Chapter 853 You are the No. 1 annihilation mercenary group? Not so much!

The sirens of the impact of gold and iron linger in my ears…

Everyone under the beam changed their expressions.

“I will solve them!”

A burly, honest-faced young man stood up.

Just when he was about to leave.

“I’ll go, I’ll go.”

“You guys keep talking.”

An abrupt voice came over, it was Yin Zhi!

Zhao Zheng glanced at Yin Zhi, but he was not at all polite.

“Let him go.”

“Let’s continue.”

“Where did you go?”

Yin Zhi stepped out, and when he looked at it, he suddenly screamed.

Suddenly, four huge beasts swooped down from the mountain in the distance.

One of them resembles a scorpion, and the other three have never been seen by Yin Zhi.


Killing intent!

With Yin Zhi’s eyesight, he naturally saw the people on the backs of the four huge beasts.

From a distance, each one is fierce and evil.

Obviously, this is an enemy attack, not an ordinary beast invasion.

The people in this paradise mountain village are not good people either.

Throwing down their hatchets, hoes, etc., they began to summon Yu Ling.

The summoning circles lit up in the fields one by one.


“Unexpectedly, there are idiots living on the ground in this world!”

“Idiot don’t waste air alive.”

“Daddy all go to death!”

The arrogant laughter came from a distance, and the sound was quite loud, resounding all over the world.

Yin Zhi curled his lips.

He mumbled, “So arrogant, looking for death!”

He was about to make a move when he suddenly saw two town house stone beasts in front of the gate.

Suddenly, he walked over.

The stone beast of the town house of several thousand catties was easily lifted by him.



Just like kicking a ball, Yin Zhi kicked the town house stone beast away.

Another town house stone beast also suffered the same treatment.

The latter stone beast hit the former stone beast, and there was a loud bang, and the broken stones splashed out in all directions.

The four huge fierce beasts were just within the range of the rubble.

The stone that contained Yin Zhi’s kick hit the huge fierce beast.

The fierce beasts immediately yelled in pain and anger.

Even the people on the fierce beasts suffered, were shot to death or wounded on the spot!

There was a roar and scream immediately.


“court death!”

“Kill them for me!”

A group of people was furious.

Pong pong! !

Suddenly a mysterious and pleasant sound rang.

Immediately attracted the attention and attention of the attacker.

They followed the prestige and saw a person strolling along calmly.

And that “pong pong” sound originated from the metal rod in that person’s hand.

Standing on the back of a giant beast and looking down, the person is as small as an ant.


“Where are you guys?”

“How dare you run to daddy to show off your power.”

Yin Zhi’s words immediately ignited the anger of the attacker.

“Leave it to me, this kid!”

“Look at how I killed you!”

“Devil Mountain Giant Scorpion” roared on his back, and jumped directly down, as if a meteorite hit Yin Zhi.

That might…

If you change ordinary people, Tie will definitely die.

But Yin Zhi is obviously not an ordinary person.

Facing the person who fell down like a meteor.

Yin Zhi clasped the “Ruyi Scepter God Needle Iron” with both hands and assumed a pose ready to wave.

“Hahahaha, die—”

A fierce face appeared in front of Yin Zhi.

In his hand, a huge machete four times the length of his own, slashed according to Yin Zhi!

“Didi! You got 9 super kill points from an unknown object, please check!”


Yin Zhi’s eyes twitched.


Is it 9 o’clock? !

Damn, send a beggar!

“Go to f*ck!”

Yin Zhi waved the “Ruyi Scepter” in his hand and hit the target!

Pong——! !

A loud noise erupted.

It directly overwhelmed the scream of the person being beaten.

He flew directly to the horizon, completely and completely disappeared…

This scene immediately stunned the others.

A dignified “deputy head”!

Yuling Grand Great Master!

It’s just like that… was beaten up? !

Pong pong!

Yin Zhi smashed the black stick in his hand: “Who else wants to do it?”




The people who were still clamoring before are silent at the moment.

One blow to fly the “Grand Great Master”, this strength is enough to silence them.

“Boy, a little skill.”

There was a condescending voice.

A person hovered directly above Yin Zhi.

She was a one-eyed woman with dark skin, a fiery figure and a naked dress, with a scar on her face.


Alternative beauties!

But it was no longer in Yin Zhi’s eyes.

He “hehe” smiled.

The one-eyed girl licked her lips, her face was grinning, wary.

“Then let me learn your skills.”

“I hope you don’t let me down…”

She just finished speaking.

A big black rod hit her forehead, directly knocking her down from the sky.

Pong! ! !

The sound is still beautiful and pleasant.

“It’s so cool to beat people with’Ruyi Scepter’

Accompanied by a loud noise.

The one-eyed girl smashed a huge hole in the ground.

Even her one-eye mask had come off-clearly not blind, she wore a blindfold on purpose.

But even if it is not blind.

There was also a glare in front of her eyes at this time, and she couldn’t see clearly.




A more dead silence filled the assailants.

The deputy head of the Grand Great Master was beaten with a stick.

As the head of the “Sage Master of the Spirits”, even… also…

For a while, the minds of the attackers went blank.

Yin Zhi fell to the wild woman and poked her in the face with a big black stick.

“How about it?”

“Have you learned how powerful my big black stick is?”

The woman looked at Yin Zhi and said, “Who are you…?”

There is no such person in the information given by the “employer”!

Where did he come out?


“Are you wrong? I should have asked you this, right?”

“Who are you guys?”

The woman pursed her lips and said nothing.

Yin Zhi pushed the “Ruyi Scepter God Needle Iron” hard, as if to pierce her cheek.

“Did not say?”

“you sure?”

The woman gritted her teeth and stared at Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi sighed and said, “Then there is no way.”

As he said, he raised the “Ruyi Scepter” and hit the woman’s head.


The big black stick pressed against her head and stopped.

“I say!”

“I… I said!”

“We are from the’annihilation mercenary group’.”

“Someone hired us and asked us to erase this village.”

“But we don’t know who the employer is.”

Yin Zhi frowned.

“Annihilate the mercenary group?”


“You are the first annihilated mercenary group in the legend?”

“Not so much!”

The woman’s face flushed instantly…

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