Chapter 852: Good Risk, Good Risk, Good Risk! Come a few days later, this mission will simply fail!

Yin Zhi hung up Yin Lihua’s communication…

Tell her about Xue Xue.

It not only gave her a surprise, but also calmed her heart, and made them mentally prepared.

Originally, Yin Zhi wanted to talk to the children.

But Yin Lihua said that it was late at night over there, and the children were already asleep.

Yin Zhi could only give up.

Not in a hurry!

Anyway, it’s time to go back after finishing the business here.

Either Yin Lihua, Qin Aunt, or Dongfang teacher…

There are also many children.

He missed it tightly.

“Damn it!”

“If it weren’t for the’Holy Court’ hanging over his head, who would be willing to run around?”

“It’s not enough to support it! Isn’t it not fragrant to hold your wife to tease the baby?!”


There are clues to “Mom”.

Going to the “Han Yang Emperor Mausoleum”, I thought it would be a bit rewarding.

However, he ran to another world by mistake, and entered the “City of the Heavens”, and also foreseen Zhao Zheng in it…

Thinking about the experience during this period of time, it is really enough to “open your mind”.

As a result, there has been no gain at all.

A ghostly messenger, Yin Zhi asked Zhao Zheng, “Have you ever seen someone who makes you lose your face?”

Zhao Zheng said: “Yes!”

Before Yin Zhi showed a happy expression, Zhao Zheng poured cold water on him.

“My face is blind. My memory is not good.”

“Unless I stand in front of me, I can’t remember most of them.”

“You too.”

Yin Zhi was speechless.

“Tian Xing Shuo” slowly landed among the mountains.

There is a small village like a paradise here.

With the beautiful scenery, Yin Zhi couldn’t help but marvel at the natural beauty.

It is different from the people in the “Cangwu Continent” whose Life is on the back of the giant beast.

The people in this small village are Life on the ground.

Looking around, you can also see the cultivated fields.

Now seems to be the harvest season.

As soon as the wind blows, the golden wheat ears rippling with golden waves.

The appearance of the two Yin Zhi naturally attracted people’s attention.

At this time!

Twelve people suddenly appeared in front of Yin Zhi and Zhao Zheng.

Yin Zhi raised his brows, and a playful smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Because two of those twelve people are “old friends”…

Zhao Zheng’s chin was slightly raised, and he said with great momentum: “The king of heaven covers the tiger!”

A tall, beautiful and cold woman said: “Tomato scrambled eggs!”


Yin Zhi’s eyes twitched.

What kind of messy codes are these?

Zhao Zheng said: “I am Zhao Zheng.”

The twelve men and women immediately saluted: “Welcome the master!”

Yin Zhi noticed that they didn’t have much sincerity in their salutes, they were a bit blunt and mechanical.

No wonder!

It is unknown how many years ago Zhao Zheng buried this “chess piece”.

It would be nice to be able to welcome Zhao Zheng and shout “Master”.

Zhao Zheng said: “Well! Go, go to the house and talk business!”

She strode towards a house in the style of the “Qing Empire Age”.

Others naturally follow.

Yin Zhi’s eyes floated on those two “old friends”.

His gaze naturally attracted the attention of the two people, and they turned to look at him.

Yin Zhi waved hello to them with a bright smile.

They just pretended not to see them, and continued to follow Zhao Zheng.

He secretly “hehe”.

They knew “Anton Lane” with green ears and green tail.

But it’s not his earless, tailless Yin Zhi!

That’s right.

Those two “old friends” of Yin Zhi are Daili Hepburn and Wang Xinran!

Among them, Delly Hepburn also had in-depth exchanges with him…

The friendship with Wang Xinran is not shallow, and I have eaten noodles from her!


When Yin Zhi learned that the “Dead Poetry Society” turned out to be Zhao Zheng’s handwriting, he was really surprised.

That was, Yin Zhi naturally had a lot of doubts in his heart.

For example, when was the “Dead Poetry Society” established.

Another example is how Zhao Zhengming was in the “City of the Heavens” and how did he remotely control the chess pieces.

For another example, how did Zhao Zheng know that the “Cang Martial Saint Turtle” is at stake.

Yin Zhi naturally asked Zhao Zheng.

But how did Zhao Zheng answer?

“Want to know?”

“I won’t tell you!”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes straight.

I thought, “If you don’t tell me, you won’t tell me, making it as if you can anger me.”

Now I see Dai Li Hepburn and Wang Xinran.

Yin Zhi’s thoughts became alive again…

A group of people entered the house.

Zhao Zheng took a seat on the main seat.

The others also took their own positions.

There is no seat for Yin Zhi.

He simply “transformed” into a chair and sat down with his left ankle resting on his right knee, shaking his leg.

Zhao Zheng directly ignored Yin Zhi and said, “Now you can speak freely. Come and tell me everything you know.”

She was in the “City of the Heavens” before.

Information transfer is very difficult.

You can only communicate through limited text.

Now that I’m face to face, I can say as much as I want.

Delly Hepburn converged her personality, took out a map, and explained what she had learned so far…

Yin Zhian listened quietly.

And get a panoramic view of the pictures that Delly Hepburn took out.

The picture is the map of the entire “Cangwu Continent”!

It’s simple, but it has everything that should be there.

Thirty-six red circles are drawn on it.

Although there is no special label.

But Yin Zhi knew that it was the location of the thirty-six “Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Array”.

“The efficiency of work is really high!”

“I only found one three years ago, and I was almost dead.”

“After three years, we will find all the 30 big formations.”

Yin Zhi secretly remembered the position of the 36 “Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Array” in his heart.

Delly Hepburn began to introduce in detail the people who secretly laid the “swallowing heaven and eating the earth”.

“The White Snake Lord” Haoji Kuba.

“Red Crab Lord” Sai Bawang.

Etc., etc.

Basically, “Cangwu Continent” lords with names and surnames have a share.

“I don’t know if I can beat them all with my current strength…”

After going to the “City of the Heavens”, Yin Zhi also gained a lot of confidence and was very proud!

At this moment, Yin Zhi heard a familiar and unfamiliar name.

“And’Lord of the Blue Whale’ Rorschach Lane…”

Rorschach Lane!


Isn’t he the daddy of Anton Lane?

The image of a barbarian appeared in Yin Zhi’s mind.

That guy actually has a share?

“System, when you posted the task, did you detect that Rorschach Lane was doing three things?”

Death-seeking system: “Didi! Please complete the task by the host, this system has no comment!”

Yin Zhi curled his lips.

“According to the intelligence we have heard now.”

“They are going to launch the’Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Array’ at the same time at twelve o’clock in the evening at Houtian.”

“…Above, I’m finished.”

Yin Zhi’s eyelids twitched.

Houtian at twelve o’clock in the evening? !

so close!

Good insurance, good insurance, good insurance!

Come a few days later, this mission will simply fail!

At this time…

The “Dangdangdang” metal crash sounded loudly, resounding throughout the small village!

Dai Li Hepburn shouted: “The enemy attack—”

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