Chapter 855 The information is wrong! Those bastards are now devouring the vitality of the blue Martial Saint turtle!

“I haven’t shaken yet.”

“Why is this ground shaking?”

Feel the moment of a strong earthquake.

Yin Zhi murmured.

As for the specific meaning of his complaints…

Naturally understand.

Just in time.

With a sound, Zhao Zheng’s door opened from inside.

“good night.”

Yin Zhiyan greeted Zhao Zheng with his teeth.

Zhao Zheng glanced at him, then strode into the yard.

The brow furrowed, and the distance between the two eyebrows was narrowed.

The earthquake is continuing.

And the intensity is getting bigger and bigger.

at the same time.

The sound of “buzzing” came from all directions.

Upon hearing this sound…

Yin Zhi felt inexplicably depressed.

It was as if a big rock was pressing on his chest.

Can’t hear the specific sound.

Like the sound of the wind, but also like the howl of some kind of beast.

Yin Zhi couldn’t help but mumbled: “It’s a good earthquake.”

Zhao Zheng suddenly turned to Yin Zhi and said, “Give me Shan Haiyin!”

Yin Zhi said, “What are you doing? That’s mine.”

Zhao Zheng shouted: “Quick!”

Seeing Zhao Zheng’s serious and fierce expression, Yin Zhi curled his lips and took out the “Mountain and Sea Seal” to her.

Zhao Zheng grabbed the “Shanhaiyin” and sat cross-legged on the floor.

This “Shan Haiyin” was originally Zhao Zheng’s.

So she used it naturally and very smoothly.

Yin Zhi whispered to himself: “Why do you want’Shan Haiyin’ all of a sudden?”

As he turned his mind, he seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly changed.


What is the role of “Shanhaiyin”?

Overlooking the mountains and seas from the perspective of the gods above!

Zhao Zheng’s “Shan Hai Jing” is going to pass, obviously he wants to overlook the “Cangwu Continent”.

Why do you want to overlook the “Cangwu Continent”?

Get in touch with what’s going to happen in the near future.

The answer is ready to come out…

Zhao Zheng suspected that the “Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Array” had been launched!

May I ask, how could Yin Zhi not change color?

Yin Zhi secretly cursed “do”.

“Didn’t you say you want to go to Houtian?”

“Is it ahead of schedule, or is the information inaccurate?”

Boast! ! !

A crack suddenly appeared in the yard.

It spread directly in front of Zhao Zheng.

At this time, the intensity of the earthquake was strong enough to crack the ground!

Yin Zhi quickly hugged Zhao Zheng away.

Zhao Zheng was awakened and said, “What are you doing?”

Faced with her aggressive tone, Yin Zhi also said coldly: “Take advantage of you. Could you save you?”

Zhao Zheng saw the cracks on the ground.

There was another “click”.

The crack spread out instantly.

Just give Zhao Zheng’s room a share!

Fortunately, Yin Zhi has the ability to hang in the air.

Zhao Zheng broke free from Yin Zhi’s arms.

“The information is wrong!”

“That group of bastards are now devouring the vitality of the’Blue Martial Saint Turtle’!”

Yin Zhi’s eyes stared.


“What are you waiting for?”

“Hurry up and save people…no, save the turtle!”

Did you make a mistake?

Such critical information is actually wrong.

Dammit, I would act sooner if I knew it.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, he took the “Shan Hai Yin” back, and then took out the “Tian Xing Shuo”.

“Split up!”

“I am on the right, you are on the left!”

Zhao Zheng finished drinking, and “Xuanyuan Emperor Dao Sword” shot out.

She jumped up and stepped on the “Xuanyuan Emperor Dao Sword”, turning into a stream of light and disappearing instantly.

At this time, her “prolonged cancer” healed instantly.

It turned out that the “transportation tool” Zhao Zheng said was her sword.

Yin Zhi also got into the “Tian Xing Shuo.”

“Wait for me!”

At the moment when the “Sky Travel Shuttle” was about to close.

Two figures one after the other shot into the “Skywalking Shuttle”.

It is Dai Li Hepburn and Wang Xinran.

“What are you doing up here?”

“Go down.”

“I am going to fight, not to go sightseeing.”

Dai Li Hepburn said: “Is the’Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Formation’ launched in advance? I want to go too!”

Wang Xinran also said: “There is still me!”

Yin Zhi has no time and effort to spend on them now.

Just go, don’t bother to care about them!

Delly Hepburn said again: “Wait a minute! Bring other people with you.”

Yin Zhi said: “What do you bring with you? Will you be a cheerleader for me?”

Say it!

He put on a manipulating helmet and controlled the “Sky Shuttle” soaring into the sky.

Toward the nearest “swallowing heaven and shining earth formation”.

Delly Hepburn furrowed her brows and her face was anxious.

“how so?”

“Obviously we have repeatedly confirmed that it is Houtian.”

“Why did it suddenly start today.”

Wang Xinran said: “They must be connected in series, and then deliberately released false news to mislead us.”

Yin Zhi suddenly inserted his mouth: “It’s also possible that you have a traitor.”

The faces of Wang Xinran and Dai Li Hepburn changed.

Dai Li Hepburn immediately shouted: “This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

Yin Zhi curled his lips: “How can there be any absolutes in this world?”

Delly Hepburn flushed with anger.

“My brothers and sisters are absolutely impossible to betray!”

Yin Zhicai was too lazy to argue with her.

“All right.”

“It’s useless to say it now.”

“It’s better to stop those people from harming the ‘Blue Martial Saint Turtle’.”

Delly Hepburn pursed her lips silently.

Wang Xinran pulled her down and comforted her softly.

“Don’t worry about Big Sister. Everything will be fine.”


The speed of “Sky Travel Shuttle” is quite fast!

In less than ten minutes, he rushed to the place where the nearest “Swallowing Heaven and Earth Array” was located.

What a coincidence!

It is the one located in the “Red Crab Collar” Wangjia Mine.

The three of Yin Zhi had been here at the time, destroying the “Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Formation”.

Apparently it has been repaired again.

at this time!

The entire “swallowing heaven and eating earth array” is shrouded in a dreamlike dazzling brilliance.

Streams of light flowed out from the top of the surrounding high towers, and gathered in the very center like a whirlpool – there was a person suspended there.

The colorful streamers gathered on him!

It is the lord of the “Red Crab Collar”, Sai Bawang!

“You two stay here and don’t move.”

“Damn it!”

“If you don’t hammer you a bag today, daddy is your dad!”

Yin Zhi’s mood is undoubtedly very bad.

What these bastards are doing is taking away his “death-finding system” in a disguised form?

The significance of the “finding death system” to Yin Zhi can be imagined.

Then his anger towards these guys like Saibawang is even more conceivable!

Yin Zhi grabbed the “Ruyi Scepter God Needle Iron” and rushed out of the “Tian Xing Shuo”.

But it was stopped by someone.

It is Sai Feihong, the son of Sai Bawang.

“Haha! Come on! Have a good time!”

One of his fists blasted past Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi waved his stick.

With a loud “pong” sound, Sai Feihong flew to the sky…

This is because his subordinates have shown mercy.

When approaching the “Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Formation”, a soft and tough barrier blocked Yin Zhi.

“Want to block me?”

“Huh, can you stop it?”

Yin Zhi held up the “Ruyi Scepter God Needle Iron”, and with a thought, it instantly became bigger and longer.

“Eat me a great!!!”

Yin Zhi yelled, swiping the thick and long black stick and swept it over…

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