affairs.

How can she have the confidence and ambition to fight the “Holy Court”?

“Phoenix” silently took Yin Zhi to the treasure house.

The door to the extremely complex and mysterious treasure house opened.


Ambilight shot out from the cracks in the door.

Reflected in Yin Zhi’s eyes.

“Tsk tusk tusk tusk!”

He just glanced at it, and he couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

Yin Zhi stepped in, not afraid of traps.

The treasure house is not big or small.

Shelves are placed inside.

Various things are displayed on the shelves.

There is armor.

There are weapons.

There are utensils.

Various consumables, such as medicinal materials, forging materials, etc.

Medicinal materials?

Yin Zhi’s heart moved, and he summoned the “Pill Doctor Empress”.



“Pill Doctor Empress” appeared.

Immediately he yelled out of state.

“Pure Yang Promise Sand!”

“Taiyuan Fairy Spring!”

“Xuan Huang Qi!”

She yelled in front of the shelf with a pile of medicinal herbs, her expression exaggerated.

It was the first time Yin Zhi saw her so exaggerated.

Suddenly, she hugged a cauldron.



“It’s really Shennongding!”

“Boy, is this place of that fairy?”

“Do you know if you post it?”

Yin Zhi looked at her expectantly.

“Are there any medicinal materials for refining the’elixirs’?”



Gee, happy for nothing.

“Boy, what’s your expression?”

“Do you think the’Eternal Medicine Pill’ is a very advanced Medicine Pill?”

“Tsk tusk! It’s getting smaller! The structure is smaller, and the horizon is smaller!”

“A truly powerful person doesn’t need any’elixirs for life’ at all.”

“On the other hand, even if the average person takes the’Elixir of Immortality’, it is impossible to truly be immortal.”

“The mortal body cannot completely absorb the effects of Medicine Pill.”

“Only those who can’t get up and down need it.”

“And every one of the medicinal materials here is the world’s most treasure, and it can refine a peerless panacea!”

Yin Zhi was speechless by her.

I thought: Is my vision really smiling?

Yin Zhi glanced at the various medicinal materials on the shelf.

“Then what Medicine Pill can you make from them?”

The “Pill Doctor Empress” held up a cloud of dark yellow gas.

“This is’Xuan Huang Qi’.”

“It’s a treasure that can only be produced at the moment the world is born!”

“Using it, you can develop the’One Qi Xuan Huang Dan’.”

“Ascension’s strength and longevity needless to say.”

“Even if you are beaten up, you can be resurrected!”

Can the soul be resurrected?

So bullish?

Yin Zhi quickly asked her if she could refine it.

“It can be.”

“But this is not my’skill’.”

“Even if there is a’Shen Nong Ding’, the chance of failure is not small.”

“In addition, some other medicinal materials are needed.”

Yin Zhi made a decision immediately.


“I will prepare medicinal materials, it doesn’t matter if you fail!”


“Pill Doctor Empress” reported other medicinal materials.

Yin Zhi was pleasantly surprised to find that the medicinal materials she said were available in the “Advanced System Store”!

Yin Zhi again found a floating island in the “Ukiyo-eScroll” to let the “Pill Refining Empress” concentrate on pill refining…

He is about to continue to visit.

“Phoenix” said: “The one just now was also your Yuling?”

“Yes! Why, do you know her too? Don’t be hesitant, just say anything.”

“She is’Pill Doctor Sage’… In the’War of All Saints’, she is in the opposing camp!”

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