Chapter 844 I am me! Different fireworks! Don’t worship me!


Hostile camp?

Yin Zhi was taken aback when he heard Phoenix’s words.

The “War of All Saints” is mainly the participation of three parties.

It’s all because of the conceptual surprises about how to manage the “Big One World”.

According to “Pangu”.

One party insists on absolute control of the “big one world”.

The other party stated that it pursues “rule by doing nothing.”

The third release is to follow the “comprehensive approach.”

Yin Zhi could not remember that “Pangu” clearly stated which side he belonged to.

But now it seems that he and Phoenix are clearly in the same camp.

And now.

Phoenix said that “Pill Medicine Empress” was once “Pill Medicine Sage”.

Still belong to the “hostile camp”?

Be good!

I have gotten “hostile” people from both sides here?

Both sides of “hostile to each other” actually responded to my sympathy and call?

It’s me!

Thinking about this, Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

Yin Zhi’s heart suddenly moved…

He asked: “Do you know all the saints who participated in the’War of All Saints’?”

Phoenix nodded.

“As long as they have appeared on the battlefield, I know them all.”

Yin Zhi said, “That’s good! Come on, recognize people!”

With that said, he summoned the “Emperor in White”.

Phoenix was surprised: “The Saint in White?!”

“The Lady in White” embraced Yin Zhi as soon as she appeared.

Upon hearing Phoenix’s exclamation, he asked, “Who is she?”

Yin Zhi felt very good to be held by the sensual “woman in white”.

“She is a passerby.”

After speaking, he summoned the “Machine Empress” again.

She was as clever as ever: “Master, what’s your order?”

Phoenix looked shocked, and his eyes widened: “Machine…Machinery Sage?!”

Following, is the “Empress Empress”.

As soon as she appeared, she naturally inevitably had a “tiger and wolf word”.

Phoenix was dumbfounded.

Yin Zhi asked her if she recognized “Empress Empress”, and Phoenix reacted.

“She… She is the Holy King of the Void…”


Yin Zhi summoned his “Holy Spirit Nine Star Female Emperor” one by one to Phoenix.

as predicted!

Those “Holy Spirit Nine Star Female Emperors” turned out to be “Holy Ones”!

Recognizing the back, Phoenix was numb.

It wasn’t until Yin Zhi poked her several times that she came back to her senses…


“How can this be?!”


Phoenix stared at Yin Zhi with wide eyes.

“who are you!?”

Yin Zhi shook his head, his movements were very cool.

“I am who I am.”

“Different fireworks!”

“Don’t worship me!”

Immediately asked: “How? Seeing that I took out so many ‘Holy Spirit Nine Star Female Emperor’, do you have any thoughts or thoughts?”

Phoenix opened his mouth, but only let out a breath…

It was completely speechless.

After that, her expression changed to hesitating and stopping.

Yin Zhi said, “Don’t hide it. Just say whatever you think.”

Phoenix moved his lips and spoke obediently.

“I just thought you were the reincarnation of the’Holy Lord’.”

“But even if the’Holy Lord’ is reincarnated, you can only be the’Holy Lord’ of one party.”

“But you have summoned the’sages’ who are hostile to each other…”

“This is obviously impossible!”

Yin Zhi was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

“It seems that it’s because I’m too good!”

This is of course Yin Zhi’s self-ridicule.

After speaking, he stopped talking to Phoenix.

“Tian Zhao should have recognized them long ago.”

“Hmph, how dare you conceal it!”

“Look back to see how I cleaned up her!”

Muttered in his heart, he continued to wander in the treasure house.

Phoenix followed suit.

As she said.

All in the treasure chest were left by the 108 Sage.

Those Sages are ready to be reborn when the time is right.

These precious artifacts will continue to be theirs.

Unfortunately, none of them withstood the “three plagues and nine disasters”.

Now these precious artifacts are naturally cheaper than Yin Zhi.

But take a walk around.

Yin Zhi only found a treasure that he liked and used—the Vientiane Buddha Battle Armor!


The “Eight Pieces of the Saint Chef” were given to the “Emperor Fairy Chef”!

“Promise Wound Heaven Mech” was given to “Mecha Empress”!

“Shifang Thunder Tribulation Whip” was given to “Pili Empress”!

Etc., etc.

As long as it can be used, it is a treasure of manpower!

Even so, there are still remaining treasures in the treasure house.

I can’t use it, and I can’t take it with you—they are all treasures, containing the supreme aura. “Sumeru Mountain Rings” and “Ukiyo-e scrolls” cannot be installed at all—as if they can only exist temporarily. In the treasure house.

That won’t work!

Here comes the treasure house, it is not my style not to empty the treasure house!

But how should the problem of not being taken away be solved?

After thinking about it, Yin Zhi finally thought of a solution…


smoke! Yu! spirit!

Other imperial spirits can merge the treasures to take those treasures away.

So as long as you draw out the right spirits that are suitable for those treasures, won’t the problem of not taking the treasures be perfectly solved?

“As expected of me!”

“I came up with such a wonderful idea.”

Do what you want!

It just so happened that I haven’t drawn since the last 16 consecutive draws.

We have to see how many consecutive draws can be done with our current strength…

Yin Zhi summoned the “Ukiyo-e scroll” and pulled Phoenix into it.

On a floating mountain with beautiful scenery and a fairyland, Yin Zhi began to draw Yuling.

Before the start, he proudly said to Phoenix, “Believe it or not, I can get the’Holy Spirit Nine Star Empress’?”

Phoenix’s first reaction was naturally not to believe it.

But I thought of the piles of “Holy Spirit Nine Star Imperial Spirits” summoned by Yin Zhi before.

She loosened her heart when she didn’t believe it…


Under the gaze of Phoenix’s big, bright eyes.

The “Holy Spirit Crystals” turned into light spots in Yin Zhi’s hands and dissipated.




Phoenix counted Yin Zhi silently.

Counting to “twenty-five”, Yin Zhi stopped and didn’t continue.

Why not continue?

Because Yin Zhi has clearly noticed tiredness.

He thinks he can continue to pump, but think about it, it is not necessary.

Why rush to this moment?

Take a break, we can continue tomorrow!


Yin Zhi usually took Phoenix’s shoulders with “good brothers”, left the “Ukiyo-e scroll” and returned to the treasure house.

“come and see.”

“Look at my newly drawn Yu Ling, do you recognize it.”

With that, Yin Zhi’s fingertips bloomed with brilliance…

Soon, Phoenix’s eyes opened wide.


“Dazhi Sage…”

“The Great Sage…”

One by one, Yu Ling, who was once Sage and is now the “Holy Spirit Nine Star Empress”, appeared in front of Phoenix.


Phoenix is ​​completely numb!

“how so?”

“Who is he… on earth?”

“Why do so many former female Sages respond to his call…”

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